26 February 2008 ~ 0 Comments

Life Group Story #1


We’ve had our Life Groups at CLC up and running as we now know them for about 6 months.  One thing I am not always so great at is celebrating the successes of ministry.  It is often too easy for me to see what isn’t as good as I want it to be.

We recently had our first huddle with all of our life group leaders.  We see life groups as a key element in the church, believing that life change happens in the context of relationship.  Wanting to encourage our leaders and show them where we are succeeding, I went out on a limb and emailed the people I knew had been involved in life groups to ask one simple question: how has being a part of  life group effected your life?

It turned out to be a huge encouragement to me as well.  So, I thought it would be fun to share some pieces of some of the emails I got here.  A chance to share where our life groups are succeeding, to celebrate, and to encourage some of you who may be in the same place at your church.  So I’ll share 1 email a day for the rest of this week.  The first one is a little general, but gives a small glimpse of why we do life groups:

I feel  an intimate relationship with the people in group.  We can share and pray together; you can sense the love and care we have for each other.  The members share from their hearts; we’re getting to really know them…family, ideas, thoughts, hurts, needs, etc.

And what the heck…one more general one for today…a Tuesday bonus.

I look forward to spending time with the group of folks in our life group. I have gotten to know people from CLC that I would not have even thought to approach. I consider these folks my friends. I always get something out of the group. I appreciate hearing their life stories. My life is richer for knowing them.

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