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My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

30 November 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Keep On Giving Thanks

Once a year we take a few days to really focus on giving thanks for all that God has done and is doing in our lives.  A week has passed since that day.  my question is: Are you still giving thanks?  We talked about it in our Consumed worship teaching series, but Being thankful to God is more than something we should do once in a while.  Rather it is a way of life for us as worshippers of God.  So, here’s a little reminder to keep on being mindful to thank God for what he’s doing.

Last Wednesday night we had our annual Thanksgiving Eve service, Give Thanks.  You already got to see the dance from that evening.  The greatest part of that service, though, is the time we allow for Revolution attenders to share what they are thankful for this year.  After a time of hearing about the need to be thankful for even the difficult times, people came forward to give thanks for both the great stuff and the tough stuff.

So I didn’t want too much time to go by without posting this video.  It is an amazing reflection of all the changed lives here in our community.  Take a few minutes to check these out and hear just how awesome God is.

So…it’s a week after Thanksgiving weekend.  What do you want to continue to thank God for?

30 November 2006 ~ 3 Comments

Office Makeover

If there’s one thing that nobody can ever accuse me of being, it’s organized, neat, or tidy.  I guess that’s technically three things.  So when my office gets to the point where it even drives me insane, I know that something desperately needs to be done.

It was about time to clean up and even do a little reorganizing and shifting around of desks and equipment, so I spent some time yesterday morning doing just that.  Because I figure it really probably is worse than you’re imagining, I took some before and after pictures with my phone.  Check it out:

BEFORE                                                    AFTER
112206_1006                112906_1044


I already feel more productive and put together again.  Now I need to spruce it up with some island decor! 

While I recognize that I will never EVER be Mr. Organization Extraordinaire, I can at least, hopefully, keep it from ever getting as bad as it was again.  Now…back to work!

24 November 2006 ~ 2 Comments


Thanksgiving was good.  Today it’s tough to move, though, after playing capture the flag til 1 am Wednesday night and a couple hours of full contact tackle football early Thursday morning.  Man I’m outta shape…and older every year!

Wednesday night we had an awesome Thanksgiving Eve service.  Several times now we have had the opportunity to have Amanda Griffin dance.  Once with Laura Thompson and then again on her own.  this service her and Heather Myrick put together an amazing piece for us to worship to, with Jamie Petersen singing Gratitude by Nichole Nordeman. 

Whenever I’ve watched them dance during service it helps me to worship and feel so close to God as I watch their art.  Thank you to all of you for sharing your gift with us!  Watch the video below to check it out.  Enjoy!


22 November 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Capture The Flag

Alright Revolution peeps, and anybody else reading who isn’t to far away to come join us for that matter.  Charlie Garrison is startin up a new Thanksgiving tradition that he’s brought over from Texas (I guess there may be something useful to come out of that dreadful state).  Tonight we play Capture the Flag!

Come one, come all.  The more the merrier.  We’ll be playing after our Thanksgiving Eve service, which means probably around 9:30 or 10:00 pm.  I think the plan is to do it around the corner from our pad at Sunshine Park in Cerritos. 

So come on out and join us!  Let me know if you need directions or more information.  So, who’s in?

21 November 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Thanksgiving Videocast

This past Sunday, we got a taste of our first videocast in preperation for our multiple campuses.  It was lots of fun to experience and see it in action.  For this one I played the campus pastor role to see that in action as well.  Check out the video here.

It was made with these new toys tools we got for these.



20 November 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Stranger Than Fiction


Rachel’s mom was in town today, so she watched Caleb and Rachel and I were able to go on our first date in months!  It was so great to hang out and talk about life.  So it was dinner and a movie with some amazing gifts we got last month for Pastor Appreciation Month (thank life groups…felt really appreciated and were really blessed to get to be together!).

The movie we saw was Stranger Than Fiction starring Will Ferrell.  When reviewing this movie, I couldn’t help but compare it to Click.  I went to see that movie several months ago cause I was in the mood for a comedy.  In that one, they made an effort to make a profound point, and in my opinion it just got really depressing and I didn’t enjoy it at all cause I just wanted to laugh.  I’m reminded of that because this movie had a cool point to it as well, but was still encouraging, fun, and entertaining.  Not very dirty at all with the exception of a few sexual references. 

Rachel and I were just saying how it wasn’t really typical, goofy Will Ferrell, but we both really enjoyed it.  I would recommend it, and Rachel liked it, but also said it can wait for video.

13 November 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Better Late Than Never

Here we go.  I finally caught up with getting my weigh ins up.  Here they are.  The next one shouldn’t be far behind.


13 November 2006 ~ 3 Comments

Daddy Dressed Me Today…



…and man I look hot!!

10 November 2006 ~ 1 Comment

World RPS


This is for real.

Live from Toronto.
$10,000 Canadian.
$8,840 US.
1 champion.

Unfortunately I’m booked tomorrow.  but next year, I just may be here.  Check out the promo video:

And here’s some footage from the first one:

I’m thinkin next year, I’ll start my own Bloody Knuckles World Championship.  Who’s in?

09 November 2006 ~ 10 Comments

Caption Anyone?

So this is a picture of Caleb and his cousin Ryan from when they met a few weeks ago.  I was looking at it again and it just cracks me up cause they totally look like two little men hanging out on the couch.

So I thought it would be fun to have a little caption contest.  Here’s the pic:


Now, give it your best shot!