Archive | Triathlon

15 July 2010 ~ 4 Comments

I Married A Triathlete!

OK, so maybe she wasn’t a triathlete when I married her, but she sure is now! After trying to convince her for a year and a half that she should try a triathlon, with her telling me she had NO desire, she finally took the plunge.  I chanced upon the way to make it happen […]

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07 February 2010 ~ 1 Comment

Sunday Night Catch Up – ICTN Camp ’10

After our week at the assessment center, Rachel and I had the privilege of attending the annual ICTN triathlon camp in Tucson, AZ. Last year, through Dan, I was invited to come lead worship, an element they hadn’t regularly had.  Micah was due a week or two later, so no way I was getting away […]

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09 May 2009 ~ 5 Comments

Wildflower Long Course ’09 Race Report

Alright friends.  You’ve heard several posts about it, and this actually won’t be the last, but hey, it’s my blog.  Last week I finished my first half-Ironman.  Now, I’m finally getting to my race report. The more I’ve gotten involved with Tri’s recently, the more I’ve read, and the more people I talked to, the […]

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16 April 2009 ~ 1 Comment

March Triathlon Series – A Race Report

So I said this would be coming last week.  Then Easter hit, and Catalyst West Coast is next week, so it’s been hard to find time to hit the blog like I wanted to.  But as promised, here’s a quick rundown on my last race a few weeks ago. If you wanna skip all the […]

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08 April 2009 ~ 1 Comment

Being Humbled – Prelude To A Race Report

A few weeks ago I went on a group ride in Santa Cruz.  A guy was asking what I was training for and we started talking Triathlon.  He asked what my strength is.  I told him at this point I'm just mediocre at all three.  I wasn't trying to lie, but I realized later that […]

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24 February 2009 ~ 3 Comments


Back in Triathlon training again. Time to get back on the wagon. I’ll have some more posts coming about some big upcoming “races”. And it involves you in a BIG way.  But more on that later. But I was running (or trudging) last week and decided mid-run that it was time to lose the mop […]

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21 November 2008 ~ 2 Comments

My Most Expensive T-Shirt

For those of you that missed the Twitter updates, I was unable to participate in the San Francisco Triathlon at Treasure Island a few weeks ago cause my back was too jacked up. We had already paid for a hotel room in Frisco, so we took the night away and stopped by the triathlon to […]

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25 October 2008 ~ 2 Comments

Being Prepared

After my last triathlon, I ended up taking 3 or 4 (or maybe 5) weeks off from training.  After signing up to race again on Nov. 8th.  Big mistake!!  Last week I went for a couple of very painful runs and was realizing how much ground I have really lost.  It hit me that if […]

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20 September 2008 ~ 6 Comments

Pacific Grove Triathlon Recap

I mentioned on Tuesday that I would give a more detailed recap of the race.  So for those who are interested, here was my experience. Swim.  37:51. First of all, a huge thanks to Patty at for hooking me up with a tri wetsuit.  We met up at the expo and she was not […]

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15 September 2008 ~ 4 Comments

Triathlon At Pacific Grove

So, I guess you could say I accomplished one of my goals in the Ragamuffin Top challenge with my second triathlon.  Well…kinda.   Anyway, check out the video below to get a recap and find out how the race went.  And then, this time I really will give you a breakdown of how I experienced […]

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