Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

08 September 2006 ~ 0 Comments



1096 – the number of days we’re celebrating being a church this coming Sunday.  There are 1095 days in 3 years, and it just so happens there’s also been a leap year in the last three.

This Sunday we will celebrate our third birthday as a church with a worship night that will be recorded for our first ever live worship album – or worship album of any sort actually.  Don’t miss out on this night of worship and celebration.  Even if you don’t attend church at Revolution, we’d love for you to come and worship with us as we thank God for everything he’s done in our community over the past 3 years. 

It’s happening at Artesis high school at 5 and 7pm.  Childcare is provided.  For more info, click here.  See ya there!

07 September 2006 ~ 1 Comment


While up in the mountains this past weekend, the different arts groups created something to share on the final morning.  I was grouped up with 2 others and we wrote a song.  Nineva is the title we came up with.  The idea: have you ever been in a place where you didn’t understand why God had you where he did, or perhaps you didn’t want to be there?  One of those seasons where you have stayed in a situation only because it seemed that God had you there, but you didn’t want to be?  It seems like most everyone has been there at some point, and that’s what we chose to write about.  We related it to Jonah and the idea of being sent somewhere you didn’t fully understand and maybe didn’t want to be, yet desiring to do God’s will.  What is or has been your Nineva?

Here’s the words as well as a recording from when we performed it on Monday morning.  the recording is bad, but it gives you the idea, and at least it’s somethin to hold on to.

lyrics by: Natalie Nicole Gilbert
music by: Collin Downing and Bobby Marchessault

This wasn’t what I expected
Comfort became a foreign word
I don’t wanna let pride get in the way this time
But I’d rather wait another day

    I don’t want to be here
    I don’t want to do this
    They won’t listen anyway
    This isn’t worth my time
    Do you really want me in Nineveh?

Just let me walk away, make my own way
Why do You care f the fig tree withers?
Don’t make me move, don’t make me speak
I’ll keep this to myself for someone more worthy

What You want, not what I want
The right place isn’t easy, but I know You are with me
What You want, not what I want
The right words don’t come easy, but still You’ve brought me here

06 September 2006 ~ 0 Comments

Terra Nova


It’s been a crazy week and I still haven’t had time since getting home on Monay afternoon to post about my weekend in the mountains with Mosaic.  It was an amazing weekend and I’ll post a couple of things this week.  Here’s a few highlights from the week:

  • Tons of fun hangin with a whole lot of creative people all weekend long.  Everyone was awesome!  Really friendly and great attitudes.
  • Great staff, too.  Loved getting to know them and learn from them.
  • During the week we broke up into teams based on disciplines and created during the time there.  I was grouped up with a few others to write a song.  That’s a stretching experience for me and I look forward to sharing what we cme up with later this week.
  • Getting a chance to experience and learn some new arts.  One of the sessions the first day we were encouraged to try something new in a session where it was being taught.  Here’s a pic of Matt Schatz (DeeJay Jigowatt) scratchin and mixin on the turntables:    Djjigowatt                     

The most impactful part of the weekend for all of us was hashing through the idea of creating prophetic art.  1 Corinthians 14 says that when people prophecy, it will cause non-believers to fall down and say "Surely God is in this place!"  Through our own convictions, are our lives and our art causing others to say "Truly God is in this place"?  What does it look like to use art in expressing ourselves to really change people and make a difference in their lives?

This was such a great reminder and a great focus for why we do what we do.  In the art I’ve experienced in our community as well as in "secular" art (whatever that means I know I’ve experienced prophetic art that really moves me and others as well as "non-prophetic art."  I’ve experienced both of those in both settings.  What was the last piece of art that you saw that you would consider "prophetic?"  Perhaps a film, a painting, a play, or a song.  What does it practically look like to be prophetic in our artforms?  Questions to continue to ponder.  Any thoughts?

02 September 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Weekend Retreat

Headin out this morning with four other people from the Revolution artists community to join Mosaic church for their annual arts retreat.  David Arcos, their creative arts pastor, invited me to join them in order to learn some from them and their arts ministries and philosophies.

I’m excited to see what the weekend ha in store and what great ideas and concepts we get for the Fall and beyond, as well as idea on what it would look like for us to provide something like this in the future.  So while it will be a little bit of a relaxing retreat, it will also be a weekend of gleaning everything I can from the.  Don’t know if I’ll have WiFi up there in the mountains, so if not, I’ll hopefully be able to fill you in when I get back.

31 August 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Celebration of Blog Day

So I guess someone decided that today is officially Blog Day 2006.  The idea is to put up 5 links that you have never posted before.  For me, this will mostly be new blogs I’m reading, one’s I have been wanting to check out more and haven’t, or I guess just blogs I haven’t mentioned for some odd reason.  Here goes it:

Anne Jackson – Creative, writer, artist
Emerging Minister – Self explanatory I guess
Jonny Baker – UK worship leader
Troy Kennedy – US worship leader
The Leadership Blog – Interviews with church leaders

There ya go…your turn.

27 August 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Tagged Again

This time’s  little different than the last time I got tagged.  My friend Ben at Babulife tagged me to share about some of the books I’ve read. 

Just this past week I was telling Rachel, on vacation, that I love getting the knowledge from books, and I really want to read the books, but I’m just not good at reading.  Some people can read anything in a matter of a day, and that just aint me.  But, like I said, I do really enjoy reading books, so I do have some answers.  Here goes:

  • One book that changed your life:  Deadline by Randy Alcorn.  Read it right after got really got a grip on me and it was really impactful.  Even as  novel it just hit on so many real life issues, and the ideas and depictions of heaven gave me a healthy longing for "home" that has stuck with me ever since.

    As impactful as that book was for me, you can imagine how stoked I was when we got to lead worship with our friends Boomer and Lisa a few years back in Canon Beach, OR while he was speaking.  Here’s Rachel and I hangin with him at the conference.
    Bobby_rachel_randy_alcornOK…now for more answers.

  • One book that you’ve read more than once:  Are you serious?  Why would anyone read a book more than once?  It takes so much time just doing it once.
  • One book that you’d want on a desert island: The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook. Come on…that has to be a worst case scenario…right?
  • One book that made you laugh:  Here’s Your Sign by Bill Engvall.  We got it for Rachels dad for his birthday.  I read a lot of it.  Funny stuff.
  • One book that made you cry:  I’m not much of a cryer.  A few movies – maybe; a book – not yet.
  • One book that you wish had been written:  A friend and I weren’t really into the whole I Kissed Dating Goodbye deal, so we wanted to write our own dating book.  It would be what not to do, based on our experiences of screwing up (we were both single and maybe a bit bitter).  Title: Oops, I Dated Again.  Forward by Brittney Spears (I was kinda into her before she got trashy). Kinda dumb I guess, but it would have been fun to write a book.
  • One book you wish had never been written:  Mein Kamf by Adolf Hitler.  Is that a cop out answer?  Het, it works for me!
  • One book you are currently reading:  SoulTalk by Larry Crabb.  Was supposed to have finished it awhile ago for school.  Amazing book on speaking power into peoples souls in counseling and everyday friendships.  I’d highly recomend it to everyone!
  • One book you’ve been meaning to read:  Holy moly…just one?  There’s a bunch.  How about Heart of the Artist by Rory Noland.  I’m hoping to take that one in Labor Day weekend at the artists retreat myself and a few arts leaders are attending.

So now I gotta tag 5 more people, so here goes…
Rachel Kaye, Remain Undone, Kuya Jet, Songs of the Closet, david@revolution

23 August 2006 ~ 3 Comments


This week, ROCKharbor church in Costa Mesa is producing "Tableau: A festival for Christian Artists, Dreamers, and Storytellers."  It starts tonight and has several events running through Saturday, including the opening of their stage production of Donald Miller’s book Blue Like Jazz. 

If you can find some time, go by and check out what they have going on.  If you do, let us know how it was!  Find out more about the events here.

22 August 2006 ~ 0 Comments


Have you bought your tickets yet?

We’ve been working for the past couple of months getting ready for our comedy night called Hilarious.  It’s this coming Saturday at Cal State Long Beach in the University Theater @ 6pm.

The night begins with music by our very own Elijah Young.  Our opening comedy act, following Elijah, is an improv group from La Habra called Altar Ego. 

Then, our headliner for the night is Ron McGehee.  Really funny guy, half Korean half Irish from Orange.  He was voted Orange County’s Funniest Person in 2003 and was a finalist on NBC’s Last Comic Standing 2.

If you haven’t gotten a ticket yet, you’d better act quick.  The theater hold 378 people, and last time i talked to Angelina there were 15 tickets left.  To get your hands on one of em, call The Hub @ 563.546.0012.

21 August 2006 ~ 1 Comment

Maternity Photos

About a month back or so, Rachel’s old friend and college roommate, Leah Vis, came out to our place to take some maternity photos of Rachel.  Today we met up with her and her husband Rob at their pad in Riverside to get the pics.  She did an amazing job!!  Check out the photo album link on the side bar to see em all, and here are a couple to show off.

Thanks a ton Leah!  If you need any pictures taken you should check her out!!
Img_6105rachel  Img_6155rachel_1

Img_6163rachel  Img_6333rachel

19 August 2006 ~ 3 Comments

Family Fun With Photo Booth at the Condo

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