26 May 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Memorial Day Weekend In Portland

It was nice to get away this weekend with the wife and kid to visit a friend in the Portland area.  Saturday we were able to roll out to the coast on Saturday to visit some other great friends and former pastors of ours, Boomer and Lisa Reiff who were at Cannon Beach conference center leading some worship.  Haven’t seen them in years and it was great to catch up!  We got to join in on the family carnival they had at the conference center and I destroyed my wife on the blow up obstacle course.  ;)

Sunday morning we worshipped at Imago Dei, which I’ll be posting more about later.  Also this weekend we were introduced to the board game Settlers of Catan.  Fun stuff.  Here’s a few pics from the past couple of days:


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How was your Memorial Day weekend???

P.S. – Typepad recently changed their format for posting and I think it’s a royal pain in the behind!!  Especially for pictures!

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