Archive | Worship

07 February 2009 ~ 2 Comments

Prophetic Art (Part 1)

This past week was Recreate.  An un-conference in Tenessee that is by far the best church leader gathering around.  Rachel and I had to miss out this year being that we are expecting Micah to show up any day now. But I've been able to kinda follow along via Twitter and blogs.  Definitely not even […]

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18 December 2008 ~ 0 Comments

A Good Reminder

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13 November 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Oh How He Loves Us

I'm really looking forward to introducing this song on Sunday: Her voice totally reminds me of Rita Springer.

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31 October 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Random Worship Ponderings On Halloween

I was quickly perusing a couple of blogs between tasks when I saw this video at Vicky Beeching's blog. First of all, I love Vicky's heart and willingness to take a few minutes to play a song for someone after her concert was done.  It's pretty un-rock star to give value and time to a […]

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08 October 2008 ~ 7 Comments

Worship Oddities

OK. let me preface this by saying, I guess I can see how someone might enjoy this experience.  But I stumbled across this video last week and honestly, this worship experience just seems ODD to me: That being said, I imagine I have probably done a thing or two in my time as a worship […]

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01 October 2008 ~ 1 Comment

My First Guest Appearance

I was a guest blogger today on Rich Kirkpatrick‘s new Tehilla music blog.  It’s a blog aimed toward equipping and encouraging worshippers and leaders.  Go check it out and share your thoughts. And while you’re at it, be sure to visit Rich as well.  Great leader with some great thoughts.  Great friend and road trip […]

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23 July 2008 ~ 1 Comment

Hotseat Post #2

Y’all asked those questions a long time ago!My bad!Time to get on it.I’ll be aring over the next couple of weeks.So here we go with some more. Ryan asked: Who is your current favorite CLC Board Member?Sorry Ryan, gonna have to say Ed.  He is my boss, and he reads my blog.  And as the […]

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24 June 2008 ~ 1 Comment

Newsong Cafe With Brenton Brown

For a small taste of a session here at the Purpose Driven Worship Conference, swing by my Mogulus page to see a 30 minute looping recording from a live webcast of Brenton Brown sharing some new music and thoughts on worship.Enjoy! And let me know you stopped by!

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08 March 2008 ~ 2 Comments

My Sacred Pathways

Was trying to get a hold of Sacred Pathways today to get some thoughts for tomorrows message I’m teaching.  Got it referred by Rich. Unfortunately, NOBODY in the the area had it for sale.  But I did find a test online to find out my Sacred Pathways.  The idea is that we all have different […]

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04 March 2008 ~ 7 Comments

The Heritage Of Hymns

I was having coffee this morning with an amazing couple from our church.  God has birthed in them a growing passion to reach out to the builder generation and the retiring boomers to help them see their continuing value in the body of Christ and his work. We got to talking about music styles and […]

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