Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

22 April 2008 ~ 5 Comments

My Ordination


Got to District Council (fancy name for a bunch of business meetings) at Capital Christian Center in Sacramento yesterday.
As usual, there were issues with my pre-registration.  Not sure why that always happens to me.
After a bit of waiting, they finally got my name tag printed up.
Printed my name and stuck it on a tag.
Here’s what it says:


The lady at the counter bestowed ordination upon me.
See, I knew getting ordained in the A.G. would be a piece of cake!

19 April 2008 ~ 1 Comment

Weekend Rewind

I love that now, when I don’t blog for a few days, my friends who see me regularly, even the ones in my Life Group, come to me and say, "Bobby, you haven’t blogged for a while…is everything ok?"  LOL.   It’s all good.  Sorry for slackin y’all.  Here’s a quick update on the past week.

Saturday:  Building a play structure.  The play group and other kids ministry functions use the play structure in out back yard.  It was old.  Falling apart.  Splinters.  Scary.  Jane bought a new one for the church.  I got to put it together.  They basically give you the wood, hardware, instructions, and a DVD and say, "Here, you are now playing the part of a general contractor.  Have fun!"  9am-9pm.  Me, Ed, Josh, and my wife all day.  plus George, Alan, and Elias during the day.  Got to step 16 of 35.

Sunday:  Sick.  Pretty much sucked.  I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say I spent more time in the bathroom than onstage.  God got me through worship in an amazing way though!  Yeah God!  Slept some.  Slight fever. 

Had our volunteer appreciation Luau that afternoon.  Felt well enough to make it work.  Here’s a few pics.  I’ll put up more soon at the CLC blog.  (Yeah…we’re gonna give that another go.)



Monday:  Play structure…again.  Rachel and I, all day.  but we got it done!  And I’ve never seen Caleb more excited!!  Rachel got some video of that.  Hopefully that will come later.  I got video of the whole building process.  Maybe I’ll get something up.  Here’s the final product:


Come over and play with us sometime!

Tuesday:  Staff meeting.  Work.  Life Group.  Nothing exciting.

Wednesday: Yup.  Another day of working.  Worship practice.  After practice felt introspective.  Went to Starbucks right before they closed.  Got my coffee and spent some time at the beach and the pier thinking, praying, chillin.  It was good.  Then went to Lulu’s to work on a video project.

Thursday:  Sick.  Rachel‘s turn.  She was bad.  Throwing up all morning.  In bed all day.  So work didn’t happen cause I was Mr. Mom.  Had lunch with some great Life Group leaders from our church.  Took Caleb to childcare at 24 hour fitness for Spin class.  He loved it. Ryan met James and I for Spin class too.  We got our butts kicked…it was great!

Friday:  Video chat with Ed and a youth pastor candidate.  Pretty encouraging meeting.  We’ll see where it all goes.  If you know any youth pastors without a job, in case this doesn’t work out, feel free to send em our way!  And Rich‘s, of course.  Tried to catch up on work the rest of the day.  Spent the night working on that video.  Late.

Saturday:  That’s today.  Sitting at the church for a day of training our sound peeps.  A few parties to go to tonight and a lot of work to still do on that video that needs to get done tonight.  Somethings gonna have to give.  I guarantee you it won’t be the video.  Slideshow for a wedding.  Don’t wanna turn anyone into a Bridezilla.  Just kidding!  ;)

There you have it.  busy week.  Tomorrow we’re off to District Council in Sac-town.  Should have some time in boring meetings to blog when I’m not making jokes or acting like I’m in Jr. High.  Hopefully there will be a couple good seminars to go with all the meetings.

How was your week?
Have a great weekend!!

16 April 2008 ~ 1 Comment

Help A Homeless Youth Pastor


This is Josh Robertson.


Well, that’s him several years ago.
He’s now our interim youth pastor.
He’s a horrible blogger.  ;)
He’s also a student at Bethany University.
That means to stay here for the summer, he needs a home.
He really isn’t that scary.
The long hair, armband tattoo , and shirtless bulging biceps are just a facade.
Do you have a room for rent?
Are you aware of a cheap place to stay in Santa Cruz for the summer?
Please help Josh out.
Comment or email.

Oh yeah…he’s also one of the three people that did this.
He fessed up, so he’s sort of safe.

11 April 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Giant Surfer in Santa Cruz

Should have posted this a while back.  But tonight, I am going to a Giants game with my friend James.  In honor of that, thought I’d share this Santa Cruz moment with you.

In Santa Cruz, everyone’s got a gimmick.  Now, this may not be on par with The Pink Guy or the pink Santa, but while some friends were here back in September, we saw this guy surfing at Steamers:


He then went ahead and gave us a nice pose for the camera.  Sliding into home.  Something the Giants aren’t very familiar with – home plate.


Oh yeah.  I’m a Padre fan.  They’re playing the Cardinals tonight.  Don’t care about the Cardinals, but the only time I feel like I should ever root for the Giants is if they’re playing the Dodgers.  Not sure who I’ll pull for tonight, but it will be fun.

09 April 2008 ~ 6 Comments

New Kind Of Worship Confessional


So, the other day I decided to check out Mogulus a little more.  Pretty cool site.  Seen both my friends Los and JVo use it in some pretty cool ways, watching ping pong grudge matches and sitting in on all church business meetings.  It’s basically advertised as having your own TV channel online.  You can have videos looping or even do live broadcasts.

So I figured, what the heck!  So I now have a Mogulus channel.  Check it out here.

Right now it is just a bunch of looping YouTube videos I’ve made.  The live feed feature is pretty cool, but I was trying to figure out what I do that would actually be interesting enough for anyone to join me for it online.  My first thought was a sort of new form of Worship Confessional I guess you could say.  I’m wanting some excuse to just try throwing it up there, so maybe I’ll try setting it up during worship practice tonight.  If you’re just chillin at home and wanna hear some music, see if we’re there!  We usually start playing between 7:30 and 8, after taking some time to connect as a team.

I also thought it could be cool at some point to have a life group where people who weren’t sure what to expect by just going could see one first, and even interact through the chat feature.

What would you like to see a live broadcast of?
Anything sound interesting enough to watch live at Mogulus?
Get creative!  Ideas?

04 April 2008 ~ 7 Comments

Bobby’s Bucket List

So a while back I was inspired to make "a list" when reading post by Heather and Randy.  Actually, I can remember being inspired to do this way back in 1999 while on tour with Young Americans.  One of our directors, Merilee Webb, had mentioned making one at a workshop once.  So I finally am getting around to it and thought I’d share it with all of you here.

So here it is.  My list of things I want to accomplish before I kick the bucket!  In absolutely no particular order:

Help lead my kid(s) to faith in Jesus
Go Hang-gliding
Get SCUBA certified
SCUBA off Hawaii
SCUBA off Australia
Visit all seven continents ([Visited-Not Yet]: North America, South America, Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica)
Climb Mt. Shasta
Finish a sprint triathlon
Finish an Olympic triathlon
Finish ½ Ironman triathlon
Learn to fly a plane or helicopter
Take a missions trip to Africa
Sing in a gospel choir
Take my wife on a cruise
Take my wife to New Zealand
Adopt a child
Climb half-dome
Plant a church (OK, have been a part, but I mean really lead the charge)
Produce an album of original music
Ride in a hot air balloon

I decided since I just made it, to not put on things I’ve already done just to check em off.  That’s a lame cop out.  Kind of a long list, but the way I see it, I’ve got somewhere in the vicinity of 72 years to fill.  So you can bet that as I think of and see more things I wanna do, they will be added.  It will get longer.  And I know one or two of those things are totally unrealistic, but hey, one can dream, yeah?  Might as well aim high!

So, there it is.
If you have any ideas how I can accomplish any of these sooner that later, lemme know!
If you have any you think I should add, lemme know!
And the best part…as I check em off I can share them with you here!

So  how about you?
What are two or three things you want to do before you die?
I really want to know!

03 April 2008 ~ 0 Comments



So, a couple of years ago for Christmas at Revolution we wanted to basically turn our meeting space into an incredibly immersive night sky including planets, galaxies and stars.  How did we end up doing it?  Over 8,000 Christmas twinkle lights taped to the walls behind a sheer black fabric that covered every wall in the building.  Actually worked out pretty darn cool, but the work was pretty ridiculous.

Looking back, I wish we would have had these.  I’m posting this as my first post joining in Creative Chaos at Ragamuffin Soul.  I feel kinda lame because it isn’t something we have done or can speak super knowledgeably about, but I would imagine it could be helpful to many of us in the future.

A friend I made here in Santa Cruz through a company we’ve been using for stage stuff at our church, Legend Theatrical, recently started his own company.  His name in Kenny Green (that’s right friends…Kenny G) and his business is Lumina.  They sell and rent lasers.  Kenny moved to Santa Cruz a few years ago to be a part of planting a church and I had a chance to sit down with him several weeks ago over coffee and hear more about how God led him into this business.  It’s a pretty cool story.  And the lasers sounded pretty sweet, too.  Would have been way easier to just use those things to project thousands of stars around the room for the effect we wanted to create!

He sells and rents the lights for special events.  Maybe one of these days we can work out the time to do a demo for something and I can let you know how it goes.  In the meantime, if you’re ever doing anything similar, or want to really spruce up a youth room, outdoor architecture or whatever other creative use you can think of for lasers, check him out and let us know what you think!  Tell him I sent you over and I’m sure he’ll hook ya up too!  Right Kenny?!  ;)

Like I mentioned, this post is part of Creative Chaos at Ragamuffin Soul.  Go by there every Thursday for all sorts of creative tips, tricks, secrets, and ideas.  Happy blog surfing!

03 April 2008 ~ 1 Comment

Creative Minds


Excellent post over here from Access Elevation on working with "creatives."  Whether you consider yourself one, or you work with or over one, go check it out.  Here’s my favorite one:

Creatives don’t work like you do. If you walk by
and see your designer (or web developer or motion graphics designer or
video editor) surfing the web looking at YouTube videos, making weird
sounds to themselves, playing air guitar or air drums, eating unhealthy
amounts of any kind of candy or laying on the ground staring at the
ceiling…let them do it. Sometimes that’s what it takes to get to where
you want them to go. (Disclaimer: If they never hit any deadlines,
maybe you need to reel them back in a little bit. But if they deliver,
trust them to do what they need to do to be their best.)

We admit it…we are a different breed!

02 April 2008 ~ 0 Comments

Lose To Tri

I stepped on my scale this morning.  Before getting in the shower.  166.6.  Ouch.  Definitely an evil number.

Last summer a few of us did the Tri to Lose challenge to lose some weight.  It went really well, I lost almost 20 lbs, and we raised like $700+ for Invisible Children.  But I never did get down to the 150 I wanted.  And now, I’ve gained a bunch of it back!

And so now we’re flippin it aroung to lose weight!  Time to Lose to Tri.  First Eric did this, and it sounded like a great idea to me.  But there’s no way I was gonna be doing a triathlon without someone to do it with.  Well, now, I have a new friend James who has done a few triathlons before.  We’re both out of shape, and so to give me some motivation to get exercising, it’s time to train for a triathlon or two.  So here’s the two we’re signing up for to start out.

Tri for Fun in Pleasanton in July.  A nice short one to get my feet wet.
Triathlon at Pacific Grove in September.  Olympic distance to really kick our butts!  (If I survive the first, that is!)

And so I started a Spin class on Thursday.  Figured I’d be OK having swam in high school and college, so I swam on Saturday.  Man I’m, out of swim shape!  I found a 16 week training schedule online I started today with some running in the rain.  Here’s what the schedule looks like:




The numbers there are minutes.  The plan is supposed to provide a good base for endurance to get through the race.  6 days a week, 2x bike, 2x swim, 2x run.

Running has always been my worst.  In Jr. High I think I "ran" the mile in like 11 minutes or something.  I was supposed to run 24 minutes this morning.  Had trouble getting past 16!  This is pretty much the route I ran, about 2.3 miles:


It was actually really easy to want to scrap the whole idea.  I seriously kept hearing in my head, "What are you thinking?  You can’t do this!"

Scary how easy it can be to get discouraged.  Made me think of life situations and how easy it is to want to give up sometimes rather than persevere.  But I’m pretty determined.  So we’re gonna make this happen!  And hopefully some pounds will start falling off as I get in shape.  You’re comin along on the journey with me!

Lose to Tri baby!  Yee-ahh!

02 April 2008 ~ 6 Comments

Christian Art

Interesting title.  Not sure what makes some art Christian, and other art not.  Didin’t realize art could be saved.  But that’s a whole different post sometime.  You get the point.

WARNING: todays post is really just a bit of a rant from Bobby’s head.


Last week I was watching a Christian movie that has become quite popular, in both the Christian and secular realm, and it kinda got me thinking.  Before going any further, let me preface this by saying that I had the opportunity to meet one of the guys responsible for this movie at Recreate.  I respect them and think they have great hearts.  Truth is, I am challenged by their commitment to dream and then just go for it.  Truth is, some of the acting in the movie bothered me.  Some of it was just bad.  And it has bothered me for a long that as the Church, rather than leading the way in arts as we did centuries ago, we continue to put out second rate art.  But knowing the story behind the movie and the hearts of the people doing it, this becomes very forgivable to me.

But there was one thing about the movie that really wore on me and I can’t seem to be able to kick it.  WARNING: if you haven’t seen the movie and want to, you may not want to finish as this is a big spoiler alert.  I’m gonna give it away.

As the movie begins, the lead character has been the coach of a losing football team for 6 years, is in danger of losing his job, isn’t making enough to make ends meet, has car issues as a result, and because of his own medical problems has just found out that he and his wife can not get pregnant.  They had been trying for 4 years.  He has a moment of revelation on prayer and following Christ unashamedly and changes his team philosophy.  By the end of the movie, the kids on the team all get saved, the team wins state championships, he gets a $6000 raise, a parent buys him a new truck, and his wife miraculously gets pregnant…twice!

I guess it’s a nice feel good story, and I can enjoy just about any movie with good football scenes.  So why does this all bother me?  It’s just not the reality that I have seen or experienced.  Does God work miracles today?  ABSOLUTELY!  Does God bless our socks off sometimes?  ABSOLUTELY!  Is this the typical response to following Christ?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  Even if only 2 or 3 of those things happened and they didn’t have a kid but chose to adopt or something I would have been happier.

This past Sunday we talked about Jesus calming the storms.  Sometimes he calms the "storms" in our lives.  Other time he calms us in the midst of the storm.  For us to create and share true and meaningful art with the world, we need to be real with them.  I think we need to create art that is honest about the struggles we face and the ability to make it through even when all hell continues to break loose.  That is inspiring.

I’d really like to see a "Christian" movie that depicts a Christ-follower screwing up and then understanding what true forgiveness and grace, or being a great person but experiencing enormous difficulties in life but clinging to God, in a real way, regardless…a modern day Job story if you will. I think that is when the rest of the world will really start to listen and we can actually begin to shape the culture through our art.
Maybe I should quit ranting about it, and go start writing that script, eh?  ;)


This post has been a part of Watercooler Wednesday at Ethos.  Join the conversation today and maybe you’ll win an iPod.  Or win me an iPod!