Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

13 October 2006 ~ 2 Comments


I got this link in an e-mail from Trotter a few days ago.  you have to understand he would send this to me because Michael Jackson is the single greatest entertainer of all time and one of my life long idols (except for the whole little boys part – of course).

Now this video was made by somebody who has WAY too much time on their hands, but it’s amazing.  The dance break is especially freakin sweet!! 

12 October 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Another Caleb!!

Congratulations to our good friends Jared and Kimmie Herbert who welcomed Caleb James Herbert into the world!  He was born this past Sunday at 9:25 P.M. – 8lb. 2oz.  Here’s what Jared says about the boy:

He enjoys spending his time keeping his parents rather busy by experimenting with his vocal cords, pulling all-nighters, napping during the day, grubbing on mom, and providing us with many wonderful treasures.  But we are absolutely loving every second of it.  The Lord has been soooo good to us.

Here’s a few pics.  Welcome to the world C.J.!!!

Goodmorning   Pokerface

11 October 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Weighin In

Alright, so it’s time to weigh in for week 2 of the weight loss challenge.  I had a few people tell me that my last video was a little too boring.  Hey, I didn’t have a lot of time and needed to get something up, alright!

Anyway, I went ahead and spruced this one up a little.  I still don’t have loads of time or anything, so I’m not stoked about the video, but it should be a little more fun anyway.

So I won’t waste space with the details in words…go ahead and check out the video:

P.S. – After using Final Cut Pro for so long, I hate iMovie!!!  How do you even use this stinkin program.  Used it for both these weight videos so I wouldn’t have to go to the office and use the iMac to do them.  Just not diggin the iMovie AT ALL!!

05 October 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Domain Fixed

Some of you may have noticed that for a while, this blog was only accessible through the typepad address.  My webhost got out of the hosting business, and I kinda drug my feet on figuring another option.  Well, it is now all fixed and the address most people got here through, myworshiprevolution.com, is back up and running again!

So for a couple of you who I know changed the links on your page, it would be great if you could change your links back to www.myworshiprevolution.com so I can funnel everyone through there. 

I think my rss feed suffered a little too when I switched to Typepad as well.  That should also be fixed now.  So if anyone has a problem with either of those things, please feel free to let me know.  Thanks!

04 October 2006 ~ 3 Comments

It Begins…

So today is the first day to post for the weight loss challenge.  (See prior post if you are confused.)  I weighted myself last night to get this thing started, and it really was quite depressing.  Definitely an all time high on the scale for me.  So, we’ll see how it goes.  For those of you who are interested in following along, and for the participants and the man in charge, here’s my first video post:

Now i understand we are also supposed to post a starting picture in athletic wear by which a Most Improved winner will be voted on at the end of six weeks.  Well, here it is.  I threw on some basketball shorts, and I opted to go with the wife beater which nicely outlines my gut that I hope to see disappear.


So there you have it.  Let the games begin! 

03 October 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Goodbye Sympathy Weight

There was a time when I used to be very active everyday in my job.  Then I got a full time job in ministry, and sitting at a desk and going out to lunches, the pounds started to accumulate.  Now, the past nine months hasn’t helped being that I think I’ve been puting on sympathy weight with my pregnant wife.  So now that her belly’s gone, I think it’s about time I get rid of mine.

That’s why I decided to jump onboard the "Blogger Big Butt Weight Loss Challenge."  12 weeks.  Several bloggers.  And a prize for 2 winners.  Now that we had to get rid of the gym membership to cut back on the budget, hopefully this will motivate me to find creative ways to get back in shape.  Here’s the rules:

  1. Must have an active blog.
  2. Post video or pic of weight on scale by each Wednesday.  First one must be posted by 10.04.06 (That’s tomorrow).
  3. Contest runs 10.01.06 to 12.24.06.
  4. Weight loss winner receives a $10.00 gift card to restaraunt of choice from everyone involved.  "Most Improved" (to be voted on by contestants) receives a $5 gift card from everyone involved.

So there you have it.  I think it may actually not be too late to join, but visit the website quick if you’re interested.  As my friend Charlie likes to point out, I am probably half the height of everyone else involved in this deal, so I guess I’ll have to work twice as hard to have a chance at winning.  At least it should keep me motivated though!  So let’s see what disappears first – Caleb’s baby fat or my belly fat!

02 October 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Creative Synergy

So up until now, I haven’t really been much of a podcast guy.  Haven’t really checked many out, and of the ones I had, didn’t find many that I was that seemed that helpful for me with what I’m doing right now.  There’s some worship leading podcasts that are good, and lots of sermons to choose from, but not a whole lot in the creative arts and production realm.

Well, I came across a great podcast the other day to share.  Check out the Creative Synergy podcast.  It’s by Anthony Coppedge and Greg Atkinson, a couple of guys who have done a lot of great stuff in arts and tech.  The first podcast had a great interview with Kem Meyer of Granger Community Church as well as some decent tech tips.  I look forward to hearing how this goes and seeing if it keeps my interest.

How about you?  Any good podcasts you would recommend?

30 September 2006 ~ 0 Comments

a.k.a. God

This week is our last of our series: "a.k.a. God: Discovering God Through His Names."  We have taken three weeks to look at three different names of God in the Old Testament and what they reveal about the character of God.

During week one, many of you may have seen Phil and Sarah Rowland working on an art piece, starting during the 9am service, and completing it at the end of the 6pm service.  It is a piece that encompassed all three weeks of learning, and hopefully those of you who attend regularly had a chance to check it out after the sermons and see the relationship. 

If you didn’t…fear not!  Check out the picture below along with a description of the piece written out by Phil and Sarah.  Thank you so much to the Rowlands for continually blessing us with your talent!

"a.k.a. God"

Genesis 22:1-14
Exodus 17:1-16
Judges 6:1-24

For this work, we began by reading all the scriptures for this series on the names of God. Tangible objects stood out such as rock, wood, staff, water, altar, knife, wheat. These became our literal and metaphorical inspiration which we tried to embed into the context of our world through the use of newspaper as a backdrop. Despite our world, the name of God – the "I Am" – rings out clearly calling us to Him and teaching us about who He can be.

28 September 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Organized Desktop?

If you know me well enough, or even a little but, you know that organization is far from being a gift I possess.  All I have to say is, if you’ve ever seen my office, why not have my computer match my desk?  Check out this video.  The idea kinda makes sense to me!
[via Pete]

27 September 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Life Group Party

Have I ever mentioned that we have the raddest life group in America?  So yesterday we came home from the hospital, and it was also life group night at our home.  We had a couple other people leading for the night so that we wouldn’t have to think about it.

Well, I started to get really suspicious at right around 7:26pm when nobody but Steph and Kevin had arrived for life group yet.  We start at 7, but everyone knows we hang and eat for 30 minutes and don’t really start till 7:30.  All of a sudden, like 15 people jump out from the back room and yell surprise, then go on to sing happy birthday to Caleb.  They had all met elsewhere, snuck in the back door and set up for Caleb’s birthday party.  We had a fun night of introducing Caleb to the life group, letting everyone hold him, eating lots of food, and then them praying for our family.

Thank you guys so much for being such a great "family" to be a part of.  I love doing life with all of you!  Here are a couple of pictures from the night.

Img_0139 Calebbanner

Img_0138 Calebfood

Img_0130 Img_0142Calebcharlie Calebgroup  Calebrachpresents