Hi! Welcome...

My Worship Revolution I lead a missional community of faith in Santa Cruz, CA. I am a husband, dad, musician, speaker, performer, community catalyst and dreamer. Welcome to the conversation.

08 November 2006 ~ 7 Comments

I Love Midgets

Sorry if I sound insensitive, but I’ve always thought that midgets can just make anything funny.  I love them!  And I don’t want to hear anybody (ie. Charlie Garrison) making midget jokes about me because of this post.  I beat you to the punch, so I don’t wanna hear it!

Seriously, though, midgets rock.  This is a slightly disturbing article though.  Read the article here:

Lion Mutilates 42 Midgets in Cambodian Ring-Fight

Multiple people dying at the attack of a lion, not cool.  The image of 42 midgets in a ring trying to ward off a lion, slightly humorous.

[via Greg]

08 November 2006 ~ 0 Comments

LOST: Fall Finale

Tonight’s the night!  It still doesn’t compare to 24, but a great show nonetheless.  Here’s a few sneak previews to get you anxious for tonight:

07 November 2006 ~ 2 Comments

My Strengths

Our staff, lead team, and oversight team are preparing to go through a workshop based on the strengthsfinder and the book Now, Discover Your Strengths.  If you aren’t familiar with it, you take an online test that gives your top 5 strengths out of a list of 32.  The idea is that it gives a much more unique profile of who you are as opposed to something like the Meyer-Briggs test, and I believe the book encourages you to build upon your strengths as opposed to focusing on your weaknesses.  (I’ll let you know for sure after I’ve read the book.)

So I took the online deal today to get my top 5.  So in order to allow you to know me better, and for those of you who get to put up with me regularly to understand me, they are…

People strong in the Woo theme love the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over.  They derive satisfaction from breaking the ice and making a connection with another person.

People strong in the Adaptability theme prefer to "go with the flow." They tend to be "now" people who take things as they come and discover the future one day at a time.

People strong in the Communication theme generally find it easy to put their thoughts into words. They are good conversationalists and presenters.

People strong in the Positivity theme have an enthusiasm that is contagious. They are upbeat and can get others excited about what they are going to do.

People strong in the Belief theme have certain core values that are unchanging. Out of these values emerges a defined purpose for their life.

And there you have it.  I guess that should be me in a nutshell.  The full report has about a paragraph description of each one, so this is just the short description.

Still deciding what I think, but I guess I’d say it’s pretty accurate.  I’m looking forward to getting through the book and sitting through the workshop to learn more.

04 November 2006 ~ 0 Comments


Tonight was our artisan gathering that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, "create."  Good times.  We had  over 20 arisans come out for this first of what we plan to make a quarterly gethering.  Amanda and Bret Griffin did an awesome job hooking it up with a phat dessert for us all.  Two chocolate fountains, one dark and one white (although the wite didn’t really flow, it was still good to dip into) with pound cake, marshmallows, bananas, pretzel sticks, cookies, plus oh so much more, and punch and coffee to go along with it.  Yeah, that sucked for my diet!  (And yes I realize I haven’t posted my weigh in yet…this weeks been brutal.  maybe tomorrow.  Just know the video was made and the news aint great.  now back to the topic at hand.)

Phil and Sarah Rowland started us off with some fun times through a creative project to work on at our tables.  Each table had a grip of random items placed in the middle of the table to create something with.  They then had to give it a name and come up with some sort of purpose for it.  Some of the creations were hilarious!!  These aren’t the finished products, but here are some of the works in progress:




We ended up with everything from a tranporter that beams people to "Muppet World" to a Bionic Flower that would allow for photosynthesis to occur in space so we can still have flowers when people move to the moon or Mars.

We spent the rest of the evening talking about God’s purpose for us as artisan and the consuming passion for creativity that we share.  We talked about prophetic art and the most recent arts we had experienced that had a profound impact on our thought and lives – movies, shows, paintings, and microscopic organisms.  We talked about using our artistic gifts regularly and being "full time artisans", about recognizing that creativity ultimately flows down to us through the Creator, and believing that our art can be powerful and have a profound effect on people around us as it expresses our spirits and convictions.  This can even be done without adding a stinkin dove to a picture, making the song "Christian", or sticking a verse on the painting (no offense Thomas).

I had a great time and hopefully all the people who came did, too.  I hope that this is only the beginning of a greater conversation about the intersection of art and faith in the church tht can be started in our community.  We ended the night with all the upcoming opportunities to get involved and use artistic abilities at Revolution and some prayer.  Now, it’s time to get home and in bed cause that alarm is goin off soon!

But before I go, how about you join our conversation…what piece of art have you experienced recently that had a profound effect on you?  Do share.

02 November 2006 ~ 3 Comments

It’s Arrived!!

I called Rachel today to let her know it should be arriving at our house soon.  She replies, "Actually, it got here yesterday."


So late tonight when I got home I couldn’t wait to take it out of the box and check it out.  What am I speaking of?  This:


A Panasonic DVX100B Prosumer DV Camera.  An upgrade from our Canon GL2.  Shoots in 24P, and lots of other fun features I can’t wait to figure out for some major video projects we have coming up.  Now a few more accessories I need to research and hunt down to make it all come together.  Fun stuff!

01 November 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Darth Vader at Bugaboo

Congrats to our life group for a job well done in the life group game booth competition at our annual halloween event, Bugaboo.  Although the castaways from Gilligans Island sure did give us a run for our money…great job Thomas’!

For our game booth we played a "whack-a-mole" game themed around Star War.  We made this giant Darth Vader:


on plywood, mounted it on legs, and used the five holes to pop Star Wars masks out of which were swung at by a homemade lightsaber (made from a pool noodle).  We also had full on Darth Vader (James Roe) and Queen Amadala (Jamie Petersen) out front for most of the night.  To top it all off we created a screen above us that had a 20 minute Star Wars themed video.  (Ben, you would have been proud of the booth I think.)  I’ll put some footage up of the whole event, including the game booth later. Here’s a few pic in the meantime:

Bugaboo  Heads   

The event as a whole was amazing!  Probably one of the best events ever.  Things ran smooth for the most part.  Two movies, Curious George and The Chronicles of Narnia were shown, the Trunk or Treat cars and game booths were INCREDIBLE, there were bounce houses, a hot dog eating contest, a soda chugging/belching contest, good food, and lots of people turned out and had a great time!

Thanks to everyone who put in so much work to have a rockin event!!

27 October 2006 ~ 3 Comments

Weight Update

Better late than never. Same way I operate with my papers for school. Doesn’t always work the greatest. oh well. Here it is:

26 October 2006 ~ 5 Comments

Jack bauer Returns From China…Soon

Holy moly – I can’t freakin wait till January!!!!   And this clip just makes it so much worse.  I can’t even explain the increased heart rate I experienced as I watched it (if i were Sawyer I would have been beeping – random LOST reference).  And it gives some very interesting hints – maybe?  Jack looks good with the castaway shaggy look, too.   

And I won’t have class on Monday nights anymore come January (for the first time in 2 years!).  So, who’s up for some 24 parties??  Anyway, just enjoy the preview.

20 October 2006 ~ 18 Comments

Lurkers – Come Out, Come Out, Wherever you Are


A lurker, according to Wikipedia is:

In Internet culture, a lurker is a person who reads discussions on a message board, newsgroup, chatroom, file sharing or other interactive system, but rarely participates.

In the blogosphere, I guess that would include those who don’t comment.

I constantly talk to people at Revolution or other friends who say, "Hey I saw that picture on your blog.  Caleb looks so cute," or "Wow Bobby, I saw your weigh in video and I never would have guessed you weighed that much" (thanks for those by the way – and there were several of you).  The funny part is, a lot of those people I never even knew came by here cause they never do comment.

So I thought I’d try a little experiment for today (and please don’t make me look stupid on this one).  Today, the goal is to have no lurkers.  Just for fun, leave a comment, just to say hi and let us know that you drop by here from time to time.  Just thought it would be fun to hear from you and discover some of the people who I didn’t even know were reading.  So go ahead, leave a comment!

18 October 2006 ~ 2 Comments

Weigh In Numero Tres

So here’s the deal, I’ve been busy, I’m under the weather (with a bit of a head cold), and I haven’t really had the time or energy to put into putting a video together for my weigh in.  So I’ll give ya the next best thing…a picture.

Basically, there’s good news and bad news this week.  The good news – I didn’t gain any weight.  The bad news – I only lost a pound this week!


I guess it’s good I at least dropped something, but I’m really trying to go more dramatic than that.  I haven’t mentioned it here yet, but I hope that by the end of this challenge I’ll have lost 25-30 pounds.  There, I said it.  Now I have to do it.

It’s gonna be tough with Thanksgiving in there, but here we go!  Kept up the diet this week, but had a few indulgent days.  Haven’t started exercising more yet.  That needs to start soon.  So there Ya have it.