Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

21 April 2005 ~ 0 Comments

Worship Night

So last night I had the opportunity to get together with a bunch of my old friends to just hang out and worship God together. My friend Daun is heading back to Australia for another 6 months after being there for the past year, and she got us all together before she flew out this morning. These were all people who I used to do church and life with. So many times we would go out and have fun and the night would end up back in someone’s living room and Izak leading us in worship with his guitar. Those were some of the best times of worship that I ever experienced. It was during that stage of my journey that I most felt God’s romancing and wooing. It’s something that I long to see happen more in our community at Revolution. Times of getting together to worship because that’s just who we are and what we love to do. No script, no plans, just time to let God lead.

It was so awesome to be able to revisit that with old friends last night. Some of them I had not seen in 1 -2 years easily. It’s amazing how when people make such an impact on my life, I can not see them for so long yet still feel so close to them when we reconnect. It was amazing to see how God had taken so much of our group in so many diferent directions. Out of the nine of us who gathered to worship, we represented 6 different churches. It’s great to see how God raised us all up and then sent us out to make a difference in so many different places in so many different ways.

All together, it was just a great night of hanging with friends and hanging with God. It always means a lot to me to be able to catch up on old relationships and focus on God in the process. Like I said, it’s something I feel God’s definitely challenging me to do more of with the people I’m in community with now. One chance to do that will be May 15th when we have another night og “Going Deeper.” This is something we’ve done a couple times to just spend a few hours in prayer and worship. Hope to see lot’s of Revolution faces there.

14 April 2005 ~ 2 Comments

Bad Joke by 911 Operator

You gotta here what this 911 operator said to a mom who called in. Given I’m not sure why she would’ve called 911 when she was having behavioral problems with her kids, it still probably wasn’t the brightest way for the operator to respond. Check it out below.

911 Recording

28 March 2005 ~ 1 Comment

Easter and stuff

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. Been pretty busy lately with Easter and other stuff. Lot’s of stuff that I would have liked to write about. Oh well.

Easter weekend at Revolution went awesome! Thank you so much to everyone who made it possible. I will definately have to take some time to write about it later. Right now though, I’m in class at the library listening to a lecture on how to research. Lookin on other peoples blogs to fill time while she talks I found 43 things. Pretty cool site. Maybe I’ll write my goals while she finishes talking. Or maybe I’ll start paying attention.

11 March 2005 ~ 0 Comments


I went with the lead team from our church this week to see the movie Constantine. If you’re not familiar with the movie, it’s about a guy who has been able his whole life to see angels and demons. Throughout his life he sends many of these demons and “half breeds” back to hell in an attempt to gain salvation from God.

I’ve always thought that Keanu Reeves is perhaps one of the worst actors ever, but I was really intrigued to see how our secular culture and the world of Hollywood sees the spiritual realm and spiritual warfare. All in all, the movie itself wasn’t that great and not nearly as scary as I expected it to be either. Of course the theology of the movie was way off. But for those of us who as Christians recognize the forces that are at work in this world, it also rang of some heavy truth. If there was anything redeeming about this movie, perhaps it is that Christians as well as non Christians will become even more aware of the supernatural taking place around us all the time. Like I said, not the greatest film, but I would still recomend it just for the conversation piece alone. Has anyone else seen it? What did you think?

07 March 2005 ~ 0 Comments

Soul Survivor at Triangle Square

Got an e mail about this today. Sounds like it could be fun. I’ll be at worship practice, but if anyone else can make it, let me know how it is.


WHERE: Soul Survivor Church. TRIANGLE SQUARE 1870 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92627

WHEN: Thursday, March 10, 7:00 p.m.


FOR WHO: Young adults, College students

06 March 2005 ~ 1 Comment

Mexican Wedding

WowI’ve done a lot of driving in the past two days. Yesterday I went with Rachel and her family down to Rosarito Mexico for her cousins wedding which we also sang in. Got back late last night (or early this morning, depending on how you look at it) and this afternoon I just got to San Diego where I drove to visit family after church. No more please!

Mexico was nice and it was a great wedding. Took place out on the pier at the beach. Unfortunately the wind was pretty brutal out there which mde it really cold as well. Made it a bit difficult at times to rally concentrate on what wa going on. Every time I attend a wedding, I can’t help but appreciate the picture of us as the bride of Christ. In this wedding the brides father officiated, and it was pretty amazing to see the emotion on his face as she walked down the aisle. Maybe a very small glimpse of what it will be like for the Father when Christ is united with His bride once and for all. Good stuff.

01 March 2005 ~ 0 Comments

The Birth Of A Blog

Well, I’ve finally decided to go
ahead and give this whole blogging thing a shot. It’s a fairly new
concept to me, and I read several others now, so I decided that it was
time to join in. So here it goes. So, why blog? I’ve decided that to
begin, this blog will have 3 primary purposes for me.

1) To Journal my own thoughts and experiences.
I’ve never been much of one to journal thoughts, feelings, or
experiences, so I thought this would be a good time and way to start.
It still seems odd to me to think to myself that someone else would
have a desire to read these things about me. But I read others all the
time and love it. So perhaps it is about being part of a community of
"bloggers" and users of the internet, and simply sharing life together.
I look forward to this aspect of blogging for my own sake of taking
time to output my thoughts as well as for the opportunity to share that
with others. I also look forward to the insight gained from all of you
(and perhaps "you" will grow numerically in time) as I travel this

2) To share my growth and learnings in the area of worship.
In a way, this could fit as a sub category of the first purpose, but I
see this specific aspect playing a much larger role in my blog. I
wanted to start a blog partially as a way to communicate consistently
with those who are part of my worship community at Revolution Church
and beyond. I want to share my learnings with my team and others, and
also hear from all of you about what God is teaching and showing you in
these areas. I hope to see people interact and respond as we figure all
of this out together.

3) To share resources and creative ideas with the larger community of worshippers out there.
One of the greatest passions God has given me is to see the gospel of
Jesus Christ communicated through the use of creativity and the arts.
At our church we do this in a number of ways; through visual art,
music, video, drama, and anything else we can manage to dream up and
pull off. I want to be able to share these thoughts, dreams, and final
products with others to use for their own purposes and to generate
other ideas in them. This has been very helpful to me as I have read
other great blogs, some of which I have added links to. I also want
this to be a place where others can direct myself and whoever may be
following along toward other resources and ideas.

there you have it. Those are my thoughts as I launch my very first
blog. It will be interesting to me to see how these ideas and purposes
change or remain the same as time goes on. I’m sure in some ways, these
posting and your responses will evolve into things that I never
expected. Am I the only one to feel kinda lost and unsure what to
expect as i start doing this? Just wondering. So here we go! Please
feel free to continue visiting, commenting and enjoying as I build my
site here. That’s it for now. Lates!