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My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

27 June 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Saddleback – Morning Two

Well, after a late night, we accidentally slept in a little.  Oh well.  We really wanted to make it for Erwin McManus and we got here just in time!  He was here along with some of the arts team from Mosaic.

They were sic!  It was a very creative message with lots of drama, dance, and comedy in the mix.  A great example I thought of what Randy talked about yesterday about our age of "byte-sized entertainment."  And I aint gonna lie.  I have a few sides to me that I am always trying to blend and reconcile.  There’s Bobby the pastor/minister, and Bobby the performer.  I don’t think the two have to be mutually exclusive, but it’s tough.  And any time I see a really good theatrical presentation, I start to really have a deep hunger for the stage again.  Dance.  Acting.  Art.  So yeah, that in and of itself gave me a lot to think about.

Erwin has his kinda overall theme that I think defines him as do a lot of the well-known pastors and leaders.  his?  Dreaming God-sized dreams and living that out.  He talked a lot about that today.  It was amazing, and the performing of "Scribble" really helped put a different spin on it and really encourage.  Here’s a few quick quotes that really resonated:

  • "When we were born, none of us were an “ordinary” child.  Just ask your parents.  But there are a lot of ordinary people in the world today.  What happened?"
  • “Some are born great, some attain greatness, and for some others greatness is thrust upon them.”
  • What if the power of the Gospel isn’t to save us from hell?  What if the power of the Gospel is to shape us into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ so we can live a life far beyond our wildest dreams.

Big Idea:  It was kinda 2 fold.

  1. God has put a hunger in you to be great.  He has thrust greatness upon you in his son, Jesus Christ.  Now go be great.
  2. In Christianity we often use the idea of "nothing new under the sun" to allow us to refrain from creating or reject anything that seems new.  But God is still creating and he says in Isaiah that new shall come.  We should use the beauty and intricacy of art and beauty to share God’s truth in fresh and relevant ways.

Afterward I was able to connect with David Arcos, the Creative Director at Mosaic who I know from connecting with several times in the past.  A while back I was a youth pastor at his father-in-law’s church, and since then I’ve been able to reconnect with him and learn some great stuff from Mosaic’s arts ministries.

Now I’m listening to some amazing, jazzy instrumental music from Abe Laboriel and friends before bailing to meet up with Victor Estrada for some lunch.

26 June 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Saddleback – Afternoon One

I’m wiped.  Did a few sessions this afternoon and then a concert tonight with Saddleback youth band, Jonathon Butler, and Tommy Walker.  I’ll just share a few quick highs and lows from the second half the day before I crash:


  • Session with Tommy Walker and his pastor.  Great ministry relationship goin on there.
  • A good quote from Tommy’s pastor: "You can hire the best musicians and the best bands and it won’t matter.  If you don’t have a pastor that is a reckless worshiper, it won’t work."
  • Talking about our cultures tendency to "byte size entertainment" (2 minute You Tube videos etc.) and how it transfers over into our worship services.
  • Jonathon Butler’s band and his sining.  Good stuff.
  • The youth band had some energetic and quality worship.
  • Tommy Walker – good worship leader.  Choir was kinda cool too.
  • Seeing multiple friends and acquaintances.


  • Architectural Design for Intimacy in Worship session.  Not what I expected.  I left to join Randy’s much better session.
  • Being led in Blessed Be Your Name (a song I love…or used to) 3 times in one day.
  • Tommy Walker – not so much my style.  A bit "Happy Clappy" is the term I think we labeled him.  Great for a large portion of the audience though.
  • The night concert running like an hour or more late.  We left early, so not sure exactly how long over it went.

26 June 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Saddleback: Who’s Here And Blogging?

I posted on the conference blog to see who else is here and blogging about it.  If you got here via that, welcome!  And for those of you that aren’t here and want to hear what’s going on, here are some people I’ve found who are bloggin it:

Anyone else?  If you are leave a comment so I can add your link.  Let’s share the love friends!

26 June 2007 ~ 5 Comments

Saddleback – Morning One

We made it.  Conference started this morning.  We walked in a tad bit late, and to be honest, I wasn’t really diggin the worship vibe when I got there.  Great musicianship, just a bit "contemporary" for me.  I like a little edge, but after some time I started enjoying it more.  It was nice having a few peeps come in and lead one of their songs, Brenton Brown, Matt Maher.

Then Rick Warren started with the opening session, talking about the Character of a Worship Leader.  I haven’t had a lot of experience with Warren outside of Purpose Driven books.  After listening to him speak, I really gained some more respect for the guy.  Not that I didn’t respect him before, just more after hearing his heart.  here’s a few key things he shared:

Rickwarren_2 The Character of a Worship Leader

BIG IDEA: If you want God’s anointing on your life, you must build your life on integrity, humility, and generosity.  They are the antidotes to the most common traps that leaders fall into.

The three biggest temptations of leadership:

  • Lust of the flesh – need to feel good
  • Lust of the eyes – need to have more
  • Pride of life – need to be (position, status)

Integrity, humility, and generosity are the polar opposites of these temptations.

Integrity:  You will be tempted to use your ministry to make yourself feel good physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  You need to be whole in Christ.
Generosity:  The only antidote to the problem of get, get, get is to give things (and yourself) away.
Humility:  Humility is NOT denying your strengths.  It is being honest about your weaknesses.  False humility  = pride.

Great Quotes:

  • "You’re not trying to get people to sing on too, you’re trying to get people to love God more."
  • "Being a worship leader is the most important task in life.  If God has called you to be a worship leader don’t step down and be the Pres. Of the US…or any other tempting job offer.  You’re doing the most important thing there is."
  • "If you aren’t taking a day off every week, you’re breaking the 10 commandments."
  • "I don’t care if you love to preach.  Do you love the people you preach to?"
  • "Humility doesn’t mean you thin less of yourself, it means you think less of yourself.  You do this by thinking about other people as much as possible."

Tim Hughes

After a break, we had an awesome time of worship with Tim Hughes.  I have to admit, I was enjoying it at first, but not really "into it."  Then he came to Awesome God.  He really lost me there.  That song is so old and bleh to me.

But then I was reminded how much of an effect media can have in worship in making something fresh.  In the middle of the song, an excerpt of the E.V. Hill "That’s My King" sermon was played.  That pulled me in and the song was fresh.  And from there, I just went deeper into worship as Tim led.  Great morning!

Now I’m sitting in a room listening to Tommy Walker and his pastor share about their relationship in ministry.  Lovin it.

I’ll keep updating as the week goes.  It’s helpful to me to sharing the things I’m learning, so hopefully you enjoy it too.  Check out what Rich has to say, too.  I’ve been here with him and a few guys from his church.  Also feel free to check out the conference blog.

25 June 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Saddleback Bound


In a few minutes here I’ll head to San Jose and meet up with my friend and fellow Worship Leader/Blogger Rich to make the trek down south to Saddleback’s Worship Conference and Festival.  Four of us guys will be crashing in a friend’s Fifth Wheel in Anaheim to save some denero (Thanks Rick!!).

Never been able to make this worship conference in the past, so I’m pretty stoked to get to check it out this year!  I think I’ll be headin away from the church for all my lunches and dinners, so if anyone wants to meet my in Lake Forest, let’s do lunch!  And if you’re gonna be at the conference, let me know!  Let’s hang.

22 June 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Tri To Lose – Week Five

A few days late.

Sorry, it’s been crazy.  And I finally resigned myself to the fact that a video isn’t gonna happen this week, so I went ahead and weighed myself this morning, and you’ll just have to take my word for it.


current pledges = $25.01 per pound

weigh in:      173.2 lbs
week1:        168.2 lbs    total loss:  5lbs         =    $125.05
week2:        166.6 lbs    total loss:  6.6 lbs     =    $165.07
week3:        163.6 lbs    total loss:  9.6 lbs     =    $240.10
week4:        165.8 lbs    total loss:  7.4 lbs     =    $185.07
week5:        164.4 lbs    total loss:  8.8 lbs     =    $220.09

                          make a pledge – make a difference

Well, I didn’t get back down as far as I would have liked, but I’m actually pleasantly surprised after eating camp food all week.  Next week: Saddleback conference food.  This is a rough couple weekd to focus on the diet!  No bike riding either!

20 June 2007 ~ 10 Comments

I’m Pissed

Right now I’m typing this from my BlackBerry. Why?

After worship preperation with the band tonight, I walked into my office and my laptop is gone. The front door seems to have been left open after bible study tonight and my office door wasn’t locked. Now I just have to call the police tomorrow with the serial # and hope either the church insurance or my renters insurance doesn’t have much of a deductible.

Now I think thieves suck even more.

Did I mention I’m really, really pissed?

20 June 2007 ~ 0 Comments

Beauty And Strength


Two words to describe God this morning.

Above is a picture of the view from the spot where I took some time with Jesus during some down time at Royal Family today.  There’s something about being in the middle of God’s beautiful creation that makes it a bit easier for me to spend some time reading and praying.  It was a great backdrop as I read this passage from Isaiah:

Lift your eyes and look to the heavens:
Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one,
and calls them each by name.
Because of his great power and mighty strength,
not one of them is missing. (40:26 – NIV)

Then I read this:

For trouble, if it merely turns us to God and hence renews our strength, ceases to be evil and becomes good; it becomes the best thing that could possibly come to us, next to God himself.  For our growth in power and happiness depends upon the number of seconds out of each 24 hours that we are resting in God.
-From The Soul’s Sincere Desire by Glenn Clark

The beauty of God’s creation is an amazing reminder of how powerful God is, and how powerful we really aren’t.  Our power comes when we rest in God.  Kinda counter intuitive, and a good reminder for me today.  A lot of the kids at this camp have been through a lot of evil stuff, but if it can ultimately draw them to Jesus, it can be redeemed for good.

I too need to rely on God’s strength continually.  That same passage in Isaiah goes on to say,

…those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint. (v. 31 – NIV)

How about you?  What troubles are you going through right now?  Or more importantly, where do you need to start relying more on God’s strength, and way less on your own?

Just some thoughts from my morning.

18 June 2007 ~ 1 Comment

Crazy Camp Week


This first week of school year summer is a crazy one here at CLC.  We have two major "camps" happening simultaneously.  We partner with a church down the road where we hold our VBA – Vacation Bible Adventure (cause who wants to go to school during the summer anyway?).  This years theme is King of the Jungle, and my wife is in charge of all of the music for that.  She’s still feeling pretty nervous about it, even after a great first day, but I’m sure she’s doing awesome!  They have child care available for Caleb which makes it possible for her to help out.  But definitely makes it a busy week with Caleb totally off his schedule.

At the same time our church is sponsoring Royal Family Kids Camp in Felton at Camp Maymac.  Some of my friends at Revolution participate with this down south.  It is a week long camp for foster kids, and these are some kids who have had it rough.  I’m tag teaming with our youth pastor, Kyle, as the camp pastor for this one.  I spent most of the day there today, and it was  blast!  It reminded me how much I love working with kids and has kinda made Rachel and I both miss the good ole days at Laurel Pines, where we met.

So each morning I will be there doing object lessons and bible stories.  In the afternoons I’ll be trying to get some work done, getting ready for Sunday, which means midweek rehearsal, and continuing with training alongside our preparing Life Group leaders.  I’ll try to keep up, but please forgive me if posting is slim this week.  And we’ll see if that weigh loss update actually gets up.

Tonight Rachel joined me at Royal Family for dinner and the staff talent show.  Anyone who’s been around me at any of the recent camps or missions trips or any extended events with kids around is familiar with the infamous "Banana Song."  Well tonight, the kids learned it as part of the talent show.  But it went o the next level.  A costume!  Yeah baby!  Yellow pants, yellow shirt, and a banana peel hat made from yellow paper.  Unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture, but I do have a shot of Kyle and I as a pirate and Batman as we helped announce the rules:


What can I say?  Sometimes it’s a lot of fun to make a complete fool of yourself, especially in the name of Jesus.  This will be a somewhat stressful couple weeks comin up, but it sure will be fun too!

18 June 2007 ~ 2 Comments

Worship Confessional #11: Father’s Day

How was your Father’s Day?