04 June 2006 ~ 7 Comments

WWJD – What Would Jack Do?


So I really haven’t posted anything on my blog in the past about my TV addictions. Luckily, all my shows just ended so hopefully I’ll have more time for real life. I do believe though, that the greatest TV show ever to grace the screen of homes across America is 24. During the season I spend my whole week looking forward to getting home from class Monday night to find out what wonders Jack will perform next.

I have seen many great posts concerning Jack Bauer (including a recent post by Jamie). Just today, though, I read a post by Mark Driscoll depicting Jack as a type of Christ. This is something I’ve always known, but never put my finger on it quite the way Mark did. You gotta check out the post: 

With the fifth and arguably best season of the hit television show 24 now concluded, Jack Bauer can take a much needed shower, get something to eat, and power up his cell phone battery which magically lasts forever. At the risk of sounding blasphemous, I would like to offer the suggestion that perhaps 24 is incredibly popular because Jack Bauer is a lot like Jesus, as the following correlations indicate: [read more]

Man…I can’t wait for next season to start!!!

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