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My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

11 January 2006 ~ 3 Comments

My Wife’s Birthday

I’m just home briefly before I go back to meet Rachel, Kari, and Will at Disneyland for Rachel’s birthday.  Today is the big day.  I just had to jump on the CPU real quick and tell everyone how much I appreciate my wife on her birthday (I mean that’s when I’m saying it…I appreciate her everyday.)  Rachel really does sacrifice a lot for me to do the things we feel God’s called me to do, and she sure does put up with a lot during the times (which are often) that I’m not being who He’s really called me to be.  I feel so blessed to have her in my life.  Thanks for everything Rachel, and Happy Birthday.  Now I better get back to the park!

09 January 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Life Church

As I mentioned was the plan last week, I went to visit Life Church in Temecula this past Saturday. They are a 3 year old church plant in Temecula that sets up in a middle school every week. Rachel and I went down late in the morning in order to meet up with the worship pastor, Eric Beeman, at his home.
First he took us by the recording studio/ELI house. The use of this house is being donated to the church, and it is a house where they allow their interns to live rent free as they serve. Then we grabbed lunch before heading to the church. It was great to sit and hang with a friend who has similar passions and involvement in ministry.
Then we arrived at the church at around 3 pm. This was really the main reason I came – to watch and learn some more from their setup. This week it was fun watching a room go from this:

to this…

In this case it actually took a few hours, but to their credit, they were trying some new setup ideas this week. From talking to some of them, it also seems like Saturday afternoon has been a tough time to get volunteers. Since I wasn’t running sound like last week, I had a little more time to run around and take some pictures. Here’s a couple that I took that were helpful:

cool idea for the hanging of a techno beam on the stage on some trussing. may come in handy as we try using a few intellabeams.


the 2 outside screens were stinkin gi-normous – pretty cool.


pretty cool rig – on wheels – for their video camera/easy worship screens.

Anyway, that was just a couple of the 60 or so pictures I took.  Here’s a few other thoughts:

  • It’s nice to have storage on site.  This is a luxury we won’t have, but I think we’ve planned really well to make it simple regardless
  • The more the merrier.  I just know that the more people we can get involved in setting up – especially in the sound and lighting area for me – the faster it will go and the more fun we can have doing it
  • Lighting is key.  They did a great job with their lighting scheme.  We have ordered a lot of new and high tech lights for our move, and I’m excited to see how we can creatively use these to add to our atmosphere even more than we have so far.  This also means more light team volunteers to learn how to use it, so if you might be interested, e-mail me: bobby@revolution242.com
  • It’s just really fun to see a room go from an empty and bland space to a creative space that will help people enter into God’s presence in an atmosphere somewhat familiar to them.

It was a blast to hang out for the service and get to worship and enjoy.  Afterward I had dinner with their lead pastor John Rulman where we were able to get to know each other and I got some great insight and thoughts on the first several years of ministry in their church.

All around it was a good day and well worth the drive.  I really am looking forward to the opportunities that lie in front of us at Revolution Church in a similar situation as we head into our grand re-opening month.  Thanks a ton to all the guys at life church who let me hang out and learn from them.  They are all great people and I know that being around for the experience gave me some great ideas for us.

03 January 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Rancho Vista Church

This past Sunday I had the week off at Revolution, so instead I ran sound for my sisters church in San Diego. My brother-in-law was leading worship that morning, filling in for their worship leader. By the way, he did an awesome job! It’s been so fun to see him be used by God in such an awesome way.
Anyway, it was fun to volunteer at church with them. The church is pastored by John Rose who was my youth pastor and a large factor in me first coming to Christ. One of the best parts about going was that they are a portable church, setting up and tearing down at an elementary school. It’s so fun seeing a room go from this…

to this…

…in less than an hour.  It was a great experience for me as we get ready to start setting up and tearing down weekly.  It gave some great ideas on how I want to do things as we get started.  This Saturday I plan to visit Life Church in Temecula to experience their set up process as well.  I look forward to getting some learning from them as well.  I’ll be sure to take some pictures in the process to put up.

03 January 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Final Vacation?

I had what I thought was an interesting e mail when I returned home from vacation.  Actually, I guess it was 2 e mails from one person.  This person e mailed me as a Christian wanting some info about our church, finding out when we had some events that they could visit.  If you e-mailed me while I was gone, you know that you received an auto response to inform you that I was out of town and would be unable to check e mail.  Well, this person then responded to that e mail…here’s what it said:

That’s okay. 2 Mormon missionaires are at the door and they seem sort of nice. I’ll talk to them and get back to you .
Enjoy your time off as the flock wanders.

I guess I had better not take any more vacations, eh?  I’m actually still not sure whether this was a joke, or someone who really thinks that anyone in ministry shouldn’t get a vacation.  I always hope though that my ministry is not dependant on me.  I want to trust more that God is ultimately in charge…and at times that’s easier to remember than it sounds.  I still have a lot of room to do better, but I also hope that a majority of my ministry can be focused on empowering others to serve God effectively…working myself out of a job I guess you could say.  That should give me some good goals to aim for in 2006.  Hopefully this person will still visit our community or find another one where they feel comfortable.

31 December 2005 ~ 0 Comments

Happy New Years Eve From The San Diego Zoo!


29 December 2005 ~ 3 Comments

SCUBA Rocks!

Awhile back, Rachel and I went to the Aquarium where we saw a SCUBA diver feeding the fish. Rachel commented that it would be cool to do, so at that point I decided that we had to hit up Catalina and try it sometime. So this morning was spent underwater.
Now I have a bad habit of wanting to pick up every hobby I try, but it really was amazing. We did an introductory dive on the coast of Catalina at a dive park. At first it was a bit odd. It’s hard to breathe and my body was telling me that it’s not supposed to be submerged completely for prolonged amounts of time. But as time went on, I got used to it. Then we were able to let go of the buoy rope and the instructor led us through forests of kelp with tons of fish and sea life swimming all around us. This site is the dive shop we went with and gives you a small idea what it’s like.

WOW! It was such an amazing experience. Rachel commented that it really is like being in a whole different world. God’s creation is so amazing. For me it was so peaceful and everything around seemed so majectic. We saw an octopus hiding in a hole, I touched a cool looking bottom fish (kinda like a halibut), and the color and size of some of the other fish was amazing.

I came away with two thoughts:
1) God is an amazing creator. The diversity and amount of life in that small area at the depth of 40 feet was unbelievable. I can’t even imagine the expanse of the rest of the ocean that covers a majority of the Earth.
2) I gotta get certified and do this more often! Somehow, I don’t think Rachel will be a big fan of that one. Maybe someday. I guess I’ll just put it on the list along with rock climbing and skydiving. Hey, if I ever win the lottery (if I ever start playing the lottery) I’ll have plenty of hobbies and certifications to use the money on!

29 December 2005 ~ 1 Comment

Welcome Home

Haven’t done much blogging at all this month. To be honest, it’s been a pretty rough month, but I’m looking forward to the new year. Immediately after Christmas Eve service Rachel and I left for San Diego to spend Christmas day with my family. We had a great time having our traditional Christmas breakfast and then opening gifts with my family.

That evening we went up to Big Bear to spend the next day or so with Rachel’s family. The day after Christmas served as the first day of snowboarding for the season. Unfortunately, there has been NO snow, so it was all man made. Not as bad as I was afraid it might be, though. Also, unfortunately, my body pretty much shut down after Christmas Eve and I was feeling pretty sick, so snow probably wasn’t the wisest remedy. It was a great time though and again enjoyed opening gifts again.

Finally we left Big Bear for Long Beach on Tuesday so that Rachel and I could leave for Catalina to get away on our own for a few days. That’s when I got a nice welcome home surprise. Some of you may remember when I first started blogging, I posted about my Jeep getting hit while parked on the street in front of our place. Well, in the hour I had before we left, I went to move my truck from the same spot my Jeep had been parked 8 months before, and you guessed it… hit again. The damage isn’t quite as bad, but then again, it’s a bigger truck. The car that hit me was apparently totaled. It crunched the back left side of the truck and pushed me ino the car ahead to add some nice front end damage.

I couldn’t help but laugh a little with the irony of the whole situation. So I moved the truck and took off for Catalina. I’ll deal with it when I get home.

I hope you all had a great Christmas and are ready for a Happy New Year. Hopefully as I get myself back together, I can start blogging a little more regularly again.

12 December 2005 ~ 0 Comments

It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

I’ve been pretty slim on the blogging time lately. Truth be told, been pretty low on time, period. It’s that time of year again and we have our Christmas Outreach – $1 Christmas – coming up this Friday and Saturday night at Revolution church. There’s so much to do this week to see it all come together! Really don’t have the time to be doing this, but I figured I should throw up a quick explanation of the lack of activity here.

I am looking forward to getting this thing up and running, though. It’s a lot of work and stress at times, but overall it is so much more fun than just doing the same old thing and i can’t wait to see how God uses us to reach people this year. There are lots of other people working hard on it too and I am so thankful for all of you who are helping to make this happen!

Anyway, this will probably be a pretty idle site for another week or two. Hopefully you can all come join us on Friday and Saturday at 6 & 8 pm both nights. See ya there!!

30 November 2005 ~ 1 Comment


This morning Rachel and I are heading out to Yorba Linda for day 2 on the 2nd annual Multiplying Church Summit with Multiplying Church Network. Yesterday was a great day of participating in two round table discussions:

1) Issues in Daughtering Churches

2) Assesing Church Planters and Teams

I’ll throw up some of my notes and thoughts when I find some time.

It was a fun day of hanging whith a bunch of men and women with a similar passion and learning from all of their experiences together. Afterward, I went out to dinner with a group of staff from Life Church in Temecula. I’m looking forward to todays session on Developing Leaders. Rachel will be checking out the session on Planting a Praying Church.

14 November 2005 ~ 1 Comment

Dave Gibbons

In between working on some papers for school this morning, I was on the web and found this interview with Dave Gibbons. If you don’t know who he is, he is the founding pastor of a church in the Irvine area called Newsong. He is a great leader and a pretty amazing visionary. This interview is pretty short, but you gotta check it out. [link]

My favorite part is his answer to the question, “Where do you see yourself in ten years?” It’s just so refreshing to hear about guys who are dreaming God-sized dreams. It really encourages me to think bigger, listen to God more, and trust God more in the places he guides me. I’m reminded again that if my dreams are able to be accomplshed on my own, if they aren’t dreams that seem impossible outside of God’s intervention, then they aren’t big enough!