Arr-Ess-Ess…It Will Save you Time!
Now tune in y’all, cause this is an important post for a lot of you new readers especially.
I recognize that since moving here to CLC I have some more people swinging by to see what I have to say and what is going on in my life. I am honored to have you here. Thanks for stopping by regularly.
But through a number of conversations, I have come to recognize that most of you are still not aware of the wonder that is an RSS feeder. Don’t tune out. It’s way simpler than it sounds. And it will save you tons of time and effort. I could continue on trying to clumsily explain the process to you, but I have a better idea.
I saw this video on a number of blogs several weeks ago. It does an amazing job at explaining the process. Check it out. It will take only a matter of a few minutes and the time that you will get back as a result will be exponential. Here you go:
So go get an RSS feeder. I currently use Bloglines. It works great. I highly recommend it. I’ve had a few people recommend News Netwire Lite to me, as a Mac user. Haven’t checked it out yet, but I may soon.
So now, stop reading and go subscribe to my blog. And then my wife’s blog. And then begin to find a few more that interest you, and see how amazed you’ll be at how many blogs you can efficiently keep up with now.
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