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My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

20 December 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Spag & Lights

So I haven’t been able to post lately because i’ve pretty much been buried with Christmas Eve and, of course, life.  But I’ll try and throw up a couple quickies in the next few days…do some catchin up.

Last night our life group had a night out.  We started with 22 of us at spaghetti factory in Newport Beach and then cruised out to look at Christmas lights in Huntington.  It was kinda a tradition from Kol Community/Church, where I was before Revolution. 

Unfortunately we had trouble finding where the lighted neighborhood was, so by the time we got there (around 10pm) a lot of the houses had turned off.  But we had a blast hangin together!  Here’s some pics and the requested "video shout out" (posted by my wife…don’t believe her when she says you didn’t miss much) to Jamie.  We missed you!




15 December 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Sick and Twisted

The other day I pulled into a parking lot to find out about getting free wood by way of pallets from the business next door to the lot I was in.  In the parking lot I happened to notice a hearse that was just chillin there.  Now I’ve noticed several people cruisin in hearses lately like it’s kinda cool or something.

But there were two things that I thought were unique about this hearse.  One, it actually had a casket in it.  Not sure if it was empty or occupied.  Two, was the bumper sticker on the back.  Check it out:



I don’t think there’s much more I can add to this post.

15 December 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Numero Seis

That’s spanish for book number six at inbubblewrap.  This book arrived yesterday:


This one looks kinda interesting.  Unfortunately I never did receive Winning which I supposedly won.  Funny thing is, I haven’t entered in a really long time.  In fact I checked and I think this offer is from like October.  Guess what…I’m trying to win again.

13 December 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Weight Loss?

Alright, so yeah I know it’s been forever.  So it’s time to see where I am at now with the weigh.  I’ve been pretty bad in general…eatin candy, drinkin soda, jusnk like that…but i have stuck to my salads for lunch (usually) and that flavored water, errrrr, non-fat milk.  So here’s a quick update on the results:

11 December 2006 ~ 1 Comment

A Transparent Moment

Have you ever had one of those moments in corporate worship when you wanted to sing out to God, but you just couldn’t?  Have you ever had one of those moments that as soon as you would try to let the words out of your mouth you were choking back tears?  It’s one of those times that the words just hit so close to your heart and you sense God is working in it.  That’s where I was at 11am service as I sat next to my wife.  God is good.

Take my heart I lay it down

At the feet of You who’s crowned

And take my life I’m letting go

I lift it up to You who’s throned


And I will worship You Lord

Only You Lord

And I will bow down before You

Only You Lord

Take my fret take my fear

All I have I’m leaving here

Be all my hopes be all my dreams

Be all my delights be my everything

And it’s just You and me here now

Only You and me here now

You should see the view

When it’s only You

David Crowder
"Only You"

09 December 2006 ~ 6 Comments

Thieves Suck.

It’s 9:30 am Saturday morning.  After a late night of video shooting and editing, I walk out to my truck to go to the location for todays shoot.  It’s gonna be another long day of shooting and directing for an upcoming project.  As I approach my truck which I had left in the driveway just a number of hours before, I realize something isn’t right.

I look in the back of the truck where the fairly brand new lighting kit had been left, a tool I would be needing again shortly.  At least, I thought I had left them there…  I know I didn’t unload them at the Hub.  I’m almost positive they were there when I walked in the house to sink into my very inviting bed that my wife had been keeping warm for me.  Sure enough, the lights are gone.

Police reports have been filed.  Property has been lost.  Valuable shooting time has been lost.  But hey, I have a healthy son, an amazing wife, and a community of people that I love around me.  It’s just money.  Apparently someone else needed it more.

I still think he/she sucks, though.

07 December 2006 ~ 4 Comments

Become An Elf


Hey peeps.  At the office workin late tonight.  Couldn’t help but take a small break to "Elf Myself!!"  Check it out here.  And after that, it’s your turn!!

Everyone do one of your own, and then leave the link in the comments.  Or if you put it on your own blog, let us know so we can all stop by.

[HT: Los]

06 December 2006 ~ 4 Comments

Christmas Show Anyone?



Ok, so if you know me well, you know I spent about four years of my life performing and touring with a group called The Young Americans.  (Ask the multiple people in my life group who like to give me a hard time when I talk about it.)  ;)  Anyway, my friends Charlie and Bridget pointed out one night that they had seen that they were doing their annual Christmas show again at La Mirada Theater.

It’s been a while since I’ve been, so we thought it would be fun to get a group together to go see The Magic of Christmas this Saturday night at 8pm.  So who wants to join us?  The more the merrier and kids are welcome.  In fact, the cheap seats are $23.00, but if 15 of us go, we can get that down to $19.00.  C’mon now!!

So if anyone over this way is interested, let me know by e-mail or comment here so I can order tickets asap.

(PS – If you wanna see some kinda fun old pics of me from that time, check it out here.  Just a couple, you gotta find em…lates.)

06 December 2006 ~ 2 Comments

24 – Prepare For Day 6

Alright Jack Bauer fans…January 14th is getting closer and closer.  Hopefully you’re all caught up on day 5 and ready to watch this prequel that no doubt bridges the gap between the two days.  Enjoy!

03 December 2006 ~ 1 Comment

AFC West #1 – Go Bolts!

Caleb just wanted to show his support this morning as the Chargers take on the Bills.  That’s my boy!!


PS – Special shout out to the Bruins for finally takin out those darn Trojans.  Blue and gold all around baby!!