Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

18 August 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Getting Video

So last week I learned a few tricks for if you ever want any footage from YouTube or Google Video to have as your own.  Check out these websites:

To download the video, videodl.org.
If you’re on a Mac use iSquint to convert the format to whatever you want.

So next time any of you pastor’s want to use a video you probably shouldn’t anyway, you didn’t hear this from me.  ;)

17 August 2006 ~ 1 Comment


That’s what I’ve been doing a whole lot of the past several days.  Throw in a few rounds of golf, some basketball, and lots of food and there you have the first leg of our vacation.

It’s been nice to just kinda kick back and get some rest.  We have, however, been in a 2 bedroom condo with 12 of us.  Me, Rachel, my mom, sister, brother-in-law, aunt, uncle, cousin, his wife, their 5 year old son, other cousin, and his 11 year old daughter.  I don’t come from the ginormous family deal, so that is pretty much the entire crew, and we are LOUD!…and all have pretty strong personalities, so there’s never a dull moment!  Unfortunately I didn’t think of getting a picture of everyone together until half of them had already left.  Oh well.

So now we’re up in Big Bear for some alone and relaxation time.  What’s in store for leg 2 of the vacation?  Lots of movies, reading, and of course some homework (unfortunately).  After getting to the cabin today, we stopped by the grocery store for food, and then stocked up at the local Blockbuster.  here is our current rental list to get through:


Just finished Hoodwinked.  1 down, 5 to go!  Who knows, if we get through them all, maybe we’ll even have time to grab a few more. 

Looking forward to more relaxing and enjoying my wife’s company.  Pretty slow wireless connection I’m picking up at the cabin here.  Good thing actually.  It will keep me away from here til I get home, which would be good. 

16 August 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Jackson James

OK friends, so I’m way late on this, but it still very desrving of a post.  Big congrats to Beth and Mike Hutton who welcomed Jackson James to their family on July 25th.  (I told you I was way behind!)

Get ready, cause I think this is the beginning of a long string of these sort of congrats, including my own son and my nephew.  Here’s some great pics Beth sent out, too.




Congrats guys!

15 August 2006 ~ 4 Comments

Want a Truck?

Or do you know anyone who does?

With a baby on the way it’s time to do some downgrades to free up some funds.  And one of the painful ones is the loss of my truck.  It hurts, but I know that it must be done.  So if you know of anyone who wants a good truck, send em my way.

You can check out the ad here.




14 August 2006 ~ 2 Comments

The Amazing Race

This past Sunday I had the privelege of sharing from Mark 9:33-37 where Jesus says if anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last and servant to all.  Check out the words of Jesus from The Message:

"So you want first place? Then take the last place. Be the servant of all."

As we were in our celebration planning, we began to think, "What would that look like if Jesus were on a reality show today?"  Check out the video to see what we came up with.

12 August 2006 ~ 1 Comment

I’m Outta Here!

It’s felt like a pretty brutal week.  Video to edit.  Message to prepare.  Two weeks of services to dial in.  I think I’m finally there!

Tomorrow after church Rachel and I take off for a week of vacation.  We’ll be with my family at our timeshare in Escondido til thursday morning when we head up to her parents cabin in Big Bear for some alone time.  Next Sunday will my first one away since New Years day, so I’m kinda looking forward to the morning (and week!) off.

Web access will be sparse, so I’ll have a lot of catching up to do when I get back.  See y’all later!

11 August 2006 ~ 1 Comment

4X4 Mini Golf Tournament

Last night was date #2 of our 4X4 group.  This was mine and Rachel’s date to plan, so we decided on a little family fun at Boomer’s in Fountain Valley.  Unfortunately Richie and Selena couldn’t make it, so there were only 3 couples.  We started with a little miniature golf competition…every couple for themselves.  Below is a picture of the trophy that my wife made for the winning couple as well as a shot of Lori and Alvin who beat Bart and and Lindsey by 1 stroke. 



Afterward we went over to Tommy’s for some amazing chiliburgers and ended up back over at Boomer’s so the guys could drive the golf carts.  All around a fun night.

08 August 2006 ~ 6 Comments

A Day In The Life…

I guess this is kinda like my first real Vlog.  A Sunday morning in the life of the Pastor of Celebration Arts.  The main idea here was to film our Sunday morning setup that we do every Sunday morning.  It’s amazing to see how it all comes together.

I ended up taping this on one of "those mornings" if you know what I mean, but luckily you can’t really tell there were some issues in high speed.  So check out what goes into making "church" happen every week at Revolution…

07 August 2006 ~ 2 Comments

My Blogover

You know…it’s kinda like a makeover…I guess.  Anyway, As you can see, I have now officially changed blog servers and kinda revamped the site.  For the better?  For the worse?  Well that’s up to you I guess.  I’m having fun with it though, so welcome to my new home.

I have to admit that it has been way more of a pain switching over than I thought it would be, but it’s done now.  Once I got locked into paying the next year, there was no way I wasn’t!  We’ll see in 12 months if I stick around here.  Hope you enjoy!  Most of the changes and additions are self explanitory, so you can stop reading now if you wanna.  Or you can stick around for the brief hospitality tour of my blog clean up.

Here’s some of the features I’m enjoying:

  • Banner – I don’t know, this may be the least impressive change to a lot of you graphic design types, but I have one.  I like it, but I’d love a better on too.  So if you think it could be better, than go ahead and design one for me.  That would be sweet!
  • Photo Albums – To your upper right you will see my collection of photo’s for your viewing entertainment.  I’m not a great photographer either, but it will be fun to share some pics.
  • Recent Comments – This is nice cause every now and then there’s a comment on something a little older that you might not ever see, but now you can.
  • My Sounds – When I’m not listening to talk radio, that list is probably what I’m groovin to.
  • My Books – Of course a few of these are constantly changing because of school.  The others are books that I’m trying to find time to get through, but I’ve been reding most of em for a while now. 
  • Revolution Blogroll – This is everyone I know of personally at Revolution with a blog, and I love to keep up with those.  If you have one and I don’t know, make sure you e-mail me so I can add you to the list!
  • My Favorite Leaders/Pastor – All great blogs from other church leaders who I enjoy reading.
  • Other Blogging Peeps – These are other friends in many degrees.  Some are old pesonal friends with blogs and others are just bloggers I’ve never met but read on occasion.  Also, if you have a link to my site and you aren’t on any of my lists, please just let me know as this is where I’m more than happy to spread the love.

So there may be a few more things, but that’s already too many and really it’s all the important stuff.  Next step is figuring out the best way to manage my rss feed. 

Hope you enjoy!

03 August 2006 ~ 3 Comments

Left Behind: The Video Game?

I guess a quality movie starring Kirk Cameron wasn’t quite enough.  Check out this report on The Daily Show:

Come on now.  You know you want this no matter what your eschatology is!