Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

12 March 2009 ~ 1 Comment

Introducing…Friday’s Flava

I tried to call it Friday's Flavor, but it just didn't roll off the tongue right.  Sounded too…uptight.

Anyway, here's the deal.  Right now in my Google Reader I have 113 subscriptions. 
Some of those are "high profile" bloggers that many of you read. 
Some are personal friends who just have great writing ro interesting stories, but not much of a reader base, so you may never get to hear from them. 
Some of them are just great blogs that feed my mind on topics of leadership and/or ministry.
Almost all of them are worth your time to check out (with the exception of a few that never update and need to just be dropped off my list, or the ones whit nothing but pictures of their kids that you only care about if you know them, like I do.)

This whole blog thing is all about spreading the link love, so I thought that each week…errr…most weeks (leave some margin for error there) I will share a link to a blog that is well worth a visit.  If it grabs your attention, go by and subscribe if you see what you like.  If it doesn't, check it out anyway and never go back if it sucks.

We'll see how this goes.  If it goes well, I figure I have enough blogs in my pocket for a few years of this category.
And how I'll choose which one each week?  Who knows?
Perhaps they write something that grabs me that week.
Perhaps their life intersects with mine that week.
Perhaps I just like them and know you may not read them otherwise.
Perhaps I coupldn't decide, so I just printed out a list and threw a dart.

In any case, let the link love begin with the next post…

Oh, and who are you reading that I should try and squeeze into my RSS reader?

11 March 2009 ~ 5 Comments

My Secret Thug Life

Saturday morning, my brother-in-law Joel was in Santa Cruz to take some pictures of the boys and of our families.  There will definitely be a post with some of those when I get them all, but he posted a few to start out on his blog.  Also check out his business website for him and his business partner Kenny.  If you’re in SoCal and need family pics, I highly recommend them.

Along with the kids photos, Joel posted a couple shots he took of me.  I liked how they came out and promptly decided to use this one for my Facebook profile pic:

Picture 7

The feedback?  My half-brother Kevin said I need a teardrop and tattoos on my arm, my mom said I needed San Quentin printed across my shirt, and even Rachel’s cousin asked on Joel’s blog who the hard core convict is in the pictures.

I guess when you’re as tough looking as myself, it’s hard not to look menacing.
So as not to disappoint, after a little Photoshop fun, and per Kevin’s suggestions, here I am sporting the new body art.


The look is kinda growing on me.
Should I get started with the sleeves or the teardrops?

10 March 2009 ~ 3 Comments

CBS: Is America Losing ‘Faith?’

As I walked in the door for dinner last night, the T.V. was on to CBS.  Caleb was playing in the dining room while Rachel was finishing up dinner in the kitchen, and as I walked in, I happened to catch this segment on the news that caught my interest:

Watch CBS Videos Online

Man, they really packed a lot of thoughts into that 2 minute segment.
Found it interesting though.  A couple lines that especially caught my interest:

"Since 1990, 10% fewer Americans identify themselves as traditional Christians."
"Americans with no religious identity at all has nearly doubled to 15%."
"So called, non-denominational gatherings are growing."
"Many of his members are fleeing religious labels."

I also read an article this week about the use of the word "Christian" vs "Follower of Jesus."

I guess two things came to mind for me here.  One, I'd say it's true that many want to get away from the traditional labels.  Some friends like to note the fact that you will rarely hear me use the word Christian, but more usually will say Christ-follower.  There are lots of preconceived ideas and judgments that I think automatically pop up in one's mind when they hear the word Christian in our culture.  And unfortunately, most of those things aren't based on who Christ truly is, but rather on how we've portrayed Him often times in Christian sub-culture.

The other is that in addition to that, many people, I think especially but not limited to my generation, are definitely steering away from loyalty to a particular denomination.  In fact, I think many are turned off by heavy presence of a denomination in a church.  We're often more concerned with the heart and vision of an organization and less interested in tradition.

So perhaps Americans aren't "losing faith" so much, as the title of the segment suggests.  Perhaps it just looks different than it has in the past.  People are looking for something more genuine and organic.  I'd argue that if we don't consider how we operate in the changing landscape of faith in the west, the Church will continue to lose it's effectiveness in our context.

What thoughts did you have as you watched the segment?
Whether you're a 'Christ-follower', a 'Christian', a 'seeker', an atheist, or none of the above, do share.
I'm curious.

09 March 2009 ~ 4 Comments

A Letter To Micah


Dear Micah,

Today, you turn a month old.  I wanted to write you a short letter to read someday.  Why?  Well, I guess just to officially welcome you to the family, and let you know how awesome it is to have you.

You’ve been blessed already to have 3 people who love you to death (not including all those grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc).  Your big brother, Caleb, has loved having you around the house, which is a big relief to mom and dad!  He still goes out of his way to get some extra attention every now and then when you’re stealing the spotlight, but he loves to hold you, kiss you, and tickle you.  We often have to tell him not to tickle your face and head.

You were born on a Monday night.  02.09.09.  Pretty cool date, actually.  8 pounds, 3 ounces.  Your mom pushed for 3 hours to get Caleb out.  Only 3 pushes for you.  So you already have a leg up on him there.  We really appreciated the speedy exit. ;)

We chose to give you the name of Micah Robert Marchessault.  (After all, the poll was pretty clearly lopsided.  If you would have preferred the others, blame all those people that read our blogs.)  Here’s the real reasons why though:

Micah:  Hebrew – meaning who is like God? or he who resembles God.  Biblically, Micah was also a prophet who authored a book of the old testament.  The prophet Micah was one who spoke boldly against the corrupt leadership of his day and fought passionately for social justice.  Micah 6:8 says, He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. I look forward to who you will become one day as God shapes you, and my prayer for you is that you would seek after Christ and be a man who reflects His character.  That you would be a man who hears from God and speaks his words, fighting for what is right in your world.  And ultimately, that you would act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly, influencing calling out others to do the same.

Robert:  English – meaning “bright fame” or “bright with glory.”  Truth is, you got this one by being named after your dad.  Hopefully I can be a father that makes you proud to share a name with.

Marchessault: And like I told Caleb…you just got stuck with this one buddy!

That all for now.  We’re so excited to have you as an addition to our growing family.  And at times you may feel like you get the short end of the stick, being numer 2 and all, but mom is rocking you right now and just said how much more she loves holding and cuddling with you than she did with Caleb.  I think it’s cause she’s a bit less stressed out this time, like she knows what she’s doing.  If you read this Caleb, sorry bout that.  But hey, Micah has to get something!  ;)

Looking forward to helping you grow into the man God has created you to be.
Love ya son.


05 March 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Blog Silence and Pretty Songs

Hey all.
Yeah, a couple of you have commented that it has slowed down around here.
Guess I’ve just been pretty busy with life off the page.  Family.  Ministry.  Triathlons.

I’ve read several posts recently that have commented on the number of high profile bloggers who have quieted their bogs for good or for a time.  There are a couple that I read that have done this.  Perhaps it’s time for a season of blog sabbath on the web.
So after thinking about that, and since I know you all think of me when you hear the phrase “hgh profile blogger” (sarcasm noted), I thought I should let you all know, I am not taking a break.  (Collective sigh of relief?)  It’s been more unintentional here.  I’ve just been lazy.  But the posts will be coming and I’d be happy to take some of their traffic during the hiatises.  ;)  (I don’t think that’s a word.)

I realize I haven’t even properly introduced you all to the new addition to the family, and it’s been over 3 weeks.  So I’ll work on gettin the posts rollin some more for y’all.

In the meantime, here’s a little cartoon from Naked Pastor to provide some food for thought.  Feel free to share those thoughts with us.  See ya…tomorrow?

Picture 2

04 March 2009 ~ 4 Comments

Worship Confessional 36

Inconsistent as they may be, and a bit late in the game (midweek and all), I present to you all another worship confessional:

Set was:

Everlasting God (Brown)
Hosanna (Baloche)

Word of God Speak (Kutless)
It Is Well (Old School)
I Wait For The Lord (Camp…recorded it)
You Are My Treasure (Tomlin)

Only thing I forgot to mention in the video: for the past month or so I've been consistent at memorizing the music and not using a stand.  As you see in the video, didn't happen this last week.  And when I watched it, it really kinda bugged me.  For one, if it's there, even if I know the song I tend to look at it.  And when it's not, it both frees me up to really lead and gets rid of this bug thing in between myself and other worshippers.  I think I'll work on getting back to that this week.

This post is also part of Sunday Setlists over at Fred's blog.  Go check it out to see what else is going on in the worship leader worlds.

24 February 2009 ~ 3 Comments


Back in Triathlon training again.
Time to get back on the wagon.
I’ll have some more posts coming about some big upcoming “races”.
And it involves you in a BIG way.  But more on that later.

But I was running (or trudging) last week and decided mid-run that it was time to lose the mop again.
Will it really make me faster?  Probably not.  (Especially since I was wearing a hat when running.)
But it makes me feel faster.  Sleeker.  Neater.
So maybe it will have some positive psychological effect.

Don’t worry…I haven’t resorted to shaving my legs…yet. ;)
(I did, however, shave them once for swimming in college, and I confess, it felt kinda nice.)

13 February 2009 ~ 2 Comments

Hotseat Post Conclusion – The Seventh Installment

This is it.  After this, they’ve all been answered.  It’s actually kinda anti-climactic.
Left a few of the easiest for the end.
So, with no further ado…

Ed wants to know: Where was Jesus between his death and resurrection?

In a tomb?

Steve asked: What do you think of the thought the chargers might be moving to LA?

Won’t happen.  If it does, shorter drive to go to a game.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much.
Questions have been answered.
Let me know if I missed anything.
And thanks for playing!

12 February 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Hotseat Post #6

Bret said this: I'd be interested in getting the
entire rundown on the events leading up to and culminating in your
decision to leave Revolution.

Entire rundown?  I don't think you really wanna read that much.  Maybe we can have coffee sometime Bret.  ;)  (Except I guess you've de-friended me because I don't like soccer.)

Now I could use the over arching answer that God was moving me on, which is true, but we'll let that be assumed.  Prayer and confirmation were definitely a huge part of the process.  I'd say that ultimately there were 2 major things that served as a catalyst in my decision.

  1. Worship.  I recognize that there is a very good possibility that I will not lead worship forever.  In fact, I recognize that CLC could very easily be the last place I lead worship as a primary function.  But at the time that I left Revolution, I was feeling pretty strong that playing music and leading worship is where God was pulling my heart.  While that alone wouldn't be enough to move on, I think it played a big role.
  2. Caleb.  When we had Caleb, it really caused me to do some prioritizing and some soul searching.  The truth was, I knew I needed to do a much better job at putting my family above ministry.  That wasn't something that I didn't know how to do in the system and expectations that I had created for myself at Revolution.  And that was probably the single greatest decision maker.  I knew I had to get out of that context to learn how to take care of myself and my family.

Of course there are lots of other factors and events that led up to what was a very difficult decision in my life and my family's.  I love the community at Revolution.  I love the people.  I love the church.  And both the ministry and the people there have had a huge impact in my development as a person, as a pastor, and as a leader. 

It's now been almost 2 years, and I haven't written about this much here, but I still think about and miss Revolution daily.  I pray for that community regularly and it will always be a huge part of us wherever our journey takes us.  I guess that's part of the nature of immersing yourself in a faith community in occupational ministry and allowing it to shape your heart and your soul, with the recognition that it may very well not be forever.  It will always be difficult to leave a ministry that you have poured your life into.

On a side note, Craig Groeschel had a great series over at his blog last week on the topic of how to know when God is calling you away from a ministry.  Well worth the read to get some more thoughts on the overall topic.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

11 February 2009 ~ 5 Comments

Caleb Meets His New Baby Brother

Well, most of you have heard, especially if you followed my Twitter feed through the whole process, we are now a family of four!  Woohoo!

Man…lots of different thoughts and emotions with numero dos.  I may or may not get to sharing some of those here.  I imagine I will.

But in the meantime, I thought you would all enjoy this quick video of Caleb meeting Micah for the first time.  We wanted to be sure to not be holding Micah and really pay attention to Caleb for a while.  But he was just interested in seeing "Baby Micah."  Here he is holding the baby with mommy: