OK, blog catch up week.
My Worship Revolution needs some serious love and attention, and I’m gonna try and make it happen this week. though it may be hard as we put together this years Caroling On The Wharf event.
But it will all begin with a recap of Sunday. Have slacked off on the confessionals, so I’ll ease back in with text to start.
Also, when you’re done here, swing by “Sunday Setlists” to see what some other worship leaders are playing.
This weekend we kicked off Advent Conspiracy.
We really wanted to mix things up and get back in the swing of some creativity with this series, so as you can see, we totally switched up our seating. The pic is from when we were setting up. I didn’t manage to get any shots during the gathering. Maybe next week. We set up all the chairs in more of a semi-circle with the cross standing right in the front in the center. I love sitting in a more intimate arrangement where we can actually see each other, and I also love that with the band behind the cross it seems to take a little focus off of us being center stage and puts it where it belongs.
We also hung and 8’x8′ panel with the AC logo on it up on the stage. Came out great! We set up some dividers at the back of the room to close it in some, draped them in red fabric, put the communion stations back there, and threw up some panels with another version of the logo oversprayed on them. The last thing we added was a little visual to remind us as we enter this series what we have done to Christmas. At the foot of the cross was a manger and in it were boxes for a Wii and an X-box 360.
Family was up for T.G. so my brother-in-law Tim joined me on electric guitar. love having him! We opened up with Fee’s new version of Joy To The World called All Creation Sing. I hate Christmas music, so I love when we can get a new spin on it. This is a good one. Check it out. We went into a special kids time where Ed read them some of The Grinch before they went to Sunday School. That was kinda the theme for the morning. As greeting came to a close we did a quick rendition of Sixpence’s “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch.” Lori did a great job singing it. Check out the rest of the setlist below:
All Creation Sing – Steve Fee [free download here]
You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch – Sixpence None The Richer
How He Loves Us
Come Let Us Adore Him (just the chorus with a kinda drone underneath)
The Wonderful Cross
Our God Saves
My Savior Lives
Reflections: It was a fun service to open up the series. The storytime with the kids didn’t go quite as well as we expected I think, but that will happen on occasion when you take a risk and do something different. I have to say, for me, the worship time was pretty freaking awesome. Seeing people really respond, stepping up to the cross, and really engaging moved me to tears. It was a place I haven’t personally been in worship in a while, and that felt pretty good. Also, How He Loves Us is just a powerful freaking song and I love it!
Be sure to come back tomorrow for the Movie Confessional. Sunday night we screened What Would Jesus Buy. I questioned whether or not to share about that one, but I will.
You don’t wanna miss that story.
How was your Sunday?
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