Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

10 February 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Prophetic Art (Part 2)

Yesterday I shared this quote from Ian Morgan Cron at Recreate:

The church needs artists to help "people see clearly what they always felt vaguely."

Lately I've been camping out quite a bit in Ephesians in prep for our next series, Sit, Walk, Stand.  It's based on a book about Ephesians by Watchman Nee.  A pretty common passage from Ephesians chapter 2:

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
-Ephesians 2:8-10

Verse 10 – We are God's workmanship.  Greek.

Workmanship = ποίημα
     1) that which has been made
     2) a work
            a) of the works of God as creator

Or as my study Bible says, can also be translated "work of art."

So in other words, we are God's work of art, created in Christ Jesus.
This Greek word is used one other place in the New Testament.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his
eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being
understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
-Romans 1:20

The point?  Expanding on Cron's thought, we are God's work of art, and through his work of art people will see clearly what they feel vaguely.  Holy moly!!  Sorry.  That just speaks my language and resonates big time.
According to Genesis, mankind was created in the Trinitarian image of God.  We as a whole, as a community, are a walking breathing reflection of the Creator.

While lots of people aren't sure they like Jesus, many are on a spiritual journey.  They know vaguely that there is something bigger, and they are created to worship.  It is the role of Christ followers to ultimately help people clearly recognize what that longing is.

How are you as God's work of art pointing back to Him in the way you live?  When people look at your life, do they see Jesus clearly?

I'm encouraged.

09 February 2009 ~ 3 Comments

Hotseat Post #5

OK.  Remember when I told you to ask me anything you wanted and I’d answer?
It’s been way to long since I was asked these.
I started answering them here, here, here, and here.
This week, we’re finishing em all up.  So here we go…

Steve asked: Why do you think macs are amazing machines when in reality they are overpriced and overrated?

I guess I really don’t have to answer this question, because Steve himself now owns his very own Macbook.  I knew you’d see the light Steve!  ;)

Truth is, they just run better.  I used to be an absolute Mac hater.  Decided maybe I should give it a shot finally considering the sort of creative work I was doing.  Most of the creative industry has turned to Macs.  And if that’s what you’re doing, they’re just better.

If you’re just making spreadsheets, maybe you have a case for a PC, but even then, you’re probably better off with a Mac.  If you need Windows, buy Parallels.

My friend Kimmie asked me: What is the hardest part of your job?

That was a tough one.  I thought about that one a lot.  There’s parts of my job that I just love and really aren’t that tough.  There are plenty of other parts that are really hard, some of those that I love as well, but how do I answer that question without sounding like I’m whining.

While I could probably think of a few answers, the one I would go with is probably one that is also true of many people that own their own businesses.  The hardest part of the job for me is that it is always on my mind.  I just can’t go home and leave work at work.  It’s nearly impossible to compartmentalize.  Ultimately it’s because I care so much and truly love what I do.

There are nights that I have trouble falling to sleep because I’m dreaming of the future of our ministries.  If something isn’t going well in ministry, it weighs on me even when I’m hanging out with my family.  Because I am very committed to doing ministry with my wife and kids it can easily bleed into our times together as a family.

I can’t lie.  There are times every so often that I miss the days of performing at Disney.  Go to the park, work hard for the day, and then leave to go home and forget about work.  In some ways, it made life simpler.  But in reality, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.  Ultimately, I love the opportunity to dream, to create, to impact lives for Jesus, and to do it as a leader in the church.

Your turn.
I wanna get to know you too.
I wanna know, what do you do and what is the hardest part of you job?

07 February 2009 ~ 1 Comment

Caleb Rockin Some Steve Fee

A good follow up to the last Caleb singing video post.
Proverbs says to train a child up in the way he should go and he will not depart from it.
He totally started singing this in the living room today:

Looks like the kid has good taste in worship music so far!
Hopefully if we keep this up, I won't ever catch him singing As The Deer.
Maybe he can go on the road leading this song with his friend, Peyton.

And just in case you haven't caught wind of this song, here's Steve Fee sharing it.
Highly recommend adding it to your set if your leading worship.  It's pretty hot.

07 February 2009 ~ 2 Comments

Prophetic Art (Part 1)

This past week was Recreate.  An un-conference in Tenessee that is by far the best church leader gathering around.  Rachel and I had to miss out this year being that we are expecting Micah to show up any day now.

But I've been able to kinda follow along via Twitter and blogs.  Definitely not even close to the experience of being there, but nice nonetheless.  There have been some great quotes that have stuck in my head as people twittered them, and I wanna use a couple of posts to unpack the train of thought that one of them has me traveling down.

The church needs artists to help "people see clearly what they always felt vaguely"
-Ian Morgan Cron (Author of Chasing Francis)

Love this thought.  It's why I am passionate about art and creative worship.
It got me thinking again about the topic of an artists retreat I was at a few years ago where we discussed the importance of "prophetic art."

But if an unbeliever or someone who does not understand comes in while everybody is prophesying, he will be convinced by all that he is a sinner and will be judged by all, and the secrets of his heart will be laid bare. So he will fall down and worship God, exclaiming, "God is really among you!"
-1 Corinthians 14:24-25

Just as some speak of prophetic worship, our art can and should be prophetic.
Good art causes an emotional reaction.  It requires a response.  It often gives expression to the feelings and truths that we just can't fully express through words.

If you are an artist, create art with power.  I hope that the music we write, the films we create, the photography we produce, and the visual masterpieces we labor over are echoes of God the Creator and give expression to the longing buried inside of the people around us and ourselves.  We need our art as a faith community, inside and outside the walls of our church, so that people will see our work and exclaim, "God is really among you!"

05 February 2009 ~ 8 Comments

Caleb, Guitar Hero Controller, And A Bike Pump

That's all it takes my friends, and you can be a 2 year old rock star.
A few weeks ago I Twittered a shot of Caleb in the kitchen with the guitar and the pump…errr…microphone.
But y'all gotta see the video.
And mind you, we're potty training (Tim & Megan!).

Well on his way to leading worship.
But that random lazy eye look while he's rockin get's a bit freaky.

Rock on Caleb!

05 February 2009 ~ 1 Comment

The Elephant In The Bedroom – Parental Advisory


It’s about to get a little warmer on this blog, y’all!  ;)

Several weeks ago I was teaching our week on the elephant in the nursery and asked for your help.
In case you missed it, this series is about family and relationship issues that we know exist, but that we don’t talk about much.
I had such a good response to that one, I thought we could do it again, just to see what you wish you had known.  Luckily, I don’t have to tackle the topic at church this week.

This week is about the elephant in the bedroom.
Yup.  You guessed it.  We’re gonna talk about the taboo s-e-x topic.
Sex (big S) as God intended it and sex (little s) as the world perceives it.

Being married for 5 years now, I would say this is a topic that is a huge elephant and that many couples are left to figure out alone because discussing frustrations, difficulties, or just questions are frowned upon or just scary.

So, married folk.  (And non-married who apply.)
I’m curious.
What do you wish you had known about sex, or questions you still have, that was/were never discussed or shared with you?
What is the proverbial “elephant” in the bedroom?
Someone just might find out that they aren’t the only ones with that question or frustration.
And hopefully I won’t regret this tomorrow.

And feel free, once again to be anonymous on this one.
Be transparent and honest, but I won’t hesitate to remove any comments that are crass just for the sake of crassness.  I’m trusting that won’t be an issue though.

On your mark, get set, share.

02 February 2009 ~ 4 Comments

Mark Driscoll

On Nightline.

Say what you want about the guy.
I must confess.
I dig the dude.

26 January 2009 ~ 7 Comments

New Music

I have a bunch of money in the form of iTunes gift cards from Christmas.
So school me friends.
What new music do I HAVE to be listening to?

(And if it's country, don't even bother suggesting it.  Sorry Kevin.)

25 January 2009 ~ 14 Comments

Help Us Name Our Child

Thought I’d embed a poll here to see what name you all think we should decide on for our boy who should be arriving in the near future.

Right now we have 2 very similar options.  Having a meaning behind it is kinda important to me.  Here’s the story on Caleb.  And now the names we’re tossin around:

OPTION 1: Micah Robert
Micah (MY – CUH) – A prophet with a book named after him in the Old Testament.  Hebrew root meaning, “Who is like God?” or simply, “One who is like God.”  He was a prophet who called out the injustices of the rich and was a fervent advocate for social justice.  Great verse from Micah 6:8 where he says to “do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.”

OPTION 2: Micaiah Robert
Micaiah (MI – KYE – UH) – Also a prophet in the Old Testament, but not quite popular enough to get a whole book.  Micah is actually the contracted form of this name, so same meaning.  You can check him out in 2 Chronicles 18 (and 1 Kings 22).  He would not lie and gave a negative prophecy to King Ahab.  After it came true and Ahab died in battle, holmes was tossed in jail.  I kinda dig that the name is a bit more unique than Micah.

OPTION 3: Ladanian Gwynn
Yeah, I had to throw that one in just for fun.  Came out o our conversation in a van in Mexico.  Named after the San Diego sports greats.  Can’t really go wrong there.  Then again, neither team has won a championship, so maybe I could go wrong there.  ;)

There are the options.
The poll is below.
Now weigh in.
Just remember, it’s our kid.  So regardless of what you say, I still hold total veto power.
Unfortunately I think Rachel’s veto is more powerful than mine.

25 January 2009 ~ 3 Comments

Worship Confessional #35!

Yes, my friends, they still exist.
It's been a while since I've done this.
So back by popular demand.  Actually by no demand at all really.  Just thought I should do it again.
Got some video of the set this morning.
I'll post the songs below.  But for some footage and blow by blow commentary staring Caleb Genesis Marchessault, check out the video embedded below as well.

Glory To God – Steve Fee
Victory – Todd Proctor
Jesus Paid It All – Kristian Stanfield
Your Name – Paul Baloche

I've Had Questions – Tim Hughes
You Are – Mark Roach

This is also part of Sunday Setlists at Fred's blog.