Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

07 October 2008 ~ 1 Comment

Headin To The ATL

Been wanting to go to Catalyst for quite a while now.  This year I get to go for the first time.  In just over 3 hours I’ll leave with Ed and Brandon to catch a plane in San Francisco.  in the next 3 hours, I still have to pack and get a bunch of work done for when I leave.

So I’ll make this short.  Looking forward to lots of great speakers, but right now I’m most looking forward to hearing from Jonathon Tyson again in the labs after being inspired by him at the greatest unconference in the church universe.

Also looking forward to meeting and/or connecting with good friends and blogger friends alike.  If you’re gonna be there, lemme know, and let’s connect!  And you can be sure to catch some live blogging over here during the week.  See ya!

06 October 2008 ~ 7 Comments

RSS Observations

Early on in the process of blogging I learned of an RSS reader.  If you don't know what that is, all you need to know for starters is you need one.  It changed my virtual life.  I've stuck with Bloglines for the past several years, but alas, this weekend I switched.  I decided to move all my feeds over to Google reader, primarily because I wanted to put it on my Google apps page with everything else, and I have had a few problems with Bloglines site in the past week or two.

That being said, I still haven't been able to get the Google reader app on my Google page, but hopefully we'll figure that out soon.  Rather than export all my feeds (which I didn't realize I could do when I started, but I can always find a reason that what I did was better) I went to each blog and subscribed again.  Here's a few things I noticed:

  • A lot of you changed your feed at some point.  So while I thought you just slacked off of blogging, I just wasn't getting your feed.  I'm back now.
  • Some of you, however, haven't blogged in forever.  So, if you haven't blogged in over 3 months, you are no longer in my reader.  If you decide to get back in the saddle, let me know.
  • Pet peeve.  Didn't realize this just now, but I really want you to know.  If your feed only sends me the first few sentences, CHANGE IT PLEASE!!  I am not reading your posts.  Maybe you did that to get more traffic to your blog for your stats so you could feel better about yourself.  Outside of a few family members, and maybe some people at my church, I love you, but if I have to go to your site every time to read you posts, I'm just not gonna read it.  That's why I have an RSS reader!  When I want to comment or see your flash widget, I'll come visit.  Otherwise, please share your content with me.
  • And finally, but most importantly, make it easy to subscribe to your blog!  I was amazed at how difficult it was to find a subscribe link on many blogs.  Some from people who I know should know better.  There were actually several that forced me to copy and paste the URL.  Generally, if I find a blog I think I might want to follow but I can't subscribe easily, it probably won't make it onto my blogroll.  Some of you may think it's ridiculous to think you care if you're on my reader, but most of you are so dependent on stats to make you feel better (it takes one to know one, unfortunately) which is why you do things like the bullet point above.

Just some thoughts from my RSS switch.  One other thing.  I realized it's about to update the links on my blog as well.  So perhaps I'll have some time in the ATL hotel at Catalyst next week to do so.  Which means 2 things:

  1. Again, if you haven't blogged in more than 3 months, you will be removed.  Of course, you probably don't care much then and aren't even reading this.
  2. If you link here, and I'm not linked to you, I owe you some serious link love!  Sorry I'm behind.  Leave me a comment so I can be sure to get you on here.

And again, if you don't have an RSS reader, go get one and subscribe here.  It makes life much easier!

How about you?
What RSS reader do you read?
Agree with any of those thoughts?  Disagree?
Do share.

02 October 2008 ~ 0 Comments

Water World Poverty

Most of you probably know that Santa Cruz has a very high homeless population.  Homeless downtown.  Homeless up in the mountains.

But what you probably wouldn’t guess or expect is homeless people in the ocean!
This past summer at Lipert‘s birthday party we met this guy:
If I remember correctly, he made that boat himself.
He had floated down all the way from Sausalito.
We gave him some cold drinks and wished him luck.

“Where ya headed?”
“I kinda like it here in Santa Cruz…”

01 October 2008 ~ 1 Comment

My First Guest Appearance


I was a guest blogger today on Rich Kirkpatrick‘s new Tehilla music blog.  It’s a blog aimed toward equipping and encouraging worshippers and leaders.  Go check it out and share your thoughts.
And while you’re at it, be sure to visit Rich as well.  Great leader with some great thoughts.  Great friend and road trip partner too!

01 October 2008 ~ 3 Comments

Bail Out?


Many conversations lately seem to center around politics and specifically the current economic issue.  So if y’all are talking about it around the water cooler, might as well weigh in with some thoughts at my proverbial water cooler.  Having not participated in a while, this post is a part of Watercooler Wednesday at Ethos this week.  Go see what others are talking about as well.

DISCLAIMER: I am quite ignorant to the real workings of the big picture economy, Wall Street, etc.  But I’m still fairly opinionated as usual.  So take these somewhat ignorant thoughts with that in mind.
All over the news, all over blogs, all over YouTube, people are constantly talking about where to place the blame for the current economic collapse.  I have two thoughts.
1.  How about us.  I’ve heard people blame Bush, Clinton, Democrats, Republicans, McCain, Obama, CEO’s, banks, area 51. OK, maybe not the last.  All of them eventually point to the credit situation, lenders, and a number of foreclosures.  But I have heard few talk about us or the borrowers.  It is easy to blame the banks.  And sure, I agree they shouldn’t have been allowing some of the loans they did.  But they are a business.  And ultimately, isn’t it up to us as individuals to be smart enough to not take out loans that we know we can’t pay in the long run?
How about our value systems and the load of manure we call “The American Dream.”  We are so fixated on having the best stuff now.  We have convinced ourselves that to be happy, we have to own a house and live comfortably.  Maybe the best way to prevent this from happening again is for us to change the way we see things.  To shift our value systems as a society.  Maybe if we learned how to spend within our means as a culture in the first place, and learned how to even give money away to those who needed it instead of expecting the government to take care of them, we would see a society that wouldn’t allow our greed to get the best of us.  I read a thought provoking quote from Bono over at Chris’s blog:

“It’s extraordinary to me that the United States can find $700 billion to save Wall Street and the entire G8 can’t find $25 billion dollars to saved 25,000 children who die every day from preventable diseases.”

I’m not sure I understand the mentality of asking “mom and dad” to “bail us out” whenever we get ourselves into a pinch.  Which takes me to thought #2…
2.  How bad is it?  Really? This will really ruffle some feathers, but I’m gonna go there anyway, again admitting that I don’t fully understand all the implications of the Global Economy.  But what I do know is that even today we are still one of the richest nations with the richest people (even you) in the world.  By no means am I even close to rich by our American standards, yet I sit here on my Macbook Pro at a local overpriced coffee shop writing this post.
I guess the reality is that part of me is getting tired of hearing how horrible we all have it over and over again.  I struggle with hearing people complain about how bad the economy is, even though I doubt a majority of those people “pinching pennies” are giving up their morning Starbucks run.  We sit in a building where we pay one person to prepare our food and another to serve it to us as we wonder how we’re going to pay rent next month.  Someone shared with me this week about a woman in line to buy a bunch of halloween decorations talking about how tough it was gonna be to make it this month with the state of the economy.  Perhaps it is our paradigm that needs to shift.  Maybe we need a new perspective on how blessed we really are in the grand scheme of things.
Am I saying there aren’t people out there in very difficult economic situations?  Absolutely not.  And I admit it’s easier to say all this when I’m not one of them.  But I am just sharing what I see when I look at the greater whole.  Maybe we need to live through some hard times, knowing that we’ll still be living at a much higher level than most of the world, and believing that things will come back even stronger in the long run.  Here is a really interesting article that Ryan sent me that definitely resonates with me.  Go read it and see what you think.
Long post, but those are my thoughts.  Now it’s your turn to try and set me straight.

26 September 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Caleb The Piano Man

Some of you piano players out there might appreciate this one, well, except for the horribly out of tune piano anyway!

A few weeks ago we were visiting Grandma in Chula Vista and Caleb got had his first experience with the player piano.  He had a blast rockin out and dancing with it.  Had to get a quick video of him jammin.  Check it out:

24 September 2008 ~ 5 Comments

Caleb Is Two!

Last year, Rachel posted 28 pictures for my 28th birthday on her blog.  I thought I’d steal that idea and post a picture for each year of Caleb’s life on his birthday!

101_6252 IMG_4365

Wow…wasn’t that moving?
OK, so maybe not as impressive as 28 photos.

The first pic was taken the day we brought him home from the hospital.
The other one is from this morning while he ate his favorite breakfast, pancakes.

Two years ago this morning…
It was a Sunday morning.
It was a Chargers bye week. (Pathetic I know that, eh?)
It was exactly a week after his cousin Ryan was born.
Rachel was in labor for around 8 hours.
This bald little boy entered the world just after 6am.
My world was rocked and my life was changed forever.

No real deep thoughts on it today. Just to say, even when it’s tough, even when it’s frustrating, even when I want to throw him out the window, I wouldn’t change being his daddy for anything in the world.  I love this kid more than I ever thought I could love anything or anyone, and he has changed me.

And I better keep that all in mind cause now it’s time for the terrible twos!!  Which I actually think he got a head start on, by the way.
And tomorrow we find out if he’ll have a little sister or brother.
We’re blessed.

Happy Birthday Caleb Genesis!

And just for fun, a few of my favorite past posts about Caleb and fatherhood:

3-D Sonogram
He’s arrived!/Name Explanation
First Father’s Day
First Birthday

21 September 2008 ~ 0 Comments

Mexico Video


Here's the video we showed at church this morning from my trip down to Ensenada last week.
Check out what we'll be doing below.

There will be a few clips at the CLC blog this week also that I couldn't quite fit into this video.
Can't wait to go!

20 September 2008 ~ 6 Comments

Pacific Grove Triathlon Recap

I mentioned on Tuesday that I would give a more detailed recap of the race.  So for those who are interested, here was my experience.

Swim.  37:51.
First of all, a huge thanks to Patty at wetsuitrental.com for hooking me up with a tri wetsuit.  We met up at the expo and she was not about to let me use my O’neil surf wetsuit!  I used to be a swimmer in high school and college, though I never claimed to be a real good one.  And if you’ve never experienced triathlon swimming, it’s a totally different experience!

I was able to jump in the water and take some strokes before it all started which helped acclimate my body to the 58 degree water.  Knowing that I wasn’t gonna be exactly competitive, as the wave started, I chose to swim on the outside and about 1/2 way back to avoid some of the congestion of being hit, kicked, clawed, scratched, swam over and across.  I still started out with plenty of legs and arms around me.  i think I may have been better off to jump in the thick of it and just go for it.  Might help my time a little.  We’ll see.

The kelp actually wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected.  And it was nearly as thick as the day I did the swim clinic a few weeks earlier.  There were a few times where I got a little caught up, not to mention the time I got a giant piece draped across my neck.  It slipped off slowly, rubbing nicely on the spot where my new wetsuit was chafing on the area I already had a rash from working out in my other wetsuit.

As I rounded the first buoy I realized the field had spread out a bit more.  It was hard to see behind me, but I started to get the feeling I was at the back of the pack.  Not gonna lie.  The swim was not horrible, but it was tough, and I can remember thinking once or twice that I might just want to call it a day.  But of course I wasn’t gonna do that.  I jumped out after one lap, rounded the rock, and hit lap 2.  In good news, I didn’t rinse my goggles really at all after spitting in them before the race, and this was the first time in quite a while that they didn’t really fog up at all.  Yay for that!  Coming in a few people from my wave were swimming back toward the wrong.  Although it made me second guess myself, I knew from the swim clinic to veer right toward the exit, which I’m sure helped a bit.  All in all, I could tell that swimming was the discipline I neglected the most during training.  I’ll have to fix that next time!

T1.  5:48.
I did a swim/bike “brick” workout the week before, but still I was surprised how difficult it was to jog onto the beach and up the hill to the transition area.  Not sure if that was the horizontal blood flow to the upright position, or if the swim just took a lot out of me.  I didn’t really rush through transition much.  Made sure I had everything ready to go for the bike, downed a Powebar gel, and caught my first glimpse of Rachel and Caleb.  Then it was off!

Bike.  1:39:01.
Now the 4 lap bike course was slightly more hilly than I had expected.  Nothing too major though.  I spent a fair bit of time biking during training, so while I wasn’t very fast, I was pretty confident in getting through this portion somewhat comfortably.  I have a bike computer that isn’t working to give me distance and speed, but it does keep time.  So I used that to check my time at each out and back and tried to at least stay consistent, if not get faster.  My times show that each lap did get faster, so I’d say that’s a good thing.

Being in the first wave, the course was pretty nice when I started.  Not many people out there.  But as the waves kept coming in, it got more and more congested.  It’s pretty amazing how fast I am not on the bike.  There were lots of people passing me with really nice bikes.  On my first lap, as I was pedaling in from my first loop, I rode by
Rachel and Caleb.  Rachel was whooping and hollering and it was awesome
seeing Caleb’s face mesmorized as daddy rode by with all the bikes.  On
the way back out Caleb joined Rachel to say, “Go Daddy!”  All of a
sudden, I seriously didn’t care how many people passed me.  I was just
enjoying the ride, giving it my best, and looking forward to finishing
for my kid.

I did manage to pass a few people though.  And then there was a guy from my wave that I kept trading places with for the last couple laps.  On lap four, about half way in, I get passed by a guy who taps me on the butt and shouts a quick word of encouragement.

T2.  3:44.
Actually, I was kinda surprised how short this transition was when I saw that.  I thought I took at least as long as the first one.  It should be a shorter transition, but again I wasn’t all that quick.  I downed some electrolyte pills I had along with another gel blast before the run.  And I couldn’t help but make a quick stop in the port-a-potty before going.  (1, not 2)  I thought it was maybe a bad idea for time, but I knew it would make the run a little more pleasant.

Run.  Umm…37:41…plus 17:00ish???
Yup, my royal screw up.  As I stared out, the run actually felt pretty good.  And when I look at the time for my first lap, I’m actually really happy with a 8:28/mile pace.  That’s better than some of my training runs without the swim and bike.  Frankly, that surprised me.  First lap was pretty good, with about 100 feet of walking to take advantage of the aid station at the turn around.

On lap two, it started to get a little bit more painful.  My legs started getting a little tighter, especially my IT bands with I was starting to feel in my knees just a little bit.  I decided to stop at one extra aid station on what I thought was my final lap.  Oops.

I think you know the rest of the story.  Couldn’t find my family at the finish line, so I got my phone from the transition area and made a call.  After realizing I hadn’t finished, and almost wanting to cry, I wasn’t sure what to do.  Finally, I decided I needed to finish for myself at least, and snuck back on the course for 1 final lap.  I looked as I went out and the clock said 3:20:–.  When I finished that lap and crossed the finish line (again) – where I spun my # to my back so the announcer wouldn’t say my name again – it said 3:37:–.  So I figure my time should have been right around 3 hours and 20 or 21 minutes.

I know.  Long post.  If you’re still reading, you’re either a triathlete, my mom, or I’m impressed!

So a few ending notes.  For one, I had a blast regardless of the screw up.  It was loads of fun to be out there, and fairly gratifying (minus the screw up) after training for essentially 6 months.  I’ve never been really the athletic guy, through school and what not, so it’s kinda crazy to think I finished some triathlons.  Especially since I’ve always hated running!  Not sure how many I’ll have to complete to feel comfortable calling myself a triathlete.  using the word athlete about me just doesn’t feel right, even though I’ve always wanted to.  That being said, I’m in for San Francisco!!  I gotta do it right this time.  So anyone else in?  Dan? James?  Eric?! You?

Also, I think it’s in my blood now.  I have trouble with any hobby or activity with just giving it a shot and then letting it go.  That’s why I’m still working on how I’m gonna get SCUBA certified someday.  I also love to challenge myslef and accomplish something I didn’t ever think I’d do.  And it’s great that this one keeps me healthy, too!  All that to say, I’m adding two more races to my bucket list.  Half Ironman, and yup, you got it, an Ironman!  Sounds insane to me, which is why I think it would be amazing to be able to say I did it.  So I guess I might as well throw a marathon on that list, too.  Half Ironman I hope to do next year, maybe the Big Kahuna here in Santa Cruz.  The Ironman…that may be at least a couple years.  Especially cuase I think it would be rad to Ironman New Zealand.  Two birds with one stone from the list!  And that will take some serious saving, planning, and getting rid of school loan debt!!

18 September 2008 ~ 6 Comments

Hotseat Post #4

Slowly but surely, I promise, they are coming!

Let’s see…how how about we tackle the rest of Bet’s questions.

What is your theory on Lost?
Seriously, I’m not one who sits and really tries to come up with theories on it.  I just watch and enjoy, but of course I am trying to figure out what the heck is going on the whole time.
That being said, I do like to waste my time reading mindless drivel on the internet sometimes, and I am a big fan of this theory at this point in time.  Very clever, and seems to have good answers for most everything.

What makes 24 better than Lost?
Two words…Jack Bauer.
See last post below.

What is your predestination theology stance?
Yes, we are chosen.  The Bible says so.
Yes, we have to choose.  The Bible says so.
How are they both true?  Not sure.  But I think it’s one of those things we can’t fully understand.  I used to swing way more to the “we choose” side, but I guess being stuck in a family with all these stinking reformers has got me warming up to Calvin.
Another one of those questions that when it really comes down to it, there are great theologians who I respect and admire from over the years that disagree on this one.  I’m just not arrogant enough to think I can be the one to figure it all out.  Close…but not quite.

Do you approve of women as senior pastors in churches? Why or why not?
Geez Bet.  Thanks a lot.
This is actually one that I keep coming back to and struggling with, and let me preface it by saying that I have not studied it nearly enough to make a solid conclusion yet.  The simple answer is no.  But it’s not that simple.  Let me explain.

I definitely came out of a background that is pretty heavy against the women leading thing, both from Calvary Chapel and Knott Avenue Christian.  So I’ve been recovering.  I’ve swung pretty far away from where I used to be as I’ve looked at the cultural context of certain passages as well as the practical realities.  But Lead Pastor is definitely a place I haven’t been able to move past yet.  On the flip side, while I would not currently attend a church with a female lead pastor, I also don’t condemn those who do or the women who are.  While I may not be all for it, I hardly think it is one of those issues that when we get to heaven, God is gonna be really ticked off about because the wrong gender was expanding the kingdom.

I really would like to be OK with it.  In fact, I think it would be beneficial to the Gospel if I could be.  Here’s my biggest hang up, though.  While I get that some of the passages commonly used are cultural, I also see Paul follow them up with a theological argument.  That’s where I get stuck.  The guy says things I would never say today!  And just for clarification, at this point for me it is definitely not an ability issue, rather it’s a role issue.

Also, as a sidenote, here are a couple of interesting posts regarding this theological issue and the newfound excitement in the Christian community for Sarah Palin.  Go check those out for some thought provoking reading.

So there you have it.  I stirred the pot a little and hopefully the backlash doesn’t get too ugly.
It’s definitely something I want to commit more time and study to in the near future.
How about you other Christ followers out there?
Where do you stand on the issue?  How did you get there?
Share if you dare.