30 July 2007 ~ 1 Comment

16th Worship Confessional

OK, so I’m well over a week late with this one.  Since i didn’t get it out, I will try to bang out 2 this week.  And since I’ve gotta get 2 of e out there, I decided to make this one a bit quicker and easier by not including any video from the morning.  Sorry if that disappoints you, but the next one should be good to go.

One thing that I did that I forgot to mention in the video: for the music after the sermon, I had it all memorized.  So I got rid of the stand completely.  It’s something I know some of y’all probably already do, and something I want to work at trying to do more.  When I don’t have that crutch in front of me, I think it really does free me up to be less focused on the music.  Of course it didn’t happen this week.

Anyway, here’s the video.  Look for another to come in the next couple days I hope!


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