Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

02 June 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Ready To Move


Right now I’m sitting in the office…errrrrr…single wide trailer. There’s no AC and it has been blazing today! (I’m actually not wearing a tie like the guy in the picture…nor does our trailer look anything like that.) All the windows are open and we have like a seven foot fan for drying carpet and stuff on one side of the room. It’s not helping much.

All that to say…Approximately 13 days til moving day! I can’t wait to be in an air conditioned office! It’s a nice large "ministry center" as opposed to 5 of us all packed into one small half of a dingle wide trailer! It’s amazing how much you don’t appreciate the little things (like AC) until you don’t have em!

30 May 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Funky Fried Chicken

You have to check out this video we taped to promote Spork this weekend.  Dave took his chickens into a few restaurants to see if they would fry them up for the picnic. Click on the link below to watch.  And be sure to join us this Saturday from 11-3 at Heartwell Park…free chicken!

29 May 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Spirit West Coast

A few weeks ago, Rachel and I were driving home late on a Saturday night, so we decided to turn on our friend Mike‘s radio show.  I decided to call in for fun when they were doing a giveaway, not expecting to win, and next thing you know I had won tickets for Spirit West Coast.

Unfortunately we couldn’t do the whole weekend, but Friday afternoon we took off for San Diego to catch the night I was most interested in anyway, a set by David Crowder Band, a message from Francis Chan, and then Jeremy Camp.

I figured I am probably the only worship leader left who hadn’t seen Crowder live.  Wow, I thought they were great.  Music was awesome, great time of worship, and David Crowder is such a cool kickback guy.  Really fun to listen to.  That was definitely the highlight.  Francis Chan was pretty good, but it really is just a tough venue to try and give a message at.

Finally we saw Jeremy Camp.  I’ve seen him two other times in the past, once leading worship at Calvary Chapel, and then in the afternoon at Fish Fest one year.  This was a WAY bigger production than those two.  The lighting was amazing and I had no idea how big Jeremy Camp has become.  It was a good show, but to be honest, I think my favorite part of the concert was when he just stood there with his guitar, shared his heart a little, and sang of few great songs. 

Anyway, that’s my quick review on that night.  It was nice to get away for an evening for some good music and a time of worship, too.  Ran into several different people from several different points of my past.  Pretty cool.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, at the end of the night we went to a comedy show to see Ron McGehee who should be performing at an event we will be having this summer called "Hilarious."  He was really funny and I am looking forward to that comedy and music night in August.

22 May 2006 ~ 3 Comments

I Love The Eighties

Last night was a blast! I think we had around 150 volunteers show up to eat, laugh, be appreciated and dance the night away at our ministry appreciation dinner/80’s prom. The outfits rocked and I know a lot of people really enjoyed the evening.
I think one of the most fun parts for us as a staff/lead team (at least for me) was being able to perform the 80’s medley we put together for everyone. If you weren’t able to join us, we performed a number rewiting the words to Down Under, Whip It, Thriller, Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go, Like a Virgin (featuring Charlie and the parking cones), and Footloose. We made total fools of ourselves and it was worth every bit. Here’s a couple of prom photo’s taken at the dance courtesy of Dave Peeters last night.


Me and my lovely wife.


A portion of our life group that was rockin last night.

Check out a whole bunch of other pictures (and some great outfits) ast Dave’s website [click here]. And congrats to Jerry Stout, who never did have his own prom and was crowned Prom King along with Paula Chism as the Prom Queen.

Anyway, it was just a blast. I really am so appreciative of every one of the people who give so many of their gifts in order to serve Christ. I am also so thankful for all the other staff around me who are so passionate and dedicated in doing what God has made them to do.

Afterward, several of us cruised over to our place and watched some old school MJ videos, starting with Thriller. (Thanks Jenny!) Wow that man was such a genius!!

Thanks again to all of you who showed up last night and made it a "Totally Cool Night to Remember"!

UPDATE: Here’s a couple extra fun pics I had e-mailed to me. Enjoy!



19 May 2006 ~ 1 Comment

The Evolution Of Dance

In light of my last post and our upcoming 80’s prom, some of you may want to brush up on your moves by checking out this video. If nothing else, it will provide a fun walk down memory lane!
[Thanks to Jeff Toussieng for the e-mail!]

17 May 2006 ~ 4 Comments

You Might Be A Child Of The 80’s If…


This coming Sunday night we will be having a big 80’s prom as a fun night to appreciate all the people who have helped out regularly in the past year. If you are one of those people and didn’t get an invite for some reason, make sure you let us know so you can be in on the fun.
As I was getting some stuff ready for Sunday, I came across this webpage. Thought some of you might appreciate it. Here’s a few of my favorites:
You might be a child of the 80’s if…

  • You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off. Or even when he had those freaky eyes in "Thriller" at the end of the video.
  • You wore a banana clip or one of those slap on wrist bands at some point during your youth.
  • You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, Wax off."
  • You know what "psych" means.
  • You know who Max Headroom is.
  • You know, by heart, the words to any "Weird" Al Yankovic song. (I know I’m not alone on that one!)
  • You ever had a Swatch Watch.
  • You remember when Saturday Night Live was funny.
  • 3 words: "Atari" "IntelliVision" and "Coleco". Sound familiar?
  • You were shocked and horrified at the Challenger explosion (which you were probably watching in school at the time). (I totally remember watching that at school)
  • You ever dressed to emulate a person you saw in either a Duran Duran, Madonna, or Cyndi Lauper video. (I’m sorry to say, I actually did that with Michael Jackson…but that’s a whole different story.)
  • You have ever called 867-5309.
  • You had a poster of Rob Lowe, Kirk Cameron, or Michael J. Fox on your wall. (BOP magazine?)
  • You remember when film critics raved that no movie could ever possibly get better special effects than those in the movie TRON.
    [read more]

Hopefully that helps some of you get in the groove for Sunday night. Anything you would add?

12 May 2006 ~ 0 Comments


Here’s the final PSA from our Office series. The message by Christina Walker was on "How to Survive Your Boss." Enjoy.

11 May 2006 ~ 9 Comments

Ultra Sound – It’s a…

Had our sonogram appointment to find out the big news yesterday. Since we decided not to wait, we also decided to make it a little bit more special of a surprise for us. So we had the nurse put the sonogram that told us the sex in a sealed envelope, and then we went to a dinner together on the water down at the Pike.  That idea came from my friend Ryan Sharp.
I added a profile picture here too. So, with no further ado, it’s a…


10 May 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Need a Job?

Do you have any background in general construction? If so, Jon Gaw is looking for people to hire for his construction business. If you don’t know, Jon is an attender at Revolution who led our Youth Group for the past couple of years. If you are interested, e-mail Jon or call him at 562.843.8566.

09 May 2006 ~ 1 Comment

I Hurt

Today I went to the gym for the first time in many months. My new “personal trainer” is Elliot and he just started this lifting and workout program called Cross Fit. It’s designed somewhat around olympic power lifting and I guess it’s supposed to make you the most fit by being well rounded or something.

Elliot is PSYCHO!! I thought I was gonna throw up 2/3 of the way through the warm up!! That’s all I did by the way. This thing is insane. The warm up alone is 15 seconds on each side of this squat stretch first. Then with an olympic bar you do 5 shrugs, 5 arm raise to 90 degrees, 5 lifts over your head, 5 overhead with a jump and squat, and 10 squats. Then you do 10-15 bicycle situps, 10 back extensions, 10 pull-ups, and 10 dips…then do it all 2 more times!! That’s not a warm up, that a stinkin workout!

Anyway, my quads hurt the most, but I think I’ll be feelin it everywhere tomorrow. I think I’ll have to work up to finishing a warm up. We’re supposed to do this routine of 3 days work then 1 day rest. We’ll see how it goes tomorrow. If I am actually able to stick with this, I better get ripped or somethin.