India…Here We Come!
Wow, I can’t believe that in just over 48 hours I will be on a plane headed to India to stay there for 2 weeks! Luckily, my amazing wife did lots of shopping for me this week to get me ready to go. She knows that if it had been left to me, I’d be running all over the place on Sunday afternoon for the needed supplies!
I am so excited to get there and to see how God is going to work in the lives of myself, those on the team, and the people we will be ministering to. Check out this schedule for our trip. (Thanks Dave) During our time there we will be busy! Here are a few of the things that we will do:
- Crusades on 5 tsunami islands
- Host a pastor’s conference for over 500 pastors
- Dedicate 8 water wells people in and around Revolution have funded for villages with no clean water
- Dedicate a church those same people gave to have built
- Provide bunk beds for Bible College students
- Medical Camps
- Provide food for the needy
To see a video highlighting three of the projects we raised money for, click here.
What an amazing opportunity this is going to be to see God work in so many different ways. I have already been so blessed to see Him provide all of the finances to make this trip possible through the generosity of so many friends and family members. I ask that all of you would keep me in your prayers in the next few days as I prepare to leave and then while we are gone. Here are some specific ways that you can be praying for me personally:
- That I would get everything dialed in for the next 2 weeks in the next 2 days
- For Rachel as we’re apart for 2 weeks (and hopefully she misses me!)
- That He would give me His heart for the Indian people
- That he would lead me as I prepare a 15 minute message and a 10 minute altar call for the crusades
- That myself and the worship team would be anointed to communicate Christ through our worship
- Above all, that I would get out of God’s way and allow him to work through me
You can learn more about our team and prayer requests for our entire team on our India Update Webpage. That page will be updated as much as possible while we are gone, and if we ever get around any computers while we are gone, I will make an effort to update this page as well. Thank you again to all of you who are partnering with me in this through prayer, finances, and emotional support. I can’t wait to share with you all when I return home.