Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

05 April 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Mexican Food

Today for lunch I head out with our pastor, youth pastor and children’s pastor for lunch at Acapulco’s. 


It’s a Mexican place downtown in Santa Cruz…thought I’d see how the Mexican grub is up here in NorCal.  Of course I didn’t get a real good feel for it being that, as Jane pointed out, my BBQ chicken quesadilla isn’t exactly the most Mexican dish there.

However, I must say it was pretty darn good!  We met up with Sam who is on the worship team and starting a pretty rockin "Deliverance" ministry up here and Ryan who’s in it with him.


So yeah, all that to say, it’s kinda weird to be back in that place of getting to know the people I work with and will be sharing my life with for the coming years.  It’s been an interesting transition already.  There have been the great parts and the difficult parts.  Not difficult as in bad though.  Just adjusting to going from a place where I totally knew what I was doing, what was going on, and overseeing moving ministries to jumping in and trying to learn the culture and systems.  Luckily there are lots of great peeps around to help in the process.

And in the midst of it all I’m getting things ready for my debut Sunday which just so happens to be Easter Sunday!  What a ride!!  And finally, I think some of them staff and CLC peeps need to start some blogs soon, cause there are like five people named in this post and I can’t link any of them.  I guess I’ll have to start a CLC bloggers list in the sidebar and let it stay blank as a glaring reminder to those who visit that we need some new bloggage, or you need to direct me to the one you have!  And to you CLC’ers…welcome!!  Stoked to be on the journey with ya!

05 April 2007 ~ 1 Comment

Too Much Junk

Well the move has been made!!  Except for the rest of my family who is in Canyon Lake until our other car gets fixed.  I miss my wife and son!  :(

Thank you so much to everyone who helped load in Cerritos and unload in Soquel.  You all rock!  And as noted by the title of the post, I discovered in this move that we have way too much junk or somethin!


There’s the back of our 17 ft truck we stuffed full.  According to the website, this truck is supposed to fit Apt./Up to 2 rooms.  "We’re moving into a fairly small 2BR house," I thought to myself.  Surely this truck would be able to fit it all.  Besides, the next size up was pretty much double the price.

Boy was I wrong.  We packed stuff into every nook and cranny on that truck and were left at the end with a handful of stuff with nowhere to go.  And when you’re move is a 6+ hours drive, there is no "I’ll come back for it on the second trip." 

So, it was either unload the entire truck, take time to find a bigger truck and trade it in, and then reload a new truck, throw away a whole bunch of stuff, or…


…add another 12 ft to the 17 ft truck.  And so we ran out (with the help of Bart Boulton…THANKS!) to pick up a trailer to throw on the back of truck.

After a great day cruisin up to SC with my brother-in-law, Tim, we had like 15 people from CLC meet us at the house and had the whole thing unpacked in 30 minutes…woohoo!  So I have now made a dent in the unpacking and hopefully my wife will be here soon to join me in the daunting task!

31 March 2007 ~ 1 Comment

Anyone Need A Bed?

Free Queen size mattress and box springs available.  You just need to be able to pick it up tomorrow in Cerritos.  I’m throwin it on Craigs List, too – first call, first serve.  So if you need it or know someone who might want it, we’d love to give it to someone who needs it.  Call me – 714.728.5129.  (Don’t know if I’d typically advertise my cell # on my blog, but I’m gonna have to change it soon anyway…so what the heck!)

And oh yeah…vacation was great!  Wish I had time to share, but we gotta get packed.  Packin the computer soon, so won’t have Internet for a few days.  But no worries, I’ll be back in full effect soon enough.  (Although you probably weren’t all that worried or concerned.  Did you even notice?)  ;)  Hopefully it won’t be too long before I get a Mac and can throw together our vacation videos on iMovie.  Better yet, Final Cut Pro…but probably not.

*UPDATE:  Put the bed on Craig’s List.  Got a call about five minutes later.  It’s gone.  Sorry!  Hope you didn’t need it!  (But if you do, you can still call incase the guy doesn’t show up.)

28 March 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Moving Party

Sunday is the day we load up the Uhaul with all our belongings before heading to the land of Birkenstocks and dreadlocks (that was for you Tim).  Anyway, we’d love your help gettin everything in the truck.  It will be a party!  And we’ll provide the pizza.

We’ll probably around 10am and we’ll keep goin till it’s done.  And the more the merrier!  Leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail if you’re able to help.  Thanks y’all!!  See ya Sunday!

24 March 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Florida or Bust

So yeah, the posts have been pretty light and kick back lately.  But hey, that’s just kinda where we’re at right now.  Kinda decompressing before life gets full throttle again.  And the next week will most likely be really sparse on posts.

Reason is, tomorrow at 5:45am we leave for Florida on vacation and get back on Friday.  Some great friends hooked us up with the trip.  Thanks guys!  We’ll be spending 2 nights in Ft. Lauderdale and 3 in Orlando.  Will be visiting Universal in Orlando where an old friend from Playhouse is hookin us up.  Lookin forward to reconnecting with him.  One of those guys that isn’t a Christ follower that I had several awesome spiritual discussions with.

As previously noted, I don’t own a laptop at the moment.  And I don’t know if the hotels will have computer access.  But it’s probably all for the better anyway.  I’m goin away to be with my family, and without constant internet I will be more available to them.  :)

It should be fun.  An adventure.  If I can post I will.  If not, I’ll throw up some pics when I get back.  Maybe I’ll throw one or two in the can to post during the week, but I’m pretty wiped, so it won’t be much.  See y’all in a week!

23 March 2007 ~ 0 Comments

Technology and Mom

OK, my mom also has a Canon Powershot SD600, just like the one she got us.  She was in need of a little lesson though.  Below is an example of what can happen when you put technology in the hands of someone who doesn’t really know how to use it.

I schooled her a bit.  Hopefully these won’t happen again.  Love ya Ma!

22 March 2007 ~ 1 Comment

The Zoo

Been a while since posting.  It was an eventful week and weekend last week.  Emotional too.  Send off at Church.  Going away party at Fuddruckers.  Lots of "see ya laters."

And now I have 2 weeks of unemployment to vacation and get everything ready for the big move.  This week we’ve been spending time in Canyon Lake and San Diego spending some quality time with family before hittin the northern coast.

Today was spent with my sister and Caleb’s 7 day older cousin, Ryan, at the world famous San Diego Zoo.  Check it out:

With the elephant in the background.  Caleb only seemed to wanna look at the plants.

Caleb and Ryan as spider and fly.  Go get him son!

Moms and the boys ridin the turtle…

…and the Marchessaults on the turtle.

Caleb had a blast petting the goats.

And of course my hot wife holding our good lookin son in front of the Orangutans.

Afterward we met the rest of the fam at Barona for a glorious (and cheap) buffet.  I feel so stinkin fat right now!  You can definitely expect the weight loss posts to return in the next couple weeks.  It is definitely time.  I feel bloated!  Good night.

18 March 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Farmer Joe

Here it is, the video from our service this Sunday morning.  My last shoot and edit at Revolution Church.  Charlie and I had a good time shooting this at Eric and Ashley’s farm in Norwalk.

This morning was about the parable of the seeds from Matthew 4.  Often we want to "plant seeds" in the lives of others, but we are so afraid that someone might not be ready.  Don’t get me wrong…we definitely need to be sensitive to where people are at, but often times we can’t really know what God is doing in someone’s heart, and it is our job to plant the seeds and trust God.  Imagine how ridiculous it would be for a farmer to wait for the soil to tell him when it was time to plant the seed…

17 March 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Quality Time


That’s what I’m spending with my Macbook Pro – some quality time.  Only one more day and then I am banished back to the dreaded world of PC’s.  It’s a sad day my friends.  But hopefully it won’t last long.  If we can find a way to get together the cash, we will soon, hopefully VERY soon, update our home computer with an iMac.

I’ll miss you my MP.  You’re the sexiest silver box I’ve ever known.  Till we one day meet again…

P.S. – Revolution e-mail is down.  You can see why on David’s blog.  Use my new address found to your left in the sidebar.

16 March 2007 ~ 1 Comment

American Idol

Sorry…haven’t really had the chance to post about this, so thought I’d throw it up here real quick.

On Wednesday night Rachel and I had a date night and we went to a live taping of American Idol.  We got there at like 3 o’clock and barely made it in.  Random thoughts from the night:

  • I know a lot of you were bummed Sanjaya didn’t go home.  Not me.  It’s selfish, but sorry, I enjoyed listening to Brandon perform his song from the night before way more than I would have Sanjaya.  And in a sick way, I kinda hope he makes it past one more week so he’s on the tour.  I do feel bad for the kid though.
  • Diana Ross is DIVA.  As she was finishing her song I turned to Rachel and said, "Wow, she knows how to perform."  You could definitely tell you were watching a seasoned performer.  There’s a good reason she’s a legend friends.
  • That theater is smaller than it looks on TV.  Every seat was a good one!
  • It would have been nice to hear the judges at least say a word or somethin.  Oh well.  Instead I just had to watch Paula dance all night.
  • I should be a warm up guy for TV tapings.  There was a time that i seriously considered doing that.  They make bank.  And I could do it at least as well as this guy.  I could see Charlie doing it, too.

That’s it.  Good times.  My faves – Guys: Blake, Chris Sligh (who, by the way, I understand is a worship leader from Seacoast Church).  Gals: Melinda, Lakeisha (like everybody else…but I don’t think they’ll end up in the finals together.  They’re too similar in style and will split the vote). 

Who’s your faves?  Extra credit to you if you say Sanjaya.