Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

08 January 2007 ~ 5 Comments

I Feel…

…like crap.


05 January 2007 ~ 0 Comments


So it’s finally 2007.  (Yeah…like 5 days ago, I know!)  I’m definitely ready for a new year.  A chance to start fresh I guess.  It seems like God is all about new beginnings and fresh starts.  I heard a great podcast today with Chris Tomlin talking about his album "See The Morning" and how God has something special about the morning throughout scripture…the dawn of a new day, the light piercing through the darkness.

Now I’ve never been a fan of New Years Resolutions.  They’re just ridiculous.  But this year, I did decide that it would be a good time to sit down with my wife and really assess where we’re at and put some new goals in place for the next year and beyond.  When we first got married we set some goals.  We did a sort of "playoff system" with our goals, picking a couple spiritual, physical, financial, educational, etc. and pitting them against each other till we had the top couple goals.  Our #1 goal as a couple was for me to get my Bachelors.  I completed my majors work last month and with a couple of random G.E.’s I’ll have the degree in May, so that one can finally be checked off.

So this time, I found this great message by Mark Driscoll on Reverse Engineering at a blog I’ve been following for a while.  He has some great stuff or really thinking through priorities, setting some goals, and working backwards from where you want to be at some point in the future.  I highly recommend for anyone to take the time to check it out.  I listened to it once on my own and once with Rachel, and I’m really looking forward to refocusing our lives in the next week or two.  Right off the bat there’s a few things that I know I personally need to refocus on and make a priority:

  1. Date Nights
  2. Sabbath
  3. Alone time with Jesus

I can’t wait to see what sorts of other stuff comes up as we sit down and do this together.  I know God is doing something good in me right now.  How about you?  What does your 2007 look like?  Where do you need to refocus this year?

04 January 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Man, I Have The Cutest Son Ever!!

Joel, Rachel’s brother, got this really sweet camera from his girlfriend for Christmas.  So with it he’s been taking all sorts of pictures, including several of Caleb.  And he got some great shots!!  Thought I’d share a few with you.  Have I mentioned that it’s great being a dad?  Enjoy!






04 January 2007 ~ 0 Comments

Anything Is Possible…

"I just really hope that David doesn’t want me to start a blog."  Those were the words that came out of her mouth shortly after being hired as the pastor of belong/grow.  She refused to read blogs.  Said she’d never start one.  I thought the day would never come.  But I’m proud to announce that even Christina Walker has a blog now!!  Now I’ve seen it all.

So, I have a blog, Dave‘s had a blog for a long time, Jenny has a blog, Christina has a blog, and I believe Angelina said she was working on a blog to put up.  C’mon staff!!  Where the rest of you at?  Charlie?  Elijah?  Waitin for yout to represent!  Christopher?  Maybe a little "I Love Bellflower" bolg, eh?  Hey, now that Christina has one I think anyone might convert.

It’s kinda like the friend in high school who you say will never become a Christian.  Then you see em a few years later and their all sold out for Jesus.  and it gives you the confidence to share even more, cause if they were saveable, anybody is!  Yup, that’s what I’m thinkin.  So who’s next?

31 December 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Bachelor Party Weekend

That’s how I spent my weekend.  My really good friend Chris Hoff is getting married this coming Saturday and I am way honored and blessed to be a part of his wedding party.  So this past weekend we threw him his bachelor party.

Now I know you traditionally aren’t supposed to share all about bachelor parties, but I think it’s plenty kosher to share what we did and some fun pics from the weekend.  The progression from Friday night to Saturday night: Clippers game in the box suite at Staples, drive to the mountains, snowboarding all morning, get lunch, drive home, party with more than just the groomsman while playing Guitar Hero 2 (running theme with that game?) and watching Tito Ortiz get spanked by Chuck Lidell.  Here’s some fun pics from the weekend:

The view from our suite.

The view of our suite.

Us in front of Staples after the game.

Us with the shelterless friend who took the other photo for us.

Hoff gettin ready to snowboard.

Waitin for the fight to start.

Rick and Larry playin GH2 (I could have posted the video, but I held off!).

30 December 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Bonfire Anyone?


So, who wants to have a bonfire next week?  I know I might cruise out with some people Monday night or somethin, but as you can see, I’ve probably got enough wood for a couple, and it all has gots to go next week!!  So if you want some free wood, speak up now!!  Or if you’re free to join us and have a truck, let me know.  So go ahead, if you’re in either camp, leave a comment…or e-mail me.

29 December 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Eleanor Mae Dickson

Welcome to the world!  I got to go today to visit Keith and Liana Dickson who finally had their baby girl arrive yesterday afternoon.  2:20 p.m.  9lb 12 oz!!  She’s absolutely beautiful!  Keith had recently been sent home to sleep when I stopped by.  It was great to hang with the new mama, hear about the birth, and pray for their family.  Here’s a couple of pics.  Congrats guys!!


29 December 2006 ~ 3 Comments

An Off Christmas

I love to give gifts.  Really, I enjoy giving gifts more than I enjoy receiving them.  When I get a good gift for Rachel, it rarely makes it until the time when I’m supposed to surprise her with it because I am just way too excited to see her reaction to wait very long.  I love to see a person open that perfect gift that you found for them and see the excitement on their face, or to see their eyes get watery because they are so touched by the gift, or by the fact that you spent the time to care enough to get them something extra special.

That being the case, I love to get special gifts for my wife.  Unfortunately though, I didn’t do so well this year.  That’s my confession.  I got so consumed with everything else I was involved in, that i didn’t really take the time to find her some great gifts.  That kinda bummed me out this year.  There were some clothes she got for herself and made them gifts from me.  And I got her one exciting thing I guess…ticket to see James Taylor in concert in February.  But that was probably as much for me as it was for her.  We were supposed to see him a couple years ago, but then couldn’t cause I had opening night for Joseph the same night.

So all that to say, luckily I have her birthday January 11th and our anniversary January 24th to make up for it.  I’m gonna start working on it now.  So honey, feel free to drop some subtle hints if you wanna!  Here’s a little video about those of us who kinda missed the mark this year.  It made me laugh and inspired me to put up this post. 

How did the rest of you do with your gift giving this year?

26 December 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Merry Christmas From Big Bear!

Our Christmas day in pictures.  (I had planned to put this up last night, and then lost my internet connection.)
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Stockings, snowboarding, nap, dinner, presents, guitar hero 2…good day.  I have some fun video of the day too.  Maybe later in the week. 

Today, it’s down to San Diego to see my family. 

Hope you all had an amazing Christmas as well!!

23 December 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Christmas Eve Is Comin…


…A very small glimpse into the tons of hard work being put into tomorrows services.  Our volunteers rock!

Don’t miss out!