05 February 2008 ~ 4 Comments

Day 1

About to head to dinner after day 1 at Recreate.  Not too much time, but I wanna throw up a few notes and info for all you following along who weren’t able to be here.  Don’t think I’ll have a ton of time to share my processing right now (haven’t even had much time to process!) but I also like having these in one place for me.

Vicky Beeching

Started off the morning by being led in worship by Vicky Beeching.  Jaime, you would have loved it!  It’s too bad that she can’t really lead worship, though.  (For those of you that are a little dense, that statement is dripping with sarcasm.)  It was an incredible time of worship and a great way to jump start the day and the conference.  Video here:


Jon Tyson

WOW.  This guy is a pastor in New York.  He is like 32 years old and ridiculously genious.  He talked about coming trends and looking around the corner.  Here’s a couple of notes and quotes that really hit me.

  • Holistic Missional Theology
    • Man was made to create culture, not just to be gardeners of Eden
    • The church should be in the world recreating and restoring all of culture as it was intended for the flourishing of all humanity
    • Are you limiting creativity to only creating better services?
    • Help people see the renewal mandate of creating good culture as something everybody does.
    • Why sit downstream in the river and complain about the flow when we could go upstream and put something in the water to change the flow
  • Divine Imagination
    • Caesar Augustus captured the imagination of Rome…that is what he did well.
    • Early Christians took the Acts of Augustus and turned it into the Acts.  It was a subversive piece of literature with a better story than the one that was there
    • Christians captured the people’s imagination away from Caesar that Jesus is a better God.  They captured their divine imagination
  • Banksy Imaginative Prophet
    • •    Our culture has forgotten how to discern good art
  • What are you doing that is provocative to capture peoples divine imagination?
  • Better services are not the final solution, better lives being shared in the weekend services is the answer.

Man, I can’t wait for our smaller session with this guy to discuss!

Matthew West

A surprise artis this afternoon was Matthew West.  I’m not personally familiar with much of his music, but he was great.  He also shared a piece of a documentary they filmed last year about his having vocal surgery and sharing what he learned in his "weakness" and "brokenness."  Here’s a piece of a new song of his:


Other stuff too, but there’s the highlights.  Gotta go!  More later!

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