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My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

29 May 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Worship Confessional 8

A few days late, but here it is:


I got some link love from Los this week cause of showing pieces of the set, and it ends up being the first week in months that I haven’t.  DOH!  Oh well, guess you’ll have to come back next week.

And I mentioned this in the video, but it’s worth noting again that my friend Steve down in the big S.D. is doing a confessional now.  He leads worship at Rancho Vista Church, a plant by my old youth pastor from high school, back when I came to know Christ.  My sister and her husband, Tim, go there and you can hear him play lead electric and her sing (except for the part she wussed out on letting him post) in his confessional.  Stop by and check him out.

Hope y’all had a great weekend!

29 May 2007 ~ 0 Comments

Memorial Day

My mom is in town for the weekend, so we cruised down to Monterey for Memorial Day.  It was the first time we’ve visited there and it was a blast.  We went by the Post Graduate Naval Academy where the Monterey Bay Symphony was doing a concert on the lawn.  Caleb had fun playing in the grass and flirting with the other 8 month old girl, Lilian.  Check out the video of this, with quite appropriate music for the moment I might add.


Being on this property yesterday served as a great reminder of what this day is all about.  Seeing men in uniform, imagining what their lives are like.  I am very appreciative of the sacrifices of so many so that I can do what I do and be who I am today.  My grandpa was a Marine, served in WW2, fought at Iwo Jima, and retired with 2 Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star.  My dad, Victor Ira Cederquist, was retired Navy.  Regardless of your political beliefs, it’s nice to take one day to remember and appreciate the guys and gals, current and past, in uniform.  Sidenote: that’s why I was irritated by the peace protest across the street from the post.  Of all days, let’s take this one to stop making political statements and protests for a couple of hours and just say thank you.

Anyway, after looking around the Hotel Del Monte, now the Naval academy’s admin building, we went out to the Old Fisherman’s Wharf.  We walked around a bit, enjoyed the view at the end, and when we couldn’t find any decently priced food we could eat, we jumped in the car and headed for home, driving through Cannery Row on the way out.  I look forward to coming back soon to spend some time on Cannery Row, go to the aquarium, and get my dive certification (wink, wink, hint, hint).

Finally, after a quick dinner, my mom watched Caleb while Rachel and I went to check out Spiderman 3 in downtown Santa Cruz.  All in all a good day.  Here are some pics you can enjoy from our day:




"Hope you all had a Happy Memorial Day!"

24 May 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Freedom Attained

I posted last week that I would finally have freedom from TV in the evenings with all of the finales coming up.  Well, I just finished watching LOST, and now it’s all over.  So, just for fun I thought I’d share my thoughts from each of my beloved finale’s with you, ranking them from worst to best:


American Idol
Just caught the last hour of this after walking in from worship practice and volume was pretty low cause Caleb hasn’t been sleeping well.  A few thoughts…

  1. (As I walked in the door, Rachel watching the show) Is that really Green day performing right now?
  2. Reuben Studdard?  Oh yeah…that guy.
  3. Bette Middler?  I’ve never liked her, and now I like her less.  This is horrible.
  4. That final song was absolutely horrible for Blake.  of course she won.  Blake got hosed by them when they made him sing that song.
  5. That song is horrible period, no matter who’s singing it.



Still my favorite show, and wish it were higher on the list, but this definitely wasn’t their greatest season.  Of course last year was tough to beat no matter what.  I hope next year keeps me more on the edge of my seat like this show used to.  Thoughts…

  1. Wow, that was a lot of closure.  Haven’t had that much closure except for when Jack walked off into the sunset.
  2. I was hoping he’d get the chick, but I’m pretty glad she didn’t open her eyes and make it cheesy, like sleeping beauty or somethin.
  3. Was Jack considering suicide?  No…not possible.  There’s at least 2 more seasons ahead.  And he’s just better than that.
  4. Response to Cheng: "And our country won’t torture you like yours did Jack."
  5. President Logan is so still alive.



There’s a reason this show has been around for 14 seasons.  It’s the best reality show out there.

  1. Dreamz is a punk.
  2. Yau-Man should have won.
  3. Dreamz is a punk.
  4. Jeff Probst is a stud.  And oh yeah, so is Boo.  Torn ACL?!  Dang!  And he kept at it for a while!
  5. Dreamz is a punk…oh yeah, and a liar.  It wouldn’t have made sense for him to lie in his confessionals.  He didn’t have that plan all along.



There was a time in the season when I was done with this show.  Now it has gotten so good, it’s rivaling 24!  It’s nice to see some well written drama on TV, keeping me entertained and actors employed in spite of reality TV.  So many thoughts, and even more questions…where to begin?

  1. Why didn’t Charlie try to swim out of the blown out window?
  2. So if that was the future, why in the world did Jack say to go upstairs and get his dad.  His dad is supposedly dead.
  3. Who’s in the coffin?  My guess was Ben.  Who else would no one show up for?  And Jack said he wasn’t family or friend.  Hmmm.
  4. So what happens since it’s not Penny’s boat?  And will Desmond tell them in time?  They can’t get rescued, there are still 3 seasons till this thing ends.
  5. Of all th shows I watch, this is the one I’m most looking forward to coming back to now, especially after this finale. 
  6. And there are a lot of other questions, but those could go on for days.

There ya go.  My shows are over, and I’ve vowed not to start any new one’s right now.  More time to read, exercise, hang with the fam, etc.  My occasional dose of Jeopardy will be plenty.  And that made for a nice brainless post.  :)

Any thoughts to add?  Which was your favorite?

23 May 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Tri To Lose – Week 1

So, today is day 7 of weight loss effort.  Check out the results:


And I’m still looking for people to add some more motivation with some small donations.  Wanna help? 

Need to lose a few pounds?  You can still be a part of that too!

22 May 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Christian Pizza

Seems like nowadays everything is being turned "Christian" and then marketed to the Christian subculture.  You can go to your local Christian Book Store and get testamints, with a scripture on every wrapper and allowing you to have good breath while you share the good news.  Even Christian items have become over marketed at times.  Prayer of Jabez anyone?  Even Hollywood is creating whole segments of production companies just for us!  Fox faith for example, which is now making "faith based, family friendly" films for Christians.  A lot of this was the result of Passion of the Christ, which was a very "family friendly" movie.

Now don’t get me wrong some of these things can definitely be good things.  In a way I’m glad that movies are being made with a desire to proclaim truth in mind, yet I also wonder who decides what makes a piece of art "Christian."  (Actually I didn’t know items could be saved.)  Others are just ridiculous in my humble (kinda) opinion.  For example, a girl at our church, back for the summer from college in the midwest, shared with Rachel and I about the Christian bowling alley in their town.  What makes it "Christian"?  You can’t smoke there.  Their tagline on the side of their building: Where Christians come to play!

Anyway, all this to say, I came across this video today from Community Christian Church in IL.  Kinda makes light of this particular trend.  Check it out:

So, what do you think?

20 May 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Seventh Confession

Missions emphasis Sunday this morning.  Had a good service.  Then had low-carb South Beach lunch at Zelda’s on the Beach in Capitola Village.  Check it all out here:

Any thought?  How was your Sunday?

18 May 2007 ~ 5 Comments

Westboro Baptist And Fred Phelps Do It Again

Just when I thought I’d been as disgusted and appalled as I can be by Fred Phelps and his "God hates fags" cronies at Westboro Baptist Church, I come across this video.  DISCLAIMER: As far as I’m concerned this video is way more offensive than any sexual content, violence, or language.  You’ve been warned.

And for those of you who may not be Christ followers, please hear me when I say that these people in NO WAY represent the attitude of Jesus, Christian beliefs, or even the rest of the "Baptist" church.  They’re whack!

HT: The Warning Knock

18 May 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Bobby McFerrin

Dude…this guy is unreal.  how does he do this?

Too bad the crowd is horrible!

17 May 2007 ~ 3 Comments


Survivor finale – last Sunday.
24 finale – Monday 05.21
American Karaoke finale – Wednesday 05.22 (Was pullin for Melinda, now it’s all about Blake!)
LOST finale – Wednesday 05.22

The temporary end of my nightly bondage is in sight!!  What will I do with all my free time!?

16 May 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Tri To Lose – The Weigh In

Here we go friends!  It’s time to finally start really shedding the pounds!  Check out my weigh in:


Like I said, now is your chance to get involved.  Sponsor per pound and it all goes to Invisible Children to help kids in war torn Uganda.  Still don’t know what I’m talking about?  Check out my prior posts here and here.  I’m in myself for three bucks a pound.  So to pledge, leave me a comment, or if you’re a bit more private shoot me an e-mail.

And finally check out the blogs of the others who are doing this, and feel free to join us too!!

Rachel Marchessault
Pete Kim – Has a few donors…and I think his wife’s in on it too.
Annalynn Catalasan – Has at least 1 pledge for $5/lb!
Dustin Bryson – Has $6/lb on his comments from one post!  (One ups to 10 after 20lbs!)

Man, Rachel and I are laggin, and we helped start this…we need some help! ;)