Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

21 May 2008 ~ 6 Comments

My Top 25

A few friends did this and I thought it was kinda fun.  So, here is my top 25 playlist from iTunes:

Picture 28

There ya have it.  Any surprises?

OK bloggers. Your turn.  Post it.
Then link to your post in the comments so we can see what y’all are listening to.

20 May 2008 ~ 0 Comments

Virtual Conference Week

So I think this week is going to be my week of pretending that I'm at conferences.  On Thursday I'm looking forward to getting a taste of The White Board Sessions conference put on by Ben Arment through a new site called ConferenceChannel.org.

Today I watched the opening sessions streamed live from the Purpose Driven summit at Saddleback.  Good stuff.  Rick warren has a great heart and while I'm not a huge "purpose driven" fan, I love to hear Rich share.  Here's some quotes worth sharing from this morning:

  • Institutions NEVER institute change.  They are always the last to change.
    Don't look for institutions to change the world.  They are there to preserve the change of the last generation.
  • If everyone leaves as soon as your service is over, you don't have a church, you have a performance.
  • Never confuse prominence with significance!
  • Decide early if you want to impress or influence.  You can only impress from a distance, and you can only influence by getting close and allowing others to see your flaws.
  • If you have no friends who are not believers or are of disrepute, you are not living a Christlike life.
  • The pastor available to everyone all the time isn't worth much when he is there.
  • You have to be unselfish to grow a church.  It takes time and sacrifice.  Some churches would rather keep "their music" and let the rest of the world go to hell.

15 May 2008 ~ 0 Comments


And now to complete a Santa Cruz bicycle post trifecta.  As part of preparation for my upcoming triathlons, I’ve been hittin up a spin class, or in this case, a 24cycle class at 24 hour, every Thursday evening with Ryan and James.

It’s been great.  Lot’s of sweating.  Workin hard.  And our instructor…she’s a trip.  Everything you’d expect in a fitness instructor, in a good way.  Energy, fun, loud, rockin with the music.  Seriously, it’s great.  Keeps it entertaining and actually encourages me to push just a little bit harder.  Of course, don’t know how fond I was the first week when she walked up and turned up the tension on my bike.  Taught me not to try and over-achieve! 

Last week in class, she pulls out a camera.  I mention she should email them to us, and she says she’ll post them on her blog.  Well, I haven’t seen it show up on her blog yet, but I was stoked to check out the blog.  So she now has a link in my new "Santa Cruz Locals" bloglist that replaced my tired Fave Five list. These are bloggers around the Santa Cruz area I’ve found that I like to follow (that aren’t CLC bloggers).  So if you wanna read about some Santa Cruz fitness, swing by her blog and leave some love.

Of course, this got me thinking.  If she’s taking pics for her blog, maybe that gives me permission to take some video from my SD1000 to give you a taste of triathlon training. 
Hmmm…whatcha think?

15 May 2008 ~ 0 Comments

Ride To Work

In the spirit of my last post…
Went to Lulu’s fo my weekly hang time with Ryan this morning.
Ride my bike there sometimes, but today I was running a little late.
Little did I know it’s bike to work day/week.
Here was the scene between Lulu’s and Jamba Juice:


Free breakfast from Jamba Juice.  Free Bagels.  Surveys.  Bike accessories.  Free massages for bicyclists.
Man, I chose a crummy day not to ride!
And it’s kinda pointless for me to ride to work…all the way across the parking lot.

14 May 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Santa Cruz Late Night Bike Parade?

I’ve mentioned in the past on this blog the many oddities that exist in Santa Cruz.
When Charlie was here a few weeks ago at a midnight movie, he said several times, "This is the weirdest city in America."
It also just so happens that Santa Cruz takes pride in that title.
I try to share some of those unique Santa Cruz experiences with you here.
Here is an excerpt from a video I’m throwing together of our Goonies Midnight Movie Scavenger Hunt last Friday night.
A post on that to come very soon I hope.
As we were waiting outside the theater around 10p.m., this came by:

Only in Santa Cruz.
But you know what…
That’s one of the things I love about this city!

13 May 2008 ~ 3 Comments

Another Nephew!

Exactly one week before Caleb was born, Ryan Michael Farmer was born.
My nephew.
Son of my sister and brother-in-law.
Well, they didn’t waste any time, and yesterday out came boy #2.
With no further ado, welcome to the world, Noah Timothy Farmer!


Now I’m just super bummed that I live so far away and I can’t be there to meet the kid.
But I guess that pic sent via text message will do for now.

09 May 2008 ~ 5 Comments

Ever Watched LASIK Surgery?

Hi.  My name is Bobby.
Yes, I love to document parts of our lives via video.
Yes, I then like to put it up on YouTube.
Yes, I then like to broadcast it on my blog for the world to see.
Yes, I even filmed Rachel’s LASIK surgery experience.
I think all the doctors thought I was kinda nuts walking around with our Canon SD1000 the entire time.
But now you get to watch them cut open my wife’s cornea.
Instrumental music from Paul Wright‘s new album, Diego’s Diaries.  All songs inspired in my old hood.

By the way…Rachel actually has very blue eyes.  But they looked really green on the screen.

Who else out there has had LASIK?
I’m just glad I watched Rachel’s after I had it done!

And there will be more videos coming this weekend.
Next up…Goonies midnight movie scavenger hunt.
Stay tuned.

08 May 2008 ~ 1 Comment

20/20 Vision


Not sure if it will be that good, but hopefully my wife’s vision will be close after today.  Today we drive over the hill to San Jose to get her some Lasik surgery.

My mom took care of me having it done 5 or 6 years back.  It was freaking amazing.  The next day I was seeing better than I ever saw with contacts or glasses.  So, I had some money left over from an inheritance I got a while back when my grandparents passed away.  There’s lots of things we can use it for, but I can’t think of anything I’d rather see it spent on than something that’s gonna change the way my wife does things forever.  So I pulled the "It was my grandparents money so I have 51% ownership even though we’re one now," trump card and today is the big day.

So if you think of it, please keep her in your prayers this afternoon around 1pm west coast time.  It would really suck if something went wrong.  Check out her blog this weekend as I imagine there will be an update there.

And hopefully she doesn’t see that pic before we go to the appointment today!

07 May 2008 ~ 4 Comments

No Prize Big Enough…

…to get me to do this!  Seriously, I don’t care what the grand prize is.  No way!!

This is just painful to watch.  Check it out:

Anyone else wanna give it a shot?

HT: Creative Procratination

07 May 2008 ~ 5 Comments

Triathlon Training Update

Picture_26To the left you see the 3.2 miles that I ran this morning as I continue to prep for some triathlons.  I was out for about 34 minutes.  I haven’t been updating y’all on that much, so here are some tidbits to bring you up to date.

  • If you have no idea what I’m talking about, see this post.
  • I finally actually signed up for two triathlons.  This sprint in Pleasanton, and this Olympic distance in Pacific Grove.
  • Umm…yeah, I’m especially intimidated by the Pacific Grove triathlon.  I really have no clue what I’m doing.
  • I’m supposed to work out 6 days a week.  I’ve actually been averaging around 4.  Trying to bump that up this week, but 0-4 aint bad if you ask me.
  • I realized this morning how deceiving running on the treadmill at the gym is.  Running in the real world was way tougher and a little discouraging.
  • However, I ran (mostly) a 5k this morning, the same distance I’ll run in the first triathlon, without dying, and it’s still 2 months away.  That on the other hand is encouraging.
  • Of course, I’ll have to run that after swimming and biking, so I figure I’m somewhere between discouraged and encouraged.
  • Worst part: after consistently exercising for over a month, I’ve gone from 166.6 lbs to 166.2 pounds.  .4 lbs…not very impressive.  Maybe I can just tell myself it’s turning into muscle!
  • Then again, maybe it’s the fact that I figure I can have those root beer floats because I’m exercising them off anyway.
  • Thursday nights are spin class.  Ryan has joined James and I at those and the instructor really kicks our butts!  How am I not losing weight?!

Well, there you have it.  My month or so update since deciding to front like I’m a triathlete or somethin.  Figure I can’t claim that title till I’ve at least completed one, though.  Even then it might be iffy.  That’s all for now.

What are you doing to stay in shape?
(And when I say "in shape" I don’t mean round.)