Archive | CLC

10 May 2007 ~ 2 Comments

The First Of Many…And So It Begins

One thing I like to do is encourage all of y’all to start blogging.  Especially now that I have a whole new community I’m getting to know.  "Why," you ask?  Well, I actually like getting to know you by hearing what you are up to and seeing what interests you around the web.  Don’t know […]

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06 May 2007 ~ 0 Comments

Meet Samuel


Sam is on the worship team at CLC.  Sam is just about to launch a new ministry at CLC, a recovery ministry called Deliverance.  Sam has an awesome story of God’s forgiveness and redemption that we were able to share in the service this morning.  It was awesome getting to have lunch with Sam on […]

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03 May 2007 ~ 1 Comment

Ministry Planning


So today I’m taking a day away from the office to hang out with Jesus, do some reading, and some strategic planning/mapping/whatever you feel like calling it for both connection and worship ministries.  So far it’s been nice. I’m not much of a fast reader, but this morning I sucked down a whole book by […]

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05 April 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Mexican Food

Today for lunch I head out with our pastor, youth pastor and children’s pastor for lunch at Acapulco’s.  It’s a Mexican place downtown in Santa Cruz…thought I’d see how the Mexican grub is up here in NorCal.  Of course I didn’t get a real good feel for it being that, as Jane pointed out, my […]

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05 April 2007 ~ 1 Comment

Too Much Junk

Well the move has been made!!  Except for the rest of my family who is in Canyon Lake until our other car gets fixed.  I miss my wife and son!  Thank you so much to everyone who helped load in Cerritos and unload in Soquel.  You all rock!  And as noted by the title of […]

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13 March 2007 ~ 8 Comments

We Have A Home!

Rachel and I just got back from a trip to Santa Cruz to look for a place to live.  It was a LONG day of looking at about 10 different places.  Thanks a ton to Ed and Julie (the pastor and his wife) for cruisin with us all day.  To be honest, we didn’t expect […]

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05 March 2007 ~ 7 Comments


It was almost three years ago that I was at The Happiest Place On Earth every day.  I was a dwarf.  Sounds funny, I know, but it actually paid quite well and was a fairly steady gig.  At that point in time though, about 6 months or less into married life, I knew God was […]

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