Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

24 September 2009 ~ 4 Comments

The Changing Faces Of Caleb

Today, my first son turns 3 years old.  Kinda crazy that we seriously have a little man running around the house.
Having Micah around has been a big reminder for me of how much they change so quickly, and you don’t even realize it being around them everyday.

So in honor of Caleb’s birthday, here’s a quick video showing Caleb and the changes over the first 3 years of his life.
Happy birthday kiddo!
I love you tons and can’t possibly imagine life again without you.

Oh, and of course, there are also some things that never change…


That pic is from August of 2007.
We’ll be working on that now that he’s 3.

11 September 2009 ~ 3 Comments

Pedaling Down SoCal

Day 6

Santa Barbara to Malibu
74 miles. Average speed: 14.3 mph

Picture 1
Mapped Route

So a half day of biking did me more good than I realized.  My legs felt a whole lot better the next day!  Apparently I missed the memo and some of the group left a bit earlier than I expected, so I left with a later group.  The morning for this ride was great!  My legs felt fresh, the terrain really wasn’t all that tough, and it was just a fun morning cruisin the coast.  Really not a whole lot to say except that it was a fun morning riding with a few new friends, Robert and Paul.  May have pushed a little too much in the morning though, cause I felt it the next day.

We stopped for lunch and enjoyed some brats.  We ate at a picnic area in a park and all got there pretty early.  This was the last time we would all be together, so we took some time where Yvette, who pretty much runs the ride thanked everybody one by one with some fun little gifts from the dollar store.  We also talked about the route for the afternoon and the next day, and then were surprise bombed with water balloons by the SAG crew at the end of the lunch.

As we all head out from lunch, I decided to head out as quick as possible.  I figured if I could start out at the front of the pack, I wouldn’t end up at the back by the time we got to Malibu.  The second half of this day wasn’t quite as simple.  As we rounded the coast on highway 1 toward Point Magoo there was a fierce headwind to fight against.  After a while of pushing against it, I decided to slow down a bit and just enjoy the ride.  After a while, a few friends, Derek and Greg, came up on me.  They invited me to join them as we took turns drafting and leading.  I hung with them for a little bit, but before too long, I could tell I was pushing pretty hard to stay on their wheel, so I decided to drop off and told em to have fun.

The rest of the ride was beautiful, and was definitely different riding into Malibu.  You could definitely tell we were in Southern California beach town territory now.  Riding by cars on the beach and what not.  Several small but definitely noticeable hills as we rode through Malibu and up to Pepperdine where we ended the ride at Malibu Bluffs Park.  I ended up riding in around #10ish of the 18 or so riders that day, so my leaving up front idea worked out pretty well.  With the exception of the really fast guys on the trip who pretty much bombed through every day, a lot of the riders kinda chose different paces on certain days.  On some days there were guys who smoked me who perhaps came in behind me other days cause they decided to kick back more on that one.  It was nice to enjoy the rides and kinda decide how hard to push based on how you were feeling and what not.

Gave me some time to change my clothes, have drink, and cheer the last several riders in for the day.  From there we stayed in Malibu for dinner, which we arrived at around 4pm.  They’ve struggled to safely get everyone though L.A. in the past, so now they shuttle from Malibu down to Dana Point to finish off the ride.  But that drive on a Friday afternoon is insane traffic wise.  So we ate at a restaurant on the beach in Malibu, enjoying the outdoor patio, and I finally saw Rachel again at about 8:30 that night when we arrived at Marina Inn in Dana Point.

Day 7

Dana Point to San Diego…the finish line!!!
74.9 miles. Average speed: 13.9 mph

Picture 3
Mapped Route

This turned out to be a bit of a rough day for me.  I think most everyone had “that day” and this was pretty much mine.  Factor in that it is the last day and my legs were pretty much toast along with some other challenges thrown it, and it was a long one for me.

The plan was to ride the full 70+ miles without a lunch stop, leaving early that morning because we were scheduled to arrive at the San Diego chapters annual picnic between 1:30 and 2.  So we all ride to a sports bar called McGregor’s near the stadium to have some drinks and food and regroup so we could all ride in together.

So, I left probably around 6:30 if I remember correctly, with 4 or 5 other riders toward the back of the crew, with only one or two small groups to leave behind us.  Right off the bat we missed a right turn that wasn’t very well marked, and ended up about half a mile off route.  We slowly figured out how to get back to highway one, and were now in the back for sure.  We rode for a bit, and then hit an area where we follow bike route signs through a bunch of back streets.  Jim and Derek came up from behind and started riding with us for a bit, too.  As we passed a park, I saw a restroom, and let’s just say my stomach was not agreeing with me that morning, so I decided to make a quick pit stop.  Virgil saw me stopping and offered to wait, but I told him to go on ahead and I’d catch up.

Well, I hit the road, and followed the signs, but managed to miss a final turn somewhere and now I was way lost.  Tried using my phone to figure it out, had issues with that, started moving the direction made sense figuring if I kept the ocean on the right I’d eventually get on track, stopped again not wanting to go under the highway, and then finally asked another biker I saw if he knew how to get to the bike path through San Onofre.  He was heading that direction and I was now back on the route card and good to go.  As I was riding through San Onofre beach camping areas I ran into the crew I started with stopped at a bathroom, and rejoined em here.

So we kept on rollin.  Ultimately, I could tell I was moving a little slower today, but I could not get my legs to push much faster, and we were mostly moving at the same pace anyway, so it was all good.  We hit the gate to Camp Pendleton, where we stopped for some nutrition at a SAG truck before showing our ID to go through the base.  Keep in mind this was a Saturday morning so the roads were packed with riders.  We left so early that it was still pretty early, but I could already feel the heat setting in.  I had no idea at this point just how warm it would get.

Two things about Pendleton.  First, at one point I actually found it quite moving.  We’re riding through the Marine base, and on the fence I see a couple signs welcoming home troops.  I saw one large sign from a daughter, basically saying, “Daddy, look how much I’ve grown while you were gone!”  Very moving and made me very thankful for these families and the sacrifice they make.

The second isn’t so much about the base, but my luck.  I made the mistake the night before at dinner of hexing myself by saying I hadn’t had a flat and was hoping to get through all 500ish miles without a single flat.  So you guessed it.  Flat tire to slow me down!  I had my tube and a CO2 cartridge, so I was able to change it out fairly quickly.  I found a thorn I had picked up in my tire causing t
he flat, so I got rid of that, and we were back on the move again.

The rest of the morning was just hammering out miles and enjoying some time chatting with Virgil as every hill we hit in his words, “sucked out a piece of his soul.”  There was one final, fairly lengthy climb when we hit Torrey Pines in San Diego.  Luckily I was mentally ready for it, and it’s about a mile and not too horribly steep, so it was slow going and some work for sure, but not horrible at all.  From there the rest of the ride was just difficult cause it was stinking warm, and getting warmer.  Toward the end I stopped a few times to fill my bottles with ice and within 10 minutes it was already melted and warm again.  I found out later that the high where we rode into at 1:30 in the afternoon was 104 degrees!  At one point as I was driving down Kearny Villa Rd with the hot asphalt radiating up into my face, I swear the breeze felt like someone had turned on a hair dryer.

Well, we rode through the parking lot at the Q (will always be the Murph to me) and finally were the last 3 or so to arrive at McGregor’s, and I was so happy to be done!  Hung there for about 20 minutes before we all saddled up to ride into Admiral Baker Park together.  The idea was for the aid vehicles to go ahead and to prepare everyone for us to come in.  Communication must have broken down some where and we made a short climb ti the descent into the park.  I rode toward the front and joked that I was gonna tell my fam that they placed us in order of where we placed by average throughout the week.  As we rolled down into the park, we saw that no one was there to greet us, and as we got there they started walking over from the food area about 500-600 yards away, as if we had caught them by surprise, which we pretty much did.  Kinda anti-climactic, but it was awesome to be at the end nonetheless.  We posed for some pics as a group and then, I was greeted by my wife and kids, mom, and sister’s fam.  Rachel and Caleb had bought a dollar store trophy and some finisher medals for me, along with some Sourpatch Kids as a congratulations on finishing.

And there ya have it.  Here are a few pics from the picnic, and I’ll try to get up another post with a reflection or two before the blog gets back to normal.  Thanks for following the journey!


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03 September 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Recovery Day

Day 5

Lompoc to Santa Barbara
31.8 miles.  Average speed: 13.7 mph.

Mapped Route

Yup.  This was our recovery day.  On a ride this long, 32 miles is considered recovery.  Because we’d be riding a lot shorter than most days, and we couldn’t check in til 2, we took the opportunity for a later morning and didn’t plan to leave till around 10.  The ride would actually be from Lompoc down to El Capitan and then we would all jump in cars to head into Santa Barbara to the hotel.

We started by taking advantage of the free breakfast at the hotel.  And I aint talkin about continental breakfast.  This was breakfast made to order.  Omelet, grits, bacon toast.  Seriously, this hotel was sweet.

Just a bit before we were supposed to leave, I swung my bike over to Steve to make some adjustments so that my chain wouldn’t keep falling off.  He and I both thought it would be a simple fix, so I ran to the hotel room real quick to grab the helmet I forgot.  When I get back, they look at me and tell me I have some major problems.  Apparently my whole bottom bracket was super loose.  Too much longer and my bike probably would have just stopped working in the middle of riding.  So he pulled the whole thing apart, lubed stuff up, and tightened everything up so I’d be good to go.  So grateful!

One of the guys, Greg, waited around for me, so the two of us got a late start.  Now, here was what I had heard about this day.  Easy day, mostly downhill.  What I remember hearing was a short climb to get out of town and then downhill the rest of the way.  Maybe I inserted the word short on my own, cause I really didn’t expect the first 17 miles to be uphill!  And it was stinking hot that day, too.  So I was not feelin the “recovery” for a while there.

Once we finally got over the hill, it was a really nice downhill though!  It wasn’t all downhill from there, but mostly just small rolling hills all the way into the ending spot, just north of El Capitan cause the RV got kicked out of there.

My legs were still hurting quite a bit from the past 4 days, so at 1pm I was really happy to have the rest of the day off.  So Rachel met us at the stopping point and it was off to Fess Parker Double Tree resort!  This is a really nice place that the ride gets great deals on.  Here was the view from our room in my makeshift panoramic shot:


Caleb enjoyed lounging around and watching some TV when we got there.

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We all hung out and lounged at the pool a bit, and then walked down to the wharf to have dinner as a family.

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Great day to relax, give the legs a little break, and spend some time with the fam.

Quick pet peeve.  Why is it that the expensive hotels are the ones that charge you for internet and everything else for that matter?  There was a comp cpu for internet in the lobby, with really slow internet.  I went down before bed and wrote the day 3 post, and when I went to publish, the internet stopped working and I lost everything.  I was super ticked, but took that as a sign from God that it was time to go to sleep and get some rest before heading into the last 2 days of riding.

02 September 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Century Day

Day 4

San Simeon to Lompoc
98.5 miles. Average speed: 14.5 mph.

Picture 60
Mapped Route

It’s now been a full week since this day.  It’s getting harder to remember, so I better catch up on all these posts soon!  And I do not understand at all how the elevation diagram works on Map My Ride.  But that’s a different story.  Here we go.

Another good title for this post could have been, “The day it really began to hurt.”  Leaving from San Simeon that morning, around 7:45 or 8, it was super foggy and cold out.  Each day we went out in 2 or 3 groups.  The slowest group would go first, followed a bit later by the faster group(s) so that by lunch we’d all be around the same place.  Being that it wasn’t really a race, I found at times it was nice to be one of the faster in the slow group and relax a little bit more at times.  This morning, however, I left with a middle group cause there was no way I was leaving at like 7 am.

IMG_8039 I was wearing leg warmers, arm warmers, and some Oakley’s lent to me by Dan especially for foggy conditions.  I ended up having to take em off cause it was so foggy out that they just kept getting soaked and I couldn’t see a thing!  It didn’t take too long to get out of the fog though, maybe 45 minutes, and we were keeping a comfortable but steady pace for quite a while, maybe around 16-18 mph.  I felt pretty good when we left, but after a bit I started to recognize that all that climbing the day before took more out of me than I had realized.  My legs were starting to feel all that riding and I fell behind a bit a few times, but had a few guys hangin back with me as well.

IMG_8057 We eventually ended up in Pismo Beach for lunch and my legs were kinda toast by then.  Lunch was on our own in Pismo, so I left the group and had sandwiches on the beach with Rachel and the kids.  Rachel said to me, “You don’t seem in quite as good of spirits as the last couple of days.”  Yeah.  I hurt.  I didn’t wanna take too long for lunch, knowing that I still had another 50 miles and our longest day ahead of me still.  It was a pretty foggy morning as we ate and I pushed Caleb on swings at the beach, but toward the end of lunch it cleared up, and I rolled out.

I checked out at our check out point in Oceano and I was the last of the “fast” group to leave, and the first group to leave that morning was still doing lunch.  I was about 15 minutes behind them, so I grabbed some Clif bars and Shot Blocs, refilled the water and Gatorade, and I was out!

It was a nice ride through Guadalupe where I kinda wished we had stopped for lunch because the Mexican food smelled amazing.  Just after Guadalupe I joined back up with highway 1 and there is a 8-10 mile stretch with virtually no shoulder and lots of big rigs.  So I tried to book it through this section.  While there, I managed to throw my chain for the fourth time that day.  So i knew I’d need to have Steve (our rocking SAG bike mechanic) take a look at my derailers and adjust em for me that evening or something.  More on that tomorrow.

I spent most of the afternoon in between groups, although I did pass one small group who ended up with one guy having 4 flats that afternoon, and then was passed by 2 others while I was refilling at a SAG vehicle.  I knew what was coming as the day ended.  At right around mile 90 on that pic above you’ll notice a big spike in elevation.  That is Harris Grade.  Harris Grade climbs about 600 ft. in 3 miles.  In comparison to Nasty Grade at Wildflower, not too bad.  Except this one comes after riding 90 miles, not to mention I was in better shape before Wildflower than I was for this.

Well, I saved a final goo for downing right before the grade and took it on.  It actually wasn’t horrible, but it was just a consistent uphill that seemed like it did not stop at all.  So I just went at it slow and steady.  At the top, there was some writing I noticed on the ground that said, “Over the hill club” and “See you in Lompoc!”  From there is was a long fast downhill into Lompoc.  This was the longest day I’d ever ridden.  Before day 3 actually, the longest was a 65 mile day while training for Wildflower.  As I came flying down the other side, I had a moment of being overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment and recognition of what this week was gonna be for me.  The only thing I can really compare it to was a very similar feeling I had after making it over Nasty Grade at Wildflower.  Seiously, it is one of the most amazing feelings in the world and makes all of this so worth it.  Well, that feeling and the money being raised for the cause of course.

So to end the day, I eventually made it to the hotel where Rachel had already checked in.  Our favorite hotel of the entire ride for us I might add.  Best Western in Lompoc.  Highly recommend it.  It was good to know that what I was informed were the 2 hardest days of the ride were over, and the next day was our recovery day.  More on that day soon!

02 September 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Century Day

Day 4

San Simeon to Lompoc
98.5 miles. Average speed: 14.5 mph.

Picture 60
Mapped Route

It’s now been a full week since this day.  It’s getting harder to remember, so I better catch up on all these posts soon!  And I do not understand at all how the elevation diagram works on Map My Ride.  But that’s a different story.  Here we go.

Another good title for this post could have been, “The day it really began to hurt.”  Leaving from San Simeon that morning, around 7:45 or 8, it was super foggy and cold out.  Each day we went out in 2 or 3 groups.  The slowest group would go first, followed a bit later by the faster group(s) so that by lunch we’d all be around the same place.  Being that it wasn’t really a race, I found at times it was nice to be one of the faster in the slow group and relax a little bit more at times.  This morning, however, I left with a middle group cause there was no way I was leaving at like 7 am.

I was wearing leg warmers, arm warmers, and some Oakley’s lent to me by Dan especially for foggy conditions.  I ended up having to take em off cause it was so foggy out that they just kept getting soaked and I couldn’t see a thing!  It didn’t take too long to get out of the fog though, maybe 45 minutes, and we were keeping a comfortable but steady pace for quite a while, maybe around 16-18 mph.  I felt pretty good when we left, but after a bit I started to recognize that all that climbing the day before took more out of me than I had realized.  My legs were starting to feel all that riding and I fell behind a bit a few times, but had a few guys hangin back with me as well.

We eventually ended up in Pismo Beach for lunch and my legs were kinda toast by then.  Lunch was on our own in Pismo, so I left the group and had sandwiches on the beach with Rachel and the kids.  Rachel said to me, “You don’t seem in quite as good of spirits as the last couple of days.”  Yeah.  I hurt.  I didn’t wanna take too long for lunch, knowing that I still had another 50 miles and our longest day ahead of me still.  It was a pretty foggy morning as we ate and I pushed Caleb on swings at the beach, but toward the end of lunch it cleared up, and I rolled out.

I checked out at our check out point in Oceano and I was the last of the “fast” group to leave, and the first group to leave that morning was still doing lunch.  I was about 15 minutes behind them, so I grabbed some Clif bars and Shot Blocs, refilled the water and Gatorade, and I was out!

It was a nice ride through Guadalupe where I kinda wished we had stopped for lunch because the Mexican food smelled amazing.  Just after Guadalupe I joined back up with highway 1 and there is a 8-10 mile stretch with virtually no shoulder and lots of big rigs.  So I tried to book it through this section.  While there, I managed to throw my chain for the fourth time that day.  So i knew I’d need to have Steve (our rocking SAG bike mechanic) take a look at my derailers and adjust em for me that evening or something.  More on that tomorrow.

I spent most of the afternoon in between groups, although I did pass one small group who ended up with one guy having 4 flats that afternoon, and then was passed by 2 others while I was refilling at a SAG vehicle.  I knew what was coming as the day ended.  At right around mile 90 on that pic above you’ll notice a big spike in elevation.  That is Harris Grade.  Harris Grade climbs about 600 ft. in 3 miles.  In comparison to Nasty Grade at Wildflower, not too bad.  Except this one comes after riding 90 miles, not to mention I was in better shape before Wildflower than I was for this.

Well, I saved a final goo for downing right before the grade and took it on.  It actually wasn’t horrible, but it was just a consistent uphill that seemed like it did not stop at all.  So I just went at it slow and steady.  At the top, there was some writing I noticed on the ground that said, “Over the hill club” and “See you in Lompoc!”  From there is was a long fast downhill into Lompoc.  This was the longest day I’d ever ridden.  Before day 3 actually, the longest was a 65 mile day while training for Wildflower.  As I came flying down the other side, I had a moment of being overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment and recognition of what this week was gonna be for me.  The only thing I can really compare it to was a very similar feeling I had after making it over Nasty Grade at Wildflower.  Seiously, it is one of the most amazing feelings in the world and makes all of this so worth it.  Well, that feeling and the money being raised for the cause of course.

So to end the day, I eventually made it to the hotel where Rachel had already checked in.  Our favorite hotel of the entire ride for us I might add.  Best Western in Lompoc.  Highly recommend it.  It was good to know that what I was informed were the 2 hardest days of the ride were over, and the next day was our recovery day.  More on that day soon!

31 August 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Climbing Through Big Sur

Day 3

Big Sur to San Simeon
68.6 miles.  Average speed: 12.5 mph.

Picture 59
Mapped route

OK.  Time to catch up on the rest of the Coastal Race posts.

So I was warned ahead of time that this was the big climbing day.  You can see from the map that there were plenty of ups and downs, and I don’t think that even gives an accurate read.  In those first 50 miles we climbed almost 5000 ft.  Trust me, that’s a lot of uphill.

Even with all the uphill, this was by far my favorite day of the ride.  It started with a fairly long climb out of the area we were staying in.  From there it was lots of up and down, but it was all made bearable by the epic views along the way.  This stretch of the coast has by far some of the most beautiful scenery you’ll find.  Such as this view right here:


I learned from the day before and decided to keep up on the nutrition that morning with bananas, Clif bars, Cliff energy gels, goo, and plenty of hydration.  Good thing too since there was a bit of mis-communication.  We were told lunch would be at Ragged Point, and somehow, many if us were under the impression that was about 30 miles along.  There was a SAG wagon at Lucia lodge, about 25 miles in, where we stopped for some extra pick me ups for some final climbs into lunch.  We thought lunch would be about 7 miles ahead, so I took along a banana and some gel to get me there.  About 5 miles or so later I pass another SAG vehicle and ask how far to lunch.  9 miles.  What?!  I’m no math major but that sure seemed odd.  Luckily, I don’t think I had downed all my food yet, so I saved one for a bit later and kept on going.

I know these won’t all add up right, but I seem to remember about 6 or 7 miles later seeing a sign that read: Ragged Point – 12 miles.  OK, now I’m trying to figure out what the heck is going on.  Not too much later, another aid vehicle passes me, so I flag her down to get some more nutrition for the rest of the ride.  With some grub in my jersey and plenty of water and Gatorade to get me there now, I was much happier.

Lunch ended up being at about mile 52, but luckily the view kept me enjoying the day regardless of the changed expectation and all the climbing.  However, I must admit that when I hit the final hill at mile 47 I was starting to curse under my breath a bit.  (And for those at Life Group Game night, by curse, I of course mean the bad habit that witches have.)

I got to lunch kinda late and there was a group getting ready to leave pretty quick after I got there.  The burgers were cold anyway, and I was eatin all morning, so I stuch there for like 15 minutes to see someone come in behind me, then took off with the group.  Rachel saw me on the way to lunch, so she was there to greet me when I came in as well.  Then I was able to catch up with her and I hopped off the route for a few to check out the Elephant Seals just north of San Simeon along with the fam.


Caught up to the back of that group (except some others who came in a little later) and rode into the hotel for some time with the fam in the pool.  All around a great day!

Here’s some quick random video Rachel grabbed of me rolling down a hill that day.

27 August 2009 ~ 2 Comments


Putting in miles on the bike give you lots of time to think.
This crossed my mind as I rode through Big Sur ann Lucia.

I've got 2 incredible boys, the most amazing wife on the face of the planet, and get to spend an entire week thinking about nothing all day except pedaling forward.
I get to do it with them along for the journey, and do it for a rockin cause, too.
Life is good.

I'm blessed.
How about you?
What are you aware of today that reminds you how blessed you are?

24 August 2009 ~ 2 Comments

Pescadero Beach To Big Sur

Two days officially down for the ride down the California coast.
And right now I’m chillin in our super sweet room at the Big Sur River Inn.
2 rooms.
Sweet front deck.
Looking right out at the river.

Here’s a really quick recap of the 2 days.

Day 1

Pescadero Beach to Watsonville
57.1 miles.  Average pace: 15.3 mph.

Here’s a rough view of the route:

Picture 58
Mapped Route

The group actually started in San Francisco that morning.  Since I’m taking the next 2 Sundays off, I needed to be at church, so I met them at the lunch spot instead.

It only took about 6 miles for me to almost die.
A jeep got cut off on a passing lane, it’s brakes locked up and it skid into the shoulder.  I just heard the squeal, smelled the rubber, and I swear felt the jeep pass right by my leg.
Other than that it was nice and uneventful.

I rode a good 17mph pace all the way into Santa Cruz.  For the most part, I already knew most of this route from riding it before.

The ride for that day ends in Santa Cruz at Upper Crust Pizza and everyone gets shuttled down to Watsonville.  I stopped for a quick slice, and since I missed the morning, figured I’d ride down to the hotel.  One guy, Paul, did that part with me.  He’s flew out from Virginia for the ride and has severe factor 9 hemophilia.

Had a nice ride down enjoying the coast.  Maybe some video and pics to come later.

Day 2

Watsonville to Big Sur
59.3 miles.  Average pace: 13.7 mph

Picture 57
Mapped Route

It was pretty chilly starting out in Watsonville this morning, so I had on the knickers I borrowed from Dan along with a base layer and my arm warmers.

I had ridden a version of this route the week before with Ryan, so I had a pretty good idea where it went, and it’s a nice scenic pretty easy route with some small rolling hills…until we head into lunch.  You’ll notice I added the elevation chart on the pic above.  See that big spike in grade right around mile 25?  Yeah, that’s to get us up and into Veterans Memorial Park.  It was a freaking beast!

And then of course there was some more climbing to get out of there after lunch.  One of the guys has a GPS computer on his bike that estimates the grade.  It had that at about a 15% grade.  So on the way into lunch, I was climbing with not much left in the tank and really needing some calories.  Then I got to climb after lunch with a bunch of pulled pork weighing me down.

Highway 1 from there down to Big Sur is pretty much amazing!  One of the things I’ve been looking forward to all along has been riding across the Bixby Bridge.

There’s one more solid hill that’s a real butt kicker on the way in, and then a few small ones to finish out the day.  Apparently it’s just prep for tomorrow which I understand it”s LOTS of climbing.

Rachel was able to grab a couple of pics of me on the way into Big Sur.
Here’s a nice shot of my behind.


And then of course coming the other direction.

So that’s it for now.
Just chillin at the hotel as a fam waitin to do dinner.
There’s some pretty cool chairs just sittin in the river to chill in.  A nice relaxing finish to a long day.  And the next 2 are even longer!

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23 August 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Time To Roll…

A quick thanks to all of you.
It's late.  So no fancy editing.
It is what it is.
Travis and Zach wanted to thank y'all personally.
So check it out…

Thanks again everybody.
Here we go!

20 August 2009 ~ 1 Comment

Time To Give Away An iPhone

Thanks a ton to everyone who’s helped get the word out about the Hemophilia California Coastal Race for Hemophilia!  As of our goal date last week, we surpassed the $3500 mark!

Picture 55
So, that being the case, it’s time to give away an iPhone!

Ed, Brandon, and I went to Woodstock’s for lunch today and Brandon pulled the name live via Livestream.  Here it is, and please forgive the horrible quality.  It was a bit jumpy broadcasting, but here is our winner…