09 February 2008 ~ 0 Comments

Day 2 Hightlights – Part 2

Lane Motor Museum


On Wednesday afternoon we all visited Lane Motor Museum in Nashville for an exercise in creativity.  As we showed up we had some time to look around and enjoy looking at some very interesting vehicles like these:


Or this one that burned coal above the front tires for fuel:


Randy’s daughter had been here on a trip with a class from her design college, and her teacher gave us a handout and walked us through the same exercise they had been through.  After sharing this story with us (seriously, go read it) he encouraged us to walk around and really take in the design elements of each vehicle and think about how and why things were created.  It was a great reminder of all the creativity and design that goes into so many of the mundane things we take for granted everyday.  There are so many things to pull inspiration from that I consistently walk right by.

On a few side notes, there were some other fun vehicles that grabbed me.  Like I’ve said before, everyone in Santa Cruz has gotta have a gimmick.  I found mine.  I want to roll around Pac Ave in this car!


Of course, I figured I’m already more likely to see this car in Santa Cruz, sticker and all:


Rachel wouldn’t mind something amphibious though:


And of course, a special wing with some perfect rides for our bike ridin pastor:


Anchor Fellowship With 15 EMI Songwriters

EMI hosted a night at Anchor Fellowship where we had another amazing meal and a night of tons of music and worship from 15 songwriters who were there on a songwriters retreat.  Some of the writers included Vicky Beeching, Matt Maher, Michael Gungor, Mark Byrd, Steve Fee, and several others.  Just check out the pics and see if you recognize a couple:


Here’s some fun worship with a great new song I really enjoyed from Matt Maher:

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