01 October 2009 ~ 2 Comments

Sloppy Wet Kiss Revisited

Awhile back I wrote this post about the song How He Loves Loves Us and David Crowder's change ot the Sloppy Wet Kiss line.

Well, I'm a little behind since this came out a couple weeks ago, but I just came across a post from the original song writer, John Mark McMillan about the lyric change and his own thoughts on it.

I highly recommend checking it out
I also appreciate that he shares his own heart in what was behind the lyric in the first place.
Here's a couple of excerpts from what he had to say:

idea behind the lyric is that the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of
earth converge in a way that is both beautiful and awkwardly messy.
Think about the birth of a child, or even the death of Jesus himself.
These miracles are both incredibly beautiful and incredibly sloppy
("gory" may be more realistic, but “Heaven meets earth like a gory
mess” didn’t seem to have the same ring). Why does the church have such
a problem with things being sloppy? Do we really think we’re fooling
anyone on Sunday morning, especially God?"

applaud David for changing the line to serve his people, and at the
same time I boo the machinery that would cause him to have to do so

Love the lyric.
Love his thoughts.
Love his heart.

For those who know the song and sing it at a church, just curious, does his explanation of the lyric help any of those who don't care for the lyric in corporate worship sing it?
Or is it still too much of a leap for ya?

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