Archive | April, 2008

11 April 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Giant Surfer in Santa Cruz

Should have posted this a while back.  But tonight, I am going to a Giants game with my friend James.  In honor of that, thought I’d share this Santa Cruz moment with you. In Santa Cruz, everyone’s got a gimmick.  Now, this may not be on par with The Pink Guy or the pink Santa, […]

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09 April 2008 ~ 6 Comments

New Kind Of Worship Confessional

So, the other day I decided to check out Mogulus a little more.  Pretty cool site.  Seen both my friends Los and JVo use it in some pretty cool ways, watching ping pong grudge matches and sitting in on all church business meetings.  It’s basically advertised as having your own TV channel online.  You can […]

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04 April 2008 ~ 7 Comments

Bobby’s Bucket List

So a while back I was inspired to make "a list" when reading post by Heather and Randy.  Actually, I can remember being inspired to do this way back in 1999 while on tour with Young Americans.  One of our directors, Merilee Webb, had mentioned making one at a workshop once.  So I finally am […]

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03 April 2008 ~ 0 Comments


So, a couple of years ago for Christmas at Revolution we wanted to basically turn our meeting space into an incredibly immersive night sky including planets, galaxies and stars.  How did we end up doing it?  Over 8,000 Christmas twinkle lights taped to the walls behind a sheer black fabric that covered every wall in […]

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03 April 2008 ~ 1 Comment

Creative Minds


Excellent post over here from Access Elevation on working with "creatives."  Whether you consider yourself one, or you work with or over one, go check it out.  Here’s my favorite one: Creatives don’t work like you do. If you walk by and see your designer (or web developer or motion graphics designer or video editor) […]

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02 April 2008 ~ 0 Comments

Lose To Tri

I stepped on my scale this morning.  Before getting in the shower.  166.6.  Ouch.  Definitely an evil number. Last summer a few of us did the Tri to Lose challenge to lose some weight.  It went really well, I lost almost 20 lbs, and we raised like $700+ for Invisible Children.  But I never did […]

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02 April 2008 ~ 6 Comments

Christian Art

Interesting title.  Not sure what makes some art Christian, and other art not.  Didin’t realize art could be saved.  But that’s a whole different post sometime.  You get the point. WARNING: todays post is really just a bit of a rant from Bobby’s head. Last week I was watching a Christian movie that has become […]

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01 April 2008 ~ 1 Comment


I have lots of stuff bouncing around in my head to post, but just been too busy or too wiped to get to it this past weekend.  I’ll catch up soon. In the meantime, though, I saw this video over at the Life Church blog.  What a phenomenal idea!  You gotta check this out: I […]

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