Blog Silence and Pretty Songs
Hey all.
Yeah, a couple of you have commented that it has slowed down around here.
Guess I’ve just been pretty busy with life off the page. Family. Ministry. Triathlons.
I’ve read several posts recently that have commented on the number of high profile bloggers who have quieted their bogs for good or for a time. There are a couple that I read that have done this. Perhaps it’s time for a season of blog sabbath on the web.
So after thinking about that, and since I know you all think of me when you hear the phrase “hgh profile blogger” (sarcasm noted), I thought I should let you all know, I am not taking a break. (Collective sigh of relief?) It’s been more unintentional here. I’ve just been lazy. But the posts will be coming and I’d be happy to take some of their traffic during the hiatises. ;) (I don’t think that’s a word.)
I realize I haven’t even properly introduced you all to the new addition to the family, and it’s been over 3 weeks. So I’ll work on gettin the posts rollin some more for y’all.
In the meantime, here’s a little cartoon from Naked Pastor to provide some food for thought. Feel free to share those thoughts with us. See ya…tomorrow?