15 December 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Reflections On The Real Presence With Albert Edward Day

albert edward day“But God is present in reality no matter what unreality our practices and our ponderings imply.  He is forever trying to establish communication; forever aware of the wrong directions we are taking and wishing to warn us; forever offering solutions for the problems that baffle us; forever standing at the door of our loneliness, eager to bring us such comradeship as the most intelligent living mortal could not supply; forever clinging to our indifference in the hope that someday our needs, or at least our tagedies will waken us to respond to his advances.  The Real Presence is just that, real and life transforming.  Nor are the conditions for the manifestations of his splendors out of the reach of any of us!  Here they are’ otherness, openness, obedience, obsession.”

-From The Captivating Presence (via this prayer guide)

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