World Wide Wed
A good friend of mine, Jamie, is getting married in Stockton today.
I had the honor of putting together a slideshow for her and Chris for the wedding.
I would share it with you, but I figure she should get to debut it at her own wedding.
Several weeks ago I asked what y’all might wanna see on my Mogulus.
His family is in Minnesota.
Hers is her.
A lot of friends in SoCal.
So, we’re broadcasting her wedding today.
It will loop for 72 hours after.
So if you were invited, but couldn’t make it, weren’t invited, but wanna see it, or don’t even know her but love weddings, tune in here.
Best thing about a wedding on Mogulus, y’all can chat it up for the whole wedding and no one will yell at you for being too loud!
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